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PD raid Event shouldn't be allowed if there isn't enough CPs


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A possible solution is to set a minimum player requirement rather then a minimum cop requirement; say 30 players on otherwise the event isn't created. I've already stated why I don't think any changes are really required, I do see Zek's point but overall it seems like most people aren't bothered by it.

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A possible solution is to set a minimum player requirement rather then a minimum cop requirement; say 30 players on otherwise the event isn't created. I've already stated why I don't think any changes are really required, I do see Zek's point but overall it seems like most people aren't bothered by it.


I don't think the only factor for a change is "if people are bothered by it" . I could exploit 100mil and resell it for under the average price and people wont even be bothered by it BUT they will EVEN profit out of it. There is way more factors than you think to judge a situation.


Thank you for the suggestion, but I still think CP requirement is better because their job is based around the PD. Even if there is 30 people, most of them are basing, AFK or doing something away from the PD.

you can do this with any event, vip events can even give you  2 tokens back instead of 1, its just how it works man.


if someone wants to grind for a long time waiting long time periods for a PD heist, then what do you want us to say, ya know?


I'd suggest reading my replies and other people's reply before replying further to this thread.


Events are meant to be fun and not to grind (said by the creator of these events himself)


VIP event still prompts a challenge, because it chooses someone randomly, which means they can't systematically do it for gains and second of all the VIP is a challenge in itself because it has a lot of hp and guns. While the PD event has no challenge in the circumstances I said prior to your reply.

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I did read your replies, and my point is that if someone wants to use their event tokens, who are we to stop them from using something they gained on their own behalf.


I am sorry if I sound rude, but I really don't understand how you got the moderator rank.


Let me explain how your point is flawed

I remember someone abusing the phones you use to call the police. You could buy them for cheap on the PD panel and then resell them to general buyer at a much higher price. Someone made a script to buy a lot of them and sell them. From your perspective the guy bought the cellphones "from his own behalf" and who are we to tell him not to see the phones and make money?


My argument is not simply, "because events are meant to be fun therefor let's remove prizes and gains". It's more like : The moderator who abused it is not spamming the event because he finds fun in it, he does it because he knows that their is a lot of gains from it. He legit spammed it 6 times in 1 hour, he probably made the same amount of money you'd make if you base for 15-20 hours in less then 1 hour without doing anything and you call this fair? He's abusing of the number of population and CPs on the server. This makes the economy unstable and most people wont see the change that's why "they aren't bothered" .

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Pardon me, but I don't see the relevance in basing for 15-20 hours as if you know how to base you can make easily 40 mil in that time-span. I do understand your point about the CP being unpopulated and I agree with that, but I do not understand why you think I shouldn't be a moderator off the basis of a comment, although you are entitled to your own opinion and I am not the type to stop you from having one, all I am trying to say is that event tokens are hard to come by and if someone is smart enough to use it in a way to prove beneficial for themself I simply don't see a problem with it, but I do agree with the event not being done with less CP, due to the same thing with PD bank heists not being able to be done without a certain amount of police force. I don't understand why you have to insult though lol.

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When I raided the bank during one of these events, I got 10 shipments, each around 1k. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, and say maybe 20-30k worth of shit on average. The tokens cost 1m. I can also attest that the person who was starting these events did it for the fun, not for the profit. 


On top of that, CP can break NLR during the event, turning the 1-3 CP online at the time to unlimited, as long as the event goes on. This is the effectively the same as having more CP. I don't see much of an issue with this.

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Pardon me, but I don't see the relevance in basing for 15-20 hours as if you know how to base you can make easily 40 mil in that time-span. I do understand your point about the CP being unpopulated and I agree with that, but I do not understand why you think I shouldn't be a moderator off the basis of a comment, although you are entitled to your own opinion and I am not the type to stop you from having one, all I am trying to say is that event tokens are hard to come by and if someone is smart enough to use it in a way to prove beneficial for themself I simply don't see a problem with it, but I do agree with the event not being done with less CP, due to the same thing with PD bank heists not being able to be done without a certain amount of police force. I don't understand why you have to insult though lol.


"and if someone is smart enough to use it in a way to prove beneficial for themself I simply don't see a problem with it"

So you don't mind people who find smart exploits and use it to their own advantage?

When I raided the bank during one of these events, I got 10 shipments, each around 1k. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, and say maybe 20-30k worth of shit on average. The tokens cost 1m. I can also attest that the person who was starting these events did it for the fun, not for the profit. 


On top of that, CP can break NLR during the event, turning the 1-3 CP online at the time to unlimited, as long as the event goes on. This is the effectively the same as having more CP. I don't see much of an issue with this.


Again, stop using the "it costs 1mil therefor it's not worth it to spam it" because you gain your token back.


I still don't understand what is fun from clicking E and waiting, obviously it's a gamble but when you hit the good items you make good amounts of money. Also again, if you don't show the probabilities of these drops, don't give random averages. Because like I said, I got light sabers and howls while you got crap, so don't make assumptions.


He isn't making 100mil, but he is still abusing the event to get the prize that can get him quite some money. I haven't been following how much the prices of each item dropped, but I still know some items are worth quite a bit and that you can get from these shipments.

To be honest here zek, I'm thinking this thread should be closed if you continue to insult those who have a different opinion. You did it to me multiple times, and now you've done it to watermelone.


Calm down mister passive agressive, stating that someone shouldn't be a moderator that takes care of sites and helps people isn't an insult.

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