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Levels for fishing??


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I’m sure you have gotten this a lot, but my idea was that there could be levels added to fishing. These levels would increase the chances of getting better loot. The reason I am suggesting this is because it’s annoying to spend hours fishing and to just get the same crappy police alarms over and over...

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The problems here is that what chances of increase are you looking to get?


Like I’d be +1 because of it being basically the same alarms over and over. Buuuuuuut that being said. We buffed it a few times already. Your levels can give you more fish on the circle if you choose that leveling perk and you can make a carbon fishing rod where you get ONLY items instead of fish. In which you make LESS money that way.

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1 hour ago, nanights98 said:

Anything with fishing I’ll +1

Nerf fishing completely



In regards to the suggestion I think its fine as is, I don't think it's a good idea to add influences to what you catch, keeping it random is more fair imo

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