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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Salary: 90$(Shouldn't matter really)


Player Model: Gman


                      Hostage 1-4


Color: (100,138,211,255)


Slots: 2


Description: Protect the bank, if bank is successfully raided, you are demoted for failure to protect the building. 


Job Rules: Auto demote upon bank being successfully raided

                 Legally can print

                 Past set location is KOS to all non bank officials

                 Only Bankers and Guards hired by Bankers allowed to be in the base as a place of residence

                 If one Banker is in the base first and a second Banker comes along, the second one is at the mercy of the first Banker (AKA, B1 says that B2 is not going into the back area, B2 can not get pissy over it)

                 Banker must be inside of the bank, there is no wandering outside. *Events do count as leaving the bank if there is no secondary banker to watch in the meantime

                 Do not remove base after dying in a raid

                 Do not throw the raid and purposefully lose the vault (This is punishable as it's considered FailRP and more harsh than the normal FailRP punishment)


Special Perks of being Banker: Legally printing

                                               Users can deposit money into the vault, Banker getting a bonus pay from the deposit

                                               Users get paid a portion of their deposit

                                               Both Users of the bank and the Bankers have a chance for a special item to be given to their inventory for having a deposit. (Item is yet to be determined what action but ideas listed next)

                                               Item could be a bonus of 1-20k, up chances for better weapon in the Weapon Modifier machine, increase amount of lbs from drugs in a batch

                                               Banker determines if govt are allowed to check the back and CAN deny them entrance




Final thoughts: Bankers should be experienced at building (Totally not making this job to see who can lock down a specific building the best without their CC so nobody can complain about it being unfair)

                        The vault itself should be a changing minigame of some sort, even if it doesn't make sense 100% Such as Sudoku one time and getting a certain score in Tetris another to keep things changing

                        The job is mostly meant to make money for themself, but put them at an increased risk of being raided.



Three potential places for Bank: Spawn warehouse 

                                                  building to the left of the spawn tunnel near fountain(Not the old clothes merchant one) 

                                                  building across from the park (By the harvest seller)

                                                  The (As I call it) Island warehouse across from the usual gunshop base

                                                  F4 Entity


Spawn Warehouse:


This building is not used as it's considered part of spawn, but it could be used as a bank as it's easily accessible as it has multiple entrances which could have multiple things done to them, such as the fence area is just a lobby and garage door for quick drops. I'd propose that the bank starts as soon as you cross the fences and the KOS area is established as soon as you pass the small entrance room. Building here would be moderate difficulty and potentially hard for normal users


Left of Tunnel:


Bosco doesn't use this building anymore and he was the most known for using it, leaving this building as something people just walk past most of the time now a days. One main entrance, but the window increases difficulty. This building offers a front room which can be used as a lobby is if the Banker is very confident in his close quarters building skills and wants to use the mid room while leaving the farthest back for the vault. This building is overall easy to build something to keep people out with if the defender is paying attention at least a little bit. One person who has adequate defense can fend off around 3 people by himself. 


Harvest Buyer Building:


The window, once again, causes problems because it's awkward when you don't want to make the lobby area too wide. This building is easy to build in if you know what to do about the window. Like both areas mentioned earlier, this place also has high traffic from how close it is to spawn. Slightly more difficult than the previous building mentioned to defend by yourself, but still could be done.


Island Warehouse:


Large amount of space, three potential entrances, can easily force users to enter one way over another. Downfall is that this base is recommended to have around two people build as one person should focus on managing the front area where you plan on dealing with raiders and another person covering the other entrance to make sure that nobody is caught off guard. Easily one of the most comfortable bases to build in though, plenty of space can lock down spots with easy by yourself. I have defended this building from up to 5 people raiding together by myself. (At one point I defended this base successfully from two cheaters with aimbot, spin, and walls)



F4 Entity (As comfortable as it gets.):


As the name implies, the Bank is not in one set spot but is bought by a Bank Manager (higher up of just [banker->Bank Manager] with just 1 slot) and can be placed in any base of the Managers' choosing. Like mentioned earlier, the base MUST be able to accommodate users entering, not just KOS through the entire base. Exceptions to this is that if you take one of the buildings that allow drugs to be grown, they are not permitted to use the plots for illegal crops (AKA Only Olive)






How the bank works:


 Players hit E on "models/props_c17/cashregister01a.mdl" and choose how much to deposit (50k max? 1k minimum?) After the deposit is put into the register, the Banker touches it to a "models/props/cs_assault/MoneyPallet.mdl" with the value of the vault above the entity to avoid players faking it


The Banker makes 20% of the deposit every  15 minutes (?) while the customer make 30% at the same rate. Mayor makes 3% of total vault value and corrupt gets 1.5%


One Banker with one max depo = 10k per 15 minutes(?). Let's say that 49 people all have depos. That's 490k every 15 minutes(?) for the banker.


