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Loop holing Laws.


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So I got onto the server and I became cp went into the jail cells. There was an anime girl in there.  Pd laws were that pd is kos, and default rule is obviously past 2nd door in pd is aos. I arrested the anime girl and a officer unarrests the anime girl. I call a sit claiming it was an unfair arrest and a staff member claims that they cant deduct that they were past 2nd door in pd. I give him the deductive info to prove it and he completely ignores me. Saying well bud i cant do anything unless you have evidence. So I tell him just to bring the guy and he does and the guy admits he was past 2nd door. So he asks why and he says the mayor said not to arrest that person or kill him. I said it says in the motd it states not to make a law to make someone above the law. He says because it wasnt a law its ok. ( this is a story i dont wanna make a report but the staff member could use some training.) 


So basically what im trying to say is confirm it is against the rues or make it against the rules. It overides the rule of past 2nd door in pd is aos.

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So I got onto the server and I became cp went into the jail cells. There was an anime girl in there.  Pd laws were that pd is kos, and default rule is obviously past 2nd door in pd is aos. I arrested the anime girl and a officer unarrests the anime girl. I call a sit claiming it was an unfair arrest and a staff member claims that they cant deduct that they were past 2nd door in pd. I give him the deductive info to prove it and he completely ignores me. Saying well bud i cant do anything unless you have evidence. So I tell him just to bring the guy and he does and the guy admits he was past 2nd door. So he asks why and he says the mayor said not to arrest that person or kill him. I said it says in the motd it states not to make a law to make someone above the law. He says because it wasnt a law its ok. ( this is a story i dont wanna make a report but the staff member could use some training.) 


So basically what im trying to say is confirm it is against the rues or make it against the rules. It overides the rule of past 2nd door in pd is aos.



That's basically Mayor's orders. Yes the law said x, but the Mayor can say in pd group chat to not arrest y because he wanted him in the PD. Since the Mayor can fire cp, there's an incentive to not disobey the Mayor's orders.

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So I got onto the server and I became cp went into the jail cells. There was an anime girl in there.  Pd laws were that pd is kos, and default rule is obviously past 2nd door in pd is aos. I arrested the anime girl and a officer unarrests the anime girl. I call a sit claiming it was an unfair arrest and a staff member claims that they cant deduct that they were past 2nd door in pd. I give him the deductive info to prove it and he completely ignores me. Saying well bud i cant do anything unless you have evidence. So I tell him just to bring the guy and he does and the guy admits he was past 2nd door. So he asks why and he says the mayor said not to arrest that person or kill him. I said it says in the motd it states not to make a law to make someone above the law. He says because it wasnt a law its ok. ( this is a story i dont wanna make a report but the staff member could use some training.) 


So basically what im trying to say is confirm it is against the rues or make it against the rules. It overides the rule of past 2nd door in pd is aos.


"Because it wasn't a law it's ok"

Yup. You can't make a single person exempt from laws, but you can allow certain people into the PD as Mayor at your own request. It's better to ask for a CP to escort them, or just not let people inside at all.

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Here is the rule for you : Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise


This states that when theres no mayor or the mayor doesn't make a law about the PD then its AOS past second doors.


The mayor cannot make people above the law thats true your right there but this is a obvious exception In case the mayor wants to meet with somebody in his office or inside the PD and if you AOS when you should have KOS then your not following the laws that the mayor made so the mayor can unarrest them

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  • 2 weeks later...

so the person wasnt allowed to be arrested but was allowed to be killed? ok sure.  but what if he wasnt allowed to be kos'd inside the pd then that makes them exempt from the laws so ?  ?? ? 

if the mayor wanted to meet up with them but pd was kos, and someone killed them can he fire that person because he said they weren't kos? But then that would be failrp as he made a user above the law stating pd is kos.

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Yourself. I don’t know if you’re being intentional or not with your question...


If someone wants to meet up with the mayor right? And the CP came grabbed him brought him to the mayor it isn’t making him above the law. It’s creating better RP


Second, he could have been fired for arresting the guy as the law was changed from the default law.


The only laws you CANT change are the first 3 that are already in place under !laws.

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