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Purple Gladiator�


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Purple Gladiator�

  1. Every single action in the R menu of the Keys is default from Garry's Mod (and I believe Source as a whole). Making new animations would take a heck of a lot of work, and I don't think Sugar has the time to set up Mocap to make some new animations you can dodge bullets to.
  2. Expanding upon Sea Bear's Report of kisses removing talismans Bug Description: Kissing/being kissed will remove/restore a player's armor How to reproduce: Be kissed as a job that does/does not have armor. Priority: Medium
  3. +1 Big font is needed for attention grabbing this essential addition to the server.
  4. Description: When giving a kidnapped person their items back, they are usually missing most of said items. Appears to happen mainly on a CC How to reproduce: Kidnap a player (preferably one who is using a CC) and then return their items to them Priority: Medium
  5. Seeing all of you little shits charging into the PD at mach 11 was truly life changing.
  6. I'm not sure if you were at the community meeting recently, but this is something that was brought up and Sugar took notice of. Soon, mi amigo. Soon.
  7. "Because it wasn't a law it's ok" Yup. You can't make a single person exempt from laws, but you can allow certain people into the PD as Mayor at your own request. It's better to ask for a CP to escort them, or just not let people inside at all.
  8. Update: While we don't deserve rights I should at least be given the rank on the forums. Y'all did also kinda forget to give me TMod role in the Discord too until it was spammed.
  9. You can buy lockpicks for what amounts to pocket change here, and the issue was that these hackers demoted mayors the very second they were elected into office. And yes, you can demote through the office screen, not just through the Election NPC. Unless the mayor shoots him first? Which was usually the case.
  10. Issue some people have is that they'll camp in the side rooms in the Mayor's Office when there's very few PD on and only come out to demote mayor, and the hacker at the time was an individual with a lot of weapons/armor, so killing him, especially as a new(er) player just trying to be mayor is hard.
  11. Earlier, an individual was playing as hacker and camping in the Mayor's Office and spam demoting every single mayor that got elected. Nothing in the rules states this is against the rules, and the only thing that can be done is to arrest the hacker. The amount of Hack Points required to demote the Mayor is 4, which is REALLY low and should be changed to something higher to prevent this, as well as making it against the rules to camp inside of the PD with the sole purpose of demoting mayors en mass. About 7 Mayors were demoted by this one hacker, and one of them got exceptionally mad and RRDM'd the guy doing it. TL;DR - Make demote mayor hack points increased from 4 to something like 7-8 Make against rules for hackers to camp mayors office and spam demote mayor.
  12. I figured that was the case but it didn't reproduce when I was in single-player.
  13. I fully agree that it should remain but be dropped quite a bit. 500k maximum, around 250k minimum.
  14. I can confirm that we do not deserve rights.
  15. When I first got GMod, I only played Sandbox, then got into TTT. TTT's actually where I got the name Purple Gladiator™ from. So it means a bit more to me then DarkRP (7 years ago now, holy shit.)
  16. Description: Upon first joining/spawning/switching jobs, the toolgun always blanks out and doesn't show its UI, similar to how cameras remove all UI. Only applies to the toolgun help/keys it provides directly on screen How to reproduce: Spawn in/switch jobs and equip toolgun Priority: Low
  17. Description: Officers can't make me pay my bounty How to reproduce: Cuff me and try to make me pay my bounty, which was about 11k at the time of this. Priority: Low I asked a user to cuff me, and when he made me pay a fine we couldn't check because it reset my bounty somehow. Earlier, Slick and another staff member had cuffed me multiple times to try and get me to pay it but they couldn't, so Slick reset my bounty initially.
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