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Some rule changes for Terrorist.


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Hi, I'm someone who is incredibly passionate about the terrorist job, and it's my all time favorite thing about titsrp, handsdown. 

Being someone so passionate and dedicated to this job, I've noticed it's glaring flaws that I think should be fixed.

1. Add "However if a civilian threatens you in any way, you may kill them without warning." to "You can only kill cops for the first 5 minutes. If you're still alive after that time, you can kill civilians." 

This would eliminate a very common problem for terror attacks. Users attacking you before you can attack them. Too many times are my terror attacks cut short because someone kills me because I cant attack them first. Someone can walk right up to me and stare me down with a big ass choppa and I can not shoot them until they attack. If I warn, I still cant shoot first without waiting that timer, and only noobs don't shoot you before you shoot after warning them 3 times.

This would make it so that if someone near you is chilling and pulls out da choppa, and you can't trust them,  then you can execute them right there and not have to stress about whether you can trust them or not. 

This might cause a couple issues staff wise, but I see it generally being easy to defend yourself if you nab a quick screenshot showing them with the gun, or some shit. Literally all this would require is a press of a button.

This wouldn't let people really just walk around and gun people down, because you can't really defend doing that. "Oh everyone i saw had guns and were threatening me, but didnt attack me a single time" I think the key here, as for most sits, is damage logs, and show nlr, if someone makes the claim "I didnt do anything threatening, as you can see, I wasn't even close to the terrorist, and I never damaged him" That's really easy to make a decision on if the terrorist has nothing to support his case. 

However if someone goes, "yeah I was right next to the terrorist, however I didn't do anything threatening" I think this should be responded with "Well you shouldn't have been near the terrorist"

I really don't see many scenarios where this would be bad, only time I see it failing is if a terrorist walks up to one random person, who is completely alone in the streets, guns him down, then makes a sit. I also don't see this encouraging illegal mass rdm, as either multiple people will make reports, or the terrorist is going to get absolutely gunned down. Going out in hot spots as a terrorist is not a good idea if you want to last very long.

The only other option I see for this, is just removing the 5 minute timer all together, and have it be a mass rdm fest right off the spot.

2.)  Change "You cannot be inside or on a building during an attack. You must be outside AND on the streets/sidewalk." to "You cannot be in or on a building, underground,  or at the ocean/beach during an attack. You must be outside AND on the streets/alleys/sidewalks."

This clarification would provide absolutely NO room for error on how you can enact a terror. Currently I can't name a single time (except for noobs) that someone has done a terror and stay on the actual road/sidewalk. EVERYBODY goes to alley streets, the basketball court/industrial alleys/etc. Nobody in their right mind sits in the middle of the street during a terror, and I think this clarification would just really benefit the job.

3.) Maybe consider letting terrorists use SBC Cannons AFTER their five minute timer is up? This would prevent any actual Mass RDM while letting terrorists absolutely cake the streets with the bodies of innocents. I think with all the nerfs sbcs have gotten, re-adding them to terrorist might be a good idea.

4)Make the AK be overridden when equipping a enchanted ak, or all guns that are default, so we can equip enchanted guns when we have defaults in our inventories

5) Add "You may NOT party assist terrorists actively terroring under ANY circumstances" to the job description or MOTD to help clear up any confusion anyone might have on that.

These are just my personal suggestions that I think would really benefit my favorite job without making it OP. 

Edited by Blue.
added many edits to reflect the discussion in the comments.
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[ +1 For Most ]

I do like some of these ideas, but I feel as though some of them aren't really needed.

For the first suggestion, I don't think this should be added, being killed by a rando is part of the risk you take while having a terror attack.

Suggestion #2 actually does kind of make sense, I support it.

For the second suggestion, I completely support this one, I've seen a few people loophole by going to the island and hiding in one of the shipping containers lol.

For the third, considering how small the clip size is on an sbc cannon, I think this would be a good fit for the class overall, it would definitely make terrorist a more fun job.

Last but not least, the fourth suggestion, no, don't remove the ak from the class, it's kind of a staple when it comes to a terrorist job, I can't see removing it doing any good.

Edited by Raccoons
blue convince me
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1 hour ago, Raccoons said:

For the first suggestion, I don't think this should be added, being killed by a rando is part of the risk you take while having a terror attack.

Keep in mind, said rando can come back as often as they feel, and in the end, I often die to swarms of angry players, its kinda funny how everyone kinda works together in that sense lol.

1 hour ago, Raccoons said:

Last but not least, the fourth suggestion, no, don't remove the ak from the class, it's kind of a staple when it comes to a terrorist job, I can't see removing it doing any good.

Now that you mention it yea, this is fine. Maybe (and this goes for any job) make it to where if you have a default weapon, and you equip a enchanted version, it overrides that weapon, and if you pocket it, it either disappears, or reverts to the old default.

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3 minutes ago, ajax5206 said:


Yes. SBC cannons should be back. If anyone can kill terrorists with literally anything, then terrorists should too. I don't get why terrorists are restricted anyway. Real terrorists have used literally anything they can to cause terror for their cause. 

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