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A new script for gigamutes


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Since people love using the N word so much, how about we make is so that on a chat event, when the text contains the N word or multiple variations of it being said (Example: https://gist.githu...54b08 *WARNING: CONTAINS RACIST REMARKS AS AN EXAMPLE!*). then it cancels the event of it being said and gigamutes (and maybe warns) the person. It would make is so much faster for people with low brain power that wanna be funny mans to get muted instead of moderators typing in stuff steadily and then having a chance for a small hiccup to accidentally muting another person. Its a simple script that should remove wasting of our time

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-1 Simply because someone -rep'ed me in game for the hard R and i would like to be able to flex it without having big brother script gigamuting/warning me.

Also because if you say it to someone not in ooc/yell/pm's why should anything happen to you unless someone is actively searching for chat logs to see if you said anything bad.

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think it would be bypassed easily buy just doing something like this unless sugar makes it so it tries to find people who try to do it, for example  n word n w o r d nw0rd


Understandable, maybe also adding a moderator tool dedicated to blacklisting words and making it so you cant use that word until admins disapprove of it being blacklisted or approve of it leading to gigamutes upon being said?

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