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Trading Post/Station


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hecko, im Mr Smiley, i would like to suggest a trading post/vending machine idea to the server, i feel that the ability to share item's i come across in my adventure in the TiT's Rp server with other players would be really helpful and less complicated with player to player verbal conversations.


IDEA: Trading Station.

Effect: Simple trading and economy building method of reliable trade's.

Reason: To help the flow of item need and traffic/ and to show of your prize's to the world.  


2nd Effect: Player's can make there own set price's for there own item's like ore, wood, and chem worth.

2nd Reason: To help player's find items they are looking for to help further there own progression in tasks/quests.


Thank you so much for reading my post if you have. I've only been apart of this community for about a week know and i can say after the period of time that has passed, i believe it would really help the integrity and originality in the server community.     THANKS!

Very Respectfully: Mr Smiley

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