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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by �Bob�

  1. :kappa: looks better on your head, you look like a rich guy from Dubai
  2. so can we consider it metagaming if they use the info from the scoreboard? aka the job color or the job color above your head
  3. yeah people metagame when they see this.. it ruins the job.
  4. sorry president, its word against word. there need to be adverts for mug and raid.
  5. Yes, why else would cops have access to the bounty list? Just to look at it and say "Daaaaaaaamn this guy has a fucking huge bounty, glad i'm not that guy!" As a cop you can see who they killed, when they killed them and if they raided the PD. If you kill someone in self defense, you call the cops and tell them "Hey, this guy just tried to raid me, I killed him in the process, can you reset my bounty so the bounty hunter doesn't come and kill me" Or even "Hey, this guy just tried to raid me, I killed him in the process, can you reset my bounty so you guys don't try to arrest / fine me" -1 to kill myself I guess this gives a reason for cops to raid people's houses also makes being a pd more fun.
  6. bump: mr presidents post +1 mr presidents post
  7. ok, well make the undercover cop class have the ability to change skins. ( such as the pedo) and he can change his job name and shit
  8. Im looking at this, and this can add a few jobs as well, like undercover cop, with skins like, Drug Dealer, or Bloods/Crips or other things. and it should be a VIP job only for the reason people will abuse it and arrest everyone not knowing how to RP. I totally agree with the undercover cop. I think the biggest problem with PD "Raiding" people is that they don't really get a chance to have proof of what's inside the base. Undercover cops are an actual thing, and they would make friends with illegal/Naughty people and then PD would storm inside. Think about Fast and Furious, with Brian (Paul walker) as an Undercover cop trying to get evidence of Dom (Vin deasel) as a illegal street racing and heists. Even though this is a movie, this actually happen in IRL. I think this can bring some interesting Role playing, but I can see there are going to need to have a lot of rules placed around it. +100 to cullens post about undercover cop. ive seen some servers have a disguise kit that lasts from 120-300 seconds. It has a charge rate that allows you to disguise longer or shorter periods as many jobs. ( drug dealer, crip,blood,meth cook, rebel, theif, raider, hitman
  9. also sugar, if you can, fix the bug/ ability to hit the escape key on the keyboard when kidnapped and youll be able to see where you are.
  10. a new place or two to sell harvested drugs... money gets stolen all the time from one place.
  11. i have the same problem as KillerBob, None of my bigger base dupes, dupe correctly. sometimes the props will not all spawn in or be colored...
  12. you also have to advert when the raid is over.
  13. ^^^^^^^ just no cool down. i wouldnt mind this.
  14. This would be a shitstorm imo, we can't really go ahead and turn TitsRP into a purge server on a whim. True, but only the mayor could do it and it could only happen like every 6 hours or so You obviously don't know how stupid some people are. They will see a purge and assume that this is a death match server and just rdm all the time. Yeah, i guess i didnt really take that into account. it would also stress the " custom class = pay to win" i dont know man im just throwing ideas out or a addon so whenever someone gets killed it drops " evidence" that the dective could pick up that would tell info about the crime. A call locator for the 9/11 calls would be pretty good too.
  15. i think we should have a purge ability for the mayor, It would last 5-10 minutes and all crimes would be allowed. But only weapons in class 1-5 can be used. (Class 1: Knifes and other melee weapons Class 2: Sport rifles, pump shotguns and other sport weapons Class 3: Autopistol, autobolter, bolter, needler or SMG. Class 4: Assault rifle or autoshotgun. Class 5: Flame gun, grenade rifle and mini-missile launcher ) Also we should have a addon that appears in the top right or it can just be a command, that would show the top five richest people on the server. it would give people a goal to strive toward and also a key on who to raid. it would give the wealthier people a reason to keep farming and raiding and such to get on top
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