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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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On the same note as the mentions above, a holster option wouldn't be that bad


Like hitting E+R or R+RightClick. 


Left click or the same combo to redeploy the weapon. Make it an arrestable offense to not have weapon holstered if out in public


No. Thatd fuck with weapons like the ptrs and ppsh.

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Revision for raiding. I believe that the current system leaves to much room for people to think they are a victim of someone else breaking a rule.  Ex.  Player X raids Player Y but because player X doesn't see the message player Y has called raid he just thinks that Player X RDMed  him and took his stuff.  I wasn't around when adverting raid was a thing but I think when someone does call raid we need a way that cooldown can still be used but admins won't be called every time someone does a raid.  Many players don't even Know that !raidmenu is a thing.  I didn't til about a week ago when blacnova told me.

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Revision for raiding. I believe that the current system leaves to much room for people to think they are a victim of someone else breaking a rule.  Ex.  Player X raids Player Y but because player X doesn't see the message player Y has called raid he just thinks that Player X RDMed  him and took his stuff.  I wasn't around when adverting raid was a thing but I think when someone does call raid we need a way that cooldown can still be used but admins won't be called every time someone does a raid.  Many players don't even Know that !raidmenu is a thing.  I didn't til about a week ago when blacnova told me.


When I implement the Homeland update in a few days, there will no longer be a raiding cooldown / raid calling. You will just...kinda do it. I remember when I played DarkRP a lot when I was younger (4 - 5 years ago), I absolutely hated when adverting raid became the norm in all servers and I refused to play on servers that had it.


It never used to be like that. It ALWAYS used to be "Hey, wanna raid that house?" "Yea, lets sneak in from the back, they aren't home right now" not:


"/advert Raid, here I come boys!"


Cooldowns were also NEVER a thing. They were implemented because custom classes were unfair and every new player got absolutely demolished and then cried "O.M.G custom classes = OP, server is Pay 2 Win, I am never coming back!". Which was true since back then I allowed RPGs, nerve gas, grenade launchers, explosive mines, ect on classes.


Although, I think I will have to put a cooldown on custom classes since people are going to be so silly and raid the same person 30 times within 30 minutes and then say "Well there are no cooldowns, so why can't I just keep attempting to raid them"


Or maybe I should just add a general rule of thumb: If you fail a raid, don't go back and attempt to do it again, go pick on someone else.


Also for holding guns in public and getting arrested for it...go to any public park or any convenience store and pull out an assault rifle or a shotgun or something. They will definitely not arrest you or shoot you or even be scared. They will just be in awe because your gun looks super cool.

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i think we should have a purge ability for the mayor, It would last 5-10 minutes and all crimes would be allowed. But only weapons in class 1-5 can be used. 

(Class 1: Knifes and other melee weapons 

Class 2: Sport rifles, pump shotguns and other sport weapons 

Class 3: Autopistol, autobolter, bolter, needler or SMG. 

Class 4: Assault rifle or autoshotgun. 

Class 5: Flame gun, grenade rifle and mini-missile launcher )


Also we should have a addon that appears in the top right or it can just be a command, that would show the top five richest people on the server. it would give people a goal to strive toward and also a key on who to raid. it would give the wealthier people a reason to keep farming and raiding and such to get on top 

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