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Walter's Report on Sugar Tits [Vid+Legal Documents Included]

Walter the Assaulter

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Your Steam Name: Walter the Assaulter

Your ingame name: Walter the Assaulter

Your Steam Profile/SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/waltertheassaulter

Who are you reporting? (Their name and profile): Sugar Tits (owner)

Reasons why you are reporting:

The Council of Former Smods has come together to review the evidence, and found out the truth behind why you crash/timeout when loading in.

  • Sugar has set up a peer-to-peer sharing network that backdoors into your client when you connect to TitsRP.
  • This backdoor forces your PC to download porn and bitcoins and stores it on the TitsRP server.
  • Since your client is limited to 4gb ram, he makes his money from people who turtle base. This is why basing is so strong.
  • The code for these backdoors are stored in the pedophile model, this is why he's aos, to throw off the trail
  • Sugar's porn preferences are shit.
  • He won't fix my visual glitch, my rank is still displaying as Admin instead of Head Admin





happy 2000 walter posts, may we have 2000 more cancerous tumors in the years to come

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