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General Map Change Questions


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is the update still going as planned and going to be up tomm?  :)


Well, I don't want to be the debbie downer here but after coding these systems for 8 - 10 hours a day for the past 8 days straight, I am pretty burnt out so I took a small breather for the past 2 days  and just did some UI stuff and making all of my entities and systems connected. Now, I am starting where I left off. The bulk of it is done, it's just kind of barebones as of right now. For example, if I was to release this update this second you would not be able to get guns since 

  • F4 Menu is disabled, F1 menu is now default + F4 is for cops
  • Gun Smiths can't make guns as of right now
  • There is no NPC that sells firearms (which I am working on right now)

This also goes for entities. If you wanted a money printer of some sorts, you can't do that. If you wanted to make meth, uhhh sorry. But this will be added in before this update goes live.


I had Erston and Gazooks play test it for approximately 15 - 20 minutes. Then Erston got off and I followed shortly after. I never really asked what kind of feedback there was other than finding a few bugs here and there which I fixed but besides that, I don't have too much info on what they liked, what they didn't like and ect.


Again, Tuesday was still a placeholder date. Don't think I stopped working on the update, this is going to be huge. With over 70 actual changes followed by 170+ changelog note I am pretty stoked to show you all of it at some point.

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Well I did some work on the firearm menu. I am starting to learn that design work really is not my thing but at least its coming along




edit: I just realized how well the picture blends in with the forums

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Well I did some work on the firearm menu. I am starting to learn that design work really is not my thing but at least its coming along




edit: I just realized how well the picture blends in with the forums


Why do the SMGs say, "I love to poop" ?

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Why do the SMGs say, "I love to poop" ?


y not


Interesting :-/   SMG are going to be free :D


Well it was mostly a test to see how the text would look lmao. But I just rewrote how it grabs information so it's so much easier to add / remove / modify. Now just have to make it so you can BUY the weapons



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