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Public Bases Are Flawed


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Public Bases 80% of the time without a problem, you can have your bar, fishing spot, restaurant, etc. with no problem whatsoever. But what happens when a minge will do everything in his power to make your chill out spot a living heck? Well thats what i wanna talk about today.


First its good to refresh on what exactly IS a public base and how its rules are set, below are the parts of MOTD that talk about public bases:


"A public base is a place with open doors such as a restaurant. For your base to be considered a public base, you must place a sign indicating it as a "Public Base." You may not have money-making entities inside/it will be treated as a building sign. If the base does have closed and locked doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the base is considered raid-able."


"Trespassing makes you KoS. This means if you trespass someone's house while they are "building" you will die. If it is a public base, you must be warned to leave first."



So now that we know what Public Bases are and the rules about them, we can address some of the problems that these rules dont address:




Problem 1: Boomboxes are considered entities and preventing access to them can make a public base raid-able. There is literally no reason a boombox should be the difference in a bar with no farm-able entities being blown up, having everyone killed,  raided and just being left well enough alone. Boomboxes do not create money and therefore should be safe from being blown up if the person who has it is not ear-raping songs through it. If you think people wouldn't do this over something so minor, they have and will. Without a rule protecting people from playing chill music in their public base, minges will continue to blow them up.


Solution: 1: Add a rule that states so long as they arent ear-raping Boomboxes in Public Bases are considered non-raid-able entities and that blowing them up is a warn-able offense, either that or allow boomboxes to be protected via a fading door if the area the boombox is in is transparent to prevent hiding farm-able entities.


Problem 2: With unrestricted access, minges can go hobo and ear-rape both the customers and the owner, and even when both the customer and player mute the person, the minge in context can leave the server and rejoin to reset the voice chat mute and continue to ear-rape them, even worst they can play ear-rape on their boombox. I know some of you have told me "just warn them or blow up their boombox" but all that just does is give you 15 seconds of peace at best, and at worst they just stand right outside your door and ear slap from there.


Solution 2: Add a Rule that States Hobos/Players that are not the owner boombox's to be not allowed in, or in the very near vicinity of a Public base. Public bases are meant for players that just wanna hang out and chill, having hobos ear-rape minge and people play ear-rape music on their boombox is just gonna turn people away from making/entering them in the first place and then there is no point to have them at all.


Problem 3: Just assuming worst case scenario, because there is nothing preventing minges from going anywhere in your public base, they can do some pretty dumb shit. This can range from going behind the counter, standing in the way of a fishing spot, blocking doorways, Grav gunning weapon shipments if you are a gun dealer, standing in front of people you are trying to rp with, and Grav gunning your alchemy table because for some reason you still cant phys-gun freeze it. This is really annoying when the same guy is just relentlessly minging the people you are trying to rp with and letting them do all this dumb shit is only hurtful to rp.


Solution 3: Add a rule that states so long as the area being blocked off is completely visible from an outside perspective, that the owner may allow/not allow whoever they want into that area of the public base (Behind a store counter,VIP area, Fishing Spot, etc.). Now i know this suggestion is probably gonna get the most backlash so ima go ahead and talk about it before hand. Yes having a restricted area in a public base goes against the idea of having one in the first place but hear me out. The whole point of having the place entirely unrestricted is to prevent people from putting up a Public base sign and then stashing printers in some blocked off corner right? Well if the area being blocked off can be entirely seen from an outside perspective then there is no way farm-able items can be hidden there. Maybe even allow the base in question to have those areas checked by staff on a regular basis if the issue is of that much concern. At any rate there are perfectly good reasons that someone who is not the owner of a Public base should not be allowed in a certain part of it, whether they intend to minge or not, this server has dark rp in it for a reason and its kinda hard to rp when you got people jumping up on counters or stealing gun dealers weapon shipments.



Public bases are places meant for people to get away from all the RDM,ear-rape and minging, so its kinda sad that these loopholes about Ear-raping and minging have existed for so long, and if you take anything from this post it should be this: The idea of Public Bases right now is Flawed and big or small, needs changing, thank you.



