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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Geeko

  1. trying to make a dupe and can't find the fading door addon the server uses. sex.
  2. I’m sure you have gotten this a lot, but my idea was that there could be levels added to fishing. These levels would increase the chances of getting better loot. The reason I am suggesting this is because it’s annoying to spend hours fishing and to just get the same crappy police alarms over and over...
  3. Alright, I just made it again
  4. Hey, this morning I made an application and some time before the forums updated, I have three replies on my app. When the update was finished, 2 of the most recent replies were deleted. I know this may not be in your control but if it is please help when possible
  5. Geeko

    Name Change

    Hey, I'm wondering if a mod can change my name to Geeko. That would be great
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