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Balance changes.


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Let's face it, probably over half of the guns Tits has aren't being used.


Why? Because they're shit. Literal shit.

Like the default weapons are 99% ass. Here's a small list of the good ones;

AS-Val and AWP. (You can kiss my ass if you think these aren't meta)

Tell me the last time an old time player, who knows the meta, has used a Kz.47 (or whatever sniper it is) or an m24. You know why no one uses them unless they're enchanted? Their scopes are shit. Literally ass. ASS. The Remington shotgun (that has a scope on it) and the HKSL8's scopes are just fine, except for their crosshair. ITS LITERALLY A FUCKING GIANT RED DOT MADE IN PAINT THAT'S NOT EVEN CENTERED PROPERLY. THE RED FUCKING DOT COVERS 60% OF THE SHIT YOU'RE AIMING AT.

I suggest making all scopes on any scoped weapon be the same as the CS:S AWP/Scout's scope. Maybe you can choose which one you want using !help or something.


There are so many more things that need to be changed, I will post them here in this thread when I calm down.


I suggest if you have anything weapon related to post it in the comments

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56 minutes ago, ajax5206 said:

I see 90% of guns only used in RDM zone.


Guns in general needs a revamp. But the biggest issue for the meta right now is double pumping.

Why are guns that are designed to be nerfed by their firerate able to be shot 4-5 times in 1 second? Quickly switching between 2 shotguns allows you to deal damage that isn't really able to be matched unless you adopt the trick as well. It ends up making shotguns dominate both close distance and medium distance shootings.


An easy fix would be to just put a cooldown on lastinv to prevent people from switching between guns so frequently, but the playstyle of double pumping has been so happily adopted by the majority of people who actually base/raid.


You can't really fix that ~90% of guns are unused when you leave the option of killing someone with full hp + full armor in less than 1 second.

what he said

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this needs more attention

some of the shit i mentioned seems like an easy fix (im no developer so i’m just assuming) 

the hk that i mentioned in the post, it’s scope’s crosshair is literally an off centered HUGE RED DOT. correct me if i’m wrong, but i feel like all you have to do to fix this is edit a texture file and possibly realign where the dot is. 

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I'm going to be honest. I do not think there is a very easy way of fixing this issue. Yes I would like to see different meta guns or not having the as val be the best at everything mid-range but there is always going to be a gun that will be on top. 

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4 hours ago, Mori said:

I'm going to be honest. I do not think there is a very easy way of fixing this issue. Yes I would like to see different meta guns or not having the as val be the best at everything mid-range but there is always going to be a gun that will be on top. 

Of course one gun is always going to be on top, but what’s the point of having any other guns? The other guns should be able to at least compete and make people go, “Hey I think x is better than y for reasons.” “Hey I see where you’re coming from. I do see how that could rival y, but I still think y is better.” Not just some shit like, “I think x is better than y for reasons.”

”Shut the fuck up you absolute retard.”


If there is no competition then why don’t we remove all the guns except the best in each category so there is only AS-Val, AWP, etc.

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1 hour ago, USN peepoo said:

shotguns should be nerfed and the spas 12 and its reskins mega nerfed thats literally all they gotta do and probably revamp how weapons work

Why do the reskins need to be meganerfed?

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