Might sound OP now, but think about the guy who actually could raid it. That's $2,450,000 to the successful raider under the best conditions.(Saying that Sugar wants to make it a 1:1 ratio)


Also, I say 49 because Bankers can not deposit themselves to avoid Bankers getting Bank rate + User rate.


If a user logs off with money in the vault, his investment (based on what Sugar would like) can be returned to him as he had the investment of depositing and the Banker protected his money, or it stays with the bank as to keep the value changing

(This money CAN NOT stay in the vault, reasons below)




Why make the Banker?:


Well, it's high risk high reward. The Bank should be under siege quite often for that delicious vault money, if the Banker can hold out, he is paid handsomely over time.


Not to mention all players with a deposit are passively making money. So people can shut up about printers that are more or less untouchable because nobody wants to raid one group of people for a total of 9 prints and 9 bitcoins that are clunky to move around and actually take.


Raids are very rarely worth doing now. You spend around 150k-500k for blowtorches or how ever much for C4 and you won't get much to cover the cost during the raid.



Points against the Banker:


Hard inflation. In prime conditions $2,450,000 is in the vault which is actual money from players, but inflation is caused by all of the interest serverwide. $1,225,000 entering the server every 15 minutes is a bit much but these are unrealistic numbers because we all know that not everyone will have the 50k to front to make this circumstances happen on top of that they would need to stay in the server.


Let's further the example and say the server is full for a full 24 hours with no crashes and everyone with max depos and nobody steals the Vault with both a Mayor and a Corrupt and only one Banker. 


If I didn't fuck something up:


                                              Each person would make $360,000 each. (Minus Banker)

                                              $11,760,000 for a singular banker.

                                              $1,764,000 Mayoral Bonus

                                              $882,000 Corruption Bonus


                                              $32,046,000 total under these conditions





That's a lot of money, but these are conditions that will never be met. 








If you see any issues with this idea, please point them out as I  don't see everything wrong with what I put down.

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This is a pretty bad idea. Not because it's not got any thought in it, it's because of the state of the economy in the server, or any server.


Money is pretty easy to earn, and it has next to no use. Weapons you can get that are expensive, you never use, as you don't want to lose your money.



Ok, let me explain further.




The economy is pretty broken on the server. You can make a shit ton of money by just planting seeds and giving an NPC some items. Adding the banker idea in would just allow people with ludicrous amounts of money to get even more money out of doing absolutely nothing. Look at Boom Boxean, he has about 150 million dollars, imagine how much he'd make with the bank.


I'm going to bring up something that I asked Sugar to add in and I think it's going to be a pretty neat idea. 


A functioning economy.



Note: This is (probably) going to be a long one.



How it works:


So, the economy would start out with a fairly small amount of money (say $1mil). Whenever you bought anything from the f4 menu or something, that money would go straight into the economy. It's a basic idea, but if it's left unchecked, the economy can go haywire.



How it effects the game:


Whenever you do something that creates money, that will come out of the economy. For example, you have money printers set up in your base, that will slowly drain the economy.


The money in the economy is limited, and once it runs out, major problems start to arise.



All ways of making money stop. They just stop. All money printers, drug NPCs, everything. They just stop, there will be no way to make money apart from trading the existing money already.



Somewhere on the screen, there will be an economy monitor. This will change depending on the state of the economy.


The four states of economic stability are:




Green - Complete economic stability.

  • Achieved by having over $5mil in the economy.
  • No changes to societal behavior

Yellow - Minor economic instability

  • Achieved by having less than $5mil in the economy
  • Police must be more vigilant for illegal money making operations

Orange - Major economic instability

  • Achieved by having less than $1mil in the economy
  • Police will now need less evidence to raid money printing bases
  • Police will now patrol the bank more ruthlessly
  • Mayor is allowed to make legal methods of making money illegal
  • Prices of items from the f4 menu will multiply by two.

