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Stalkers/Master stalkers should be able to mic spam

USN peepoo

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I was a hobo mic spamming we get turnt up and i was following this new player who didnt know how to mute peoples voices. Was doing it for 20 minutes straight and then he came into spawn punched me then left. I think this could be incorporated into stalkers as they stalk their target since it could be even more jarring to the person being stalked if someone is playing a repetitive song. This should also change the description about them "you dont talk" since you arent talking but mic spamming.

*edit: i just made another person leave*

Edited by USN peepoo
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Congrats, you just admitted to harassing a new player to the point of making them leave. Remind me again why you think that shit is funny? Follow up question, how long do you think you'll last here before you go the way of OG Bot?

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Did you read my suggestion at all @Cobaselic? I said it for the stalker job for it to rp with. I never asked for a multitude of jobs, just the stalker job since it is very lackluster. And if you want to say going stalker and stalking someone for a long time is harassing a player you're just very stupid.

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27 minutes ago, DANUTERCISD said:

This isn't really related to the job, as hobo micspams to try to gain money/attention. I agree with supermarioben, they STALK people. Not only that, harassing new people for your own amusement? Jesus christ man. Just let them be, bro. That's fucking pathetic, man. I enjoy the micspam aspect of hobos, but what is the point of targeting new people? They're gonna think the server is full of toxicity right on the bat. This is one of the reasons why titsrp gets so much undeserved hatred. -1

I made a suggestion saying how micspamming could be incorporated into the stalker/master stalker job as a way for them to stalk their targets more closely. This wasn't a suggestion saying "You should be able to micspam newer players for your own amusement" No where did I say or try to prove that.  Literally all your looking at is when I said that i micspammed as a hobo and 2 players left, not my suggestion. I really don't know if you're opinion on my suggestion would change had I not added in that. And i dont really know what you're talking about how titsrp "gets so much undeserved hate" which I highly doubt you would know anything of. 

Edited by USN peepoo
grammar /\/
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I commented on both things. Stalker role is meant to be sneaky, like an actual stalker, which is why mic spam would not be needed for the class. The purpose isn't really to annoy the person you're stalking, but to unerve and creep them out. I also think I do know at least a bit about titsrp, but I'll keep myself on the downlow when talking about the server. Overall, I just think that you are just saying this suggestion, so that you can have another class to micspam with, as I can denote from your posts 

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However, the stalker job is really unable to be sneaky without the undercover perk. Even with the perk you are barely noticeable as a stalker. Regarding what you said about them being sneaky, the only sneaky that can be is just not typing and looking at people as cobaselic said which
1: Isn't very fun nor rp'able at all especially for a job like it
and 2: doesn't provide anything for the job to work with. Although you could use the undercover perk and go as a hobo and micspam its really just up to that.
I do believe that being able to micspam would unnerve and creep the person you are stalking up closely but it isn't a suggestion to force them you could still just stand from a distance with your camera out looking at people from afar who will more often than not just ignore you thereby making your entire reason to go as it worthless. Also afaik most players who do go stalker are usually newer players who don't know how it works and just use the drilldo to attack other people. I rarely see any new or older player go as the stalker job to actually stalk any players. 
And by the way I am not trying to have another job to "just micspam" I would love to see a better change for the job and many other jobs that are outdated and can't really be used in the situations their job requires.

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