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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Buff the damn material prices. It's pretty stupid how long it takes to farm chemicals but they only give $160 per barrel. Same with ALL THE MATERIALS. Sure, wood and metal are easy to get and should be worth $160, but chemicals are worth WAY more than $160.

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Sugar told me to bring it to the suggestions:


My main suggestions are going to be about the PD and the gang system revolving around the PD.



  • Getting experience as a Police officer is the hardest thing, so my suggestion is add every time you fine someone you get experience ---> The bigger the fine = The more experience you get

( I also want to point out that people can abuse this, so maybe a rule would be implemented <-- We can all see the fines in chat)[/align]


  • The PD Gang Perks:





I am going to list what it is currently (Straight from the patch notes):




[align=left]Perks: Police


5 tiers of perks each: Police


Armor Up - Spawn with 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 armor each spawn respectively

Leg Day -  Increase run speed while CP by 4% - 8% - 12% - 16% - 20%

Blood of the Lamb - When you spawn, you spawn with 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 health

Capture Speed - Capturing a gang area is faster by 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 seconds each

Boom - Destroying a raider gang's printer will give you 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 xp each


1 Tier Each

Police Come First - As a cop, you get health and armor for free from the Police Panel

Armory - Pressing E on the police bank will give you ammo

Respected Officer - Bypass the vote to become CP

Glorious Leader - Bypass the vote to become Mayor







Here is what I think it should be:



[align=left]Perks: Police


5 tiers of perks each: Police


Armor Up - Spawn with 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 armor each spawn respectively <-- Cops need more armor, period.

Leg Day -  Increase run speed while CP by 4% - 8% - 12% - 16% - 20% <--- This you can keep/Maybe a Tiny buff

Blood of the Lamb - When you spawn, you spawn with 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 health

Capture Speed - Capturing a gang area is faster by 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 seconds each <--- Going to be removed[/align]

[align=left]Pay raise - Gain more money when you fine someone <--- I think this is on %, so Increase everytime you put 1 point into them

Boom - Destroying a raider gang's printer will give you 10 - 25 - 30 - 50 xp each <-- The reason is because getting proof that a person has printers in there base is really difficult.  Plus when you do a PD raid, there aren't that many printers


1 Tier Each

Police Come First - As a cop, you get health and armor for free from the Police Panel <-- I like this

Armory - Pressing E on the police bank will give you ammo and a flash/smoke grenade <--- I think that would be cool, but not neccessary

Respected Officer and Glorious Leader - Bypass the vote to become CP and Mayor <--- Combine the two perks because there the same thing (kinda)[/align]

Police Sense - Whenever a Non-Police officer or Mayor enters the 2nd door of the CP, it notifies everyone in the gang <-- I just thought of this, not the best idea

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XP based on fine amounts already happens. The reason why is difficult to level up in general is because it's hard to have a system where people cannot abuse it easily. For example, raiding the PD is on a 20 minute CD. Planting things take 8 - 10 minutes. Crafting takes time. New ways to gain XP will be implemented in a bit, as long as the server doesn't die lmao


Fining can be easily abused so the XP doesn't justify it's full potential. Cops also gain 1 XP every 10 minutes. If you have 10 cops on and they are in your gang, your gang will basically be making 10 XP per 10 minutes. The perks with the glorious leader and respected officer won't change since being a mayor is very different from a regular PD. How about


Prepared Officer - Spawn With - 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 rounds per ammo on spawn

Elastic Cuffs - Reach farther with your cuffs - 5%  - 10% - 15% - 20% - 25% more

Straight Shot - Increase your chance to hit a non-lethal shot - 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100%

Backstabber - Drug Dealers will notify the Police Gang when someone sells drugs / illegal contraband

Danger Zone - Spawn with a smoke grenade, HE Grenade, Sledgehammer

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XP based on fine amounts already happens. The reason why is difficult to level up in general is because it's hard to have a system where people cannot abuse it easily. For example, raiding the PD is on a 20 minute CD. Planting things take 8 - 10 minutes. Crafting takes time. New ways to gain XP will be implemented in a bit, as long as the server doesn't die lmao


Fining can be easily abused so the XP doesn't justify it's full potential. Cops also gain 1 XP every 10 minutes. If you have 10 cops on and they are in your gang, your gang will basically be making 10 XP per 10 minutes. The perks with the glorious leader and respected officer won't change since being a mayor is very different from a regular PD. How about


Prepared Officer - Spawn With - 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 rounds per ammo on spawn

Elastic Cuffs - Reach farther with your cuffs - 5%  - 10% - 15% - 20% - 25% more

Straight Shot - Increase your chance to hit a non-lethal shot - 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100%

Backstabber - Drug Dealers will notify the Police Gang when someone sells drugs / illegal contraband

Danger Zone - Spawn with a smoke grenade, HE Grenade, Sledgehammer



I actually like it..... +1 from me

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Radio Host VIP job. A radio would need to be added in that people can spawn in, while the Radio Host spawns in a Control Panel that has multiple channels that a radio can be tuned in on. If a radio is tuned to the Control Panel's channel, either the music playing on the panel will be heard or the Host can set it to project his voice over the radio.


It would have to be VIP since new players and Mic Spammers would go on and mic spam Sanic or cringe music and annoy everyone.


Think about it, this job would add in more RP and fun. Plus, Gangs could get their own Host and play their propaganda on the radio.

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Radio Host VIP job. A radio would need to be added in that people can spawn in, while the Radio Host spawns in a Control Panel that has multiple channels that a radio can be tuned in on. If a radio is tuned to the Control Panel's channel, either the music playing on the panel will be heard or the Host can set it to project his voice over the radio.


It would have to be VIP since new players and Mic Spammers would go on and mic spam Sanic or cringe music and annoy everyone.


Think about it, this job would add in more RP and fun. Plus, Gangs could get their own Host and play their propaganda on the radio.


I want to make a taliban radio




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I think the should be a max limit on how long someone can idle in the fine menu. Such as after 30 seconds they automatically decline the fine.

YESS PLEASE. That happens all the time to me when i fine someone.

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I could have made a staff report about this, but.............


I decided in the end to make a suggestion about this:





To summarize this video for the lazy people on the server:

Do cops have the authority to look through the bounties list and search you down and arrest them?

I ended up killing a mass rdmers and my bounty kept raising because of this.  Of course the person that I help to open this menu, ends up fining me and the reason was bounty.

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