Red - Economic Collapse

  • Achieved by having less than $500k in the economy
  • All money printers stop
  • NPCs will no longer give money for anything
  • The value of the economy will be reduced to zero.
  • Prices of entities or shipments will multiply by 10.

Note: To prevent people with millions of dollars from loading money into the economy to prevent it from ever failing, make it so that reaching too high of an economy will immediately cause Economic state Red.



Also, add in a new faction. The anarchists. It's their job to cripple the economy as much as possible and try to make it collapse.


The jobs:


Anarchist Leader: The one that leads the faction, nothing much more to be said.


Anarchist: The basic anarchist job, they have no special abilities.


Anarchist Spy: Given the disguise SWEP that the undercover cop has.


Anarchist Juggernaut: Given the same minigun as the cop juggernaut. The perfect counter for the Police Juggernaut.



Ways to cripple the economy:


  • Raid the bank, this will do major economic damage
  • Set up as many money printers as possible to slowly degrade the economy
  • Kill the mayor, this should take at least $100,000 out of the economy every time he dies.


The bank overhaul:


Now, as the state it's in, the PD bank is too easy to raid to have these crippling effects. The bank needs to be buffed for this update to work.



Now, the steps to robbing the new bank.


Step 1: The Raid


Raid the bank and hold your ground for as long as you need too. Once this has been complete, briefcases full of money will drop from the bank. These won't open for a while, however, leading onto;


Step 2: The Escort 


Take the briefcases back to your base and wait for them to open, however, the entire server will be able to see their location, leading onto;


Step 3: The Siege 


Hold out your base as cops and money-hungry criminals try to get your prize. If you do hold out for long enough, the briefcases open and you can collect your money.



Note, I may add more to this, and feel free to suggest things to add.

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The economy would always stay red since people make way more money than what is bought from npcs etc... Any money put in would get instantly drained by printers and other sources


That's kind of the point, it puts a cap on the economy so you don't see people walking around with 3.4 billion dollars earned every second. And if the economy does go into the red, prices of items skyrocket, so if people bought something, it would massively help the economy.

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I appreciate you guys putting a lot of work into these system but I think there are some issues and I want to explain some things.


The economy is pretty broken on the server. You can make a shit ton of money by just planting seeds and giving an NPC some items. Adding the banker idea in would just allow people with ludicrous amounts of money to get even more money out of doing absolutely nothing. Look at Boom Boxean, he has about 150 million dollars, imagine how much he'd make with the bank.


I would agree with you that seeds basically destroyed the economy but Boxean only has that much money for 4 reasons:

  1.  He had around 40 million legit from actual just farming for MONTHS
  2.  He got an extra 50 million from a stock glitch which was primarily reading the wrong data (making his profits increase by like 1000%) (I didn't take this away because it was honestly my fault but I should of)
  3.  He was smart and invested millions of millions of millions into penny stocks. (Stocks that cost less than a dollar and he invested millions of shares into each stock)
  4. Plus I think he also won the extreme gambler a few times before it was nerfed


The issue is that these systems that you guys presented are controlled by the player's a lot. Now this is fine in some cases but when the reward is over 2 million dollars to completely cripple gameplay then it's bound for some major exploitation.


I don't think that the bank should produce that much money since like I said, it's bound for being exploited. Everyone should have an equal chance to get a lot of money through different systems but I think that is just way too much. There should be an overall cap to how much money the bank can store at one time and I think mixing it in with Glaze's suggestion of getting briefcases and taking them to your house makes a lot of sense 


If this were to happen, I think the overall look of the system would be that:


Player's have an option to invest money but at a risk of it being taken away. They can invest a maximum of 100,000 at an interest rate of 10% every 15 minutes which mean's you're making around 40k every hour on your initial investment. When a player robs the bank, money bags will spawn and an amount from a random deposit account for each bag will be deducted from the player's deposit. This means if I robbed the bank with 10 people with deposits, I may get 5k from a bag from Narf / 20k from a bag from Billy Bob / another 10k from a bag from Narf, ect


Now you're probably saying "Holy shit that sounds terrible. Making money is slow enough as it is. Printers make around 67k with no upgrades" but the thing is, the money will start off slow and exponentially rise and after 3 hours, you already have 225k in the bank.


I also really want to point out that printer's aren't bad in any way shape or form. The only people who complain about printers are the people with millions of dollars. It's not even that their issue was that it printed too little but that it printed "too slow". No one else complains because for the most part, the majority of the people on the server have anywhere from 30k - 300k. 


Out of the 47,000 unique players that have joined our server, 415 of them have above $1,000,000. And 160 of them have above 3 million dollars. And 80% of the people with that kinda cash don't even play anymore since they were from the old printer days where you could make a million in 30 minutes. But I still hate the current printers and bitminers so they will be uniformed at some point.


Money is the only resource in this game that defines anything that you are. These suggestions really only leave the richer more rich and the poorer more poor and it's not an easy problem to solve. The only thing I know is that I can't allow the ludicrous amounts of cash to flow into the economy. Once it's normal to have above 1,000,000 for the average player, then that's when it becomes a real issue. But I digress.


Glaze's system was something I said I always wanted to do and at first I thought his idea of basically stopping gameplay would be pretty cool. Except, now I don't really think  so. When you give player's the ability to actually stop gameplay, they will just leave. DarkRP is supposed to be a very casual gamemode. You join, make a house, print some cash and maybe drildo a hobo once or twice, then you leave. Having simple systems with little risk makes everyone happy.


I used to be all for making the game super serious having all of these really harsh life effects where if you fucked up, you really fucked up. I hated master swords and lightsabers because I thought having that kinda mobility is just stupid. I mean.. I still don't like them but it's w/e at this point. Some of us share the same mindset of having this super harsh quality of life but the majority of people just don't. I won't really argue, it's just not the gamemode really designed for it, hence why I lowered the actual jail time for declining a max fine from 15 minutes to 4 minutes. This gamemode is not supposed to be realistic, it's supposed to be a wonky and janky spin on things that together, make it fun.


You could make robbing the bank require more thought but I think it's best to leave the current bank and then have a more complex system like Tyrant's and Glaze's suggestion kinda mixed. I also think Anarchists would be a pretty cool faction but I can't really think of them as something someone would play. The economy idea overall is good but like I said before, you are putting too much trust / power into the player + there is no negatives for the CP when the economy drops. When you start restricting things and player's don't like that, they will simply leave.






  • Printer's aren't bad, the only people who complain are people who have millions of dollars, because these printer's don't make them millions of dollars.
  • Money is the only resource in the game that means anything, balancing it is rather difficult to make everyone happy
  • Since money is the only resource in the game, it means that it should take a while to get a decent amount of it
  • You shouldn't be making over a million dollars a day or even a million dollars every two days, it really shouldn't work like that
  • The current state of the economy ingame is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (which is why some limits should be placed)
  • These system's rely a lot, if not all on the player which makes it easily exploitable if not handled correctly

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The economy is pretty broken on the server. You can make a shit ton of money by just planting seeds and giving an NPC some items. Adding the banker idea in would just allow people with ludicrous amounts of money to get even more money out of doing absolutely nothing. Look at Boom Boxean, he has about 150 million dollars, imagine how much he'd make with the bank.



My system would try to counter that as someone with 1m feels like they get something, someone who has 50k feels as if they are making a killing, and someone with 150m feels like nothing is changing because he's not making a full 1m every day. 360k(Peak conditions) is a lot to someone with nothing, but someone with money, it barely puts a dent in their wallet.


As Sugar mentioned, the issue is when your average player has 1m. 


Under these peak conditions, it would take 2 days and 7/10ths of a day to make 1m



Peak conditions of money printers (50 players, zero govt, all own prints and bit coins. No upgrades on auto printer and failsafes never trip. No crashes)


$156,750 for purely everything once


$144,000 purely to cost of batteries for one person for 24 hours 


$300,500 To keep printers running for 24 hours for 1 person


You make roughly 1m every four(4) hours. I do it constantly.


1m/4h. 24h/1d. 24/4 = 6. 6m per person. $6,000,000 * 50 = 


$300,000,000 Server wide.


Let's subtract the cost of everything 


$284,975,000 Profit.


Someone tell me how my bank would break the ecomony, and someone else check my numbers to make sure they end up with results like this as well



Now, if anything my bank helps the poor get pocket change. Not helps the rich because the rich have more efficient ways to make money. 2.45m Is all the rich would care about. They want to steal it, they don't care about the long term investment and only want short term money. Stealing the FULL vault of 2.45m just speeds up how much they would get and it punishes everyone with money in the vault. Also 2.45m could be made passively by a user over the course of 6.806 days roughly (163.334 hours) in the same amount of time, you could make 40m via printers

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