P.s.: I want feedback from this post, mostly from staff who can see what is good about these ideas, and what needs fixing, and if the latter it to be constructive, if you read through the whole post i appreciate your time.

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B R U H. You’re staff you should know that boomboxes don’t constitute raiding. (Meaning a boombox is allowed in public bases)


Solution two not gonna get on you too hard. But also already somewhat not allowed. It’s at the discretion of the staff. But boombox minging is a thing. And it again isn’t allowed.


Solution three please tell me you’re not saying you RPing as a gun dealer/chem dealer is a public base. You’re earning money you’re boosting your inventory. That’s again not allowed. So whoever is fucking with your stands/shipments is in the right 


In conclusion from myself. Everything you see as problems is already not allowed. However there is one thing I think I could talk about is allowing 1 faded door that be to close yourself off behind the desk or to block your boombox off. That I can talk about.

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Sorry if it was lost in the Post but i was talking about protecting your boombox with fading doors getting you raided, not the boombox itself. 


Also for the Chem Dealer and Gundealer thing, gun shipments and Alchemy tables dont have a big sign on them that says "take money" you can craft items but getting money as soon as you make them? idk, if i gotta hand out free potions to get a fading door in im all for it, gun-dealer thing wasn't really the main point i was trying to make anyway.


Alot of the stuff that may seem like not a problem is because minges will always have a work around, and the only thing thats gonna stop that are rules which the public base section is lacking in, both in detail and context so at the very least the rules need to be more clear if nothing else.


(i.e if theres some unspoken rules about Public bases or some le-way about other ones they need to be clarified or they will be abused or ignored)

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I dont mean literal loophole of rules, moreover the fact that there are no rules to prevent these kinds of behaviors in the fist place and minges can abuse that. If the purpose of a Public base is to chill out like hows its described in MOTD then these behaviors left unchecked go against the very idea of having them in the first place and as such require change, big or small.

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Your definition of public bases is flawed, not public bases. They are meant to be treated the same as a public area, meaning that your boombox can be destroyed, you fiishing is subject to theft etc. There are chill zones outside of the centre of the map where u can go to  to not be  kidnapped and do whatever. Public bases are not "im immune to everything" bases

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No The definition of public bases is flawed and outdated, let me show you. First, looking at MOTD the rules describe a public base as "a place with open doors such as a restaurant" Yet as SuccTheZucc has described, any kind of entity that can lead to you "earning money"  or "boosting your inventory" means your base is up for raiding, so tell me, why would MOTD have its example of a public base be a restaurant when as the restaurant owner job you are actively making money through a money-making entity by "earning money" and "boosting your inventory" by selling or keeping food for yourself? It contradicts its own description of a public base in the same breath.


So either that Means that SuccTheZucc is wrong about what constitutes a Money-Making-Entity, MOTD is Wrong about what constitutes a Public Base, Or that maybe, JUST MAYBE the rules are so damn vague that nobody knows how to properly interpreted them? Even your assumption that Public Bases being treated the same as Public areas is just Speculation as nowhere in MOTD does it state that. So maybe instead of leaving everything up to the interpretation of the staff have more clearer rules and save everyone the pain and hassle?

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A public base in my opinion is intended to give roleplay focused areas a chance to not be completely and utterly fucked by some dude who's just bored and wants an easy few kills.  The MOTD mentions a restaurant because you would open up the restaurant to the public, and roleplay selling food and shit. Creating food is not in the same category of money making entities as a printer or proccessor would be, because who the heck is gonna raid you for your stove? Succ's explanation may have been slightly off with his inventory boosting part, but public bases exist to allow roleplay to be curated.


Problem 1: Isn't a problem, you may not raid a public base to get the boombox. You may mute it if it's an issue.

Problem 2: You may press tab and mute the player who is ear-raping. Bar them from your business and involve the police if needed.

Problem 3:If people have a public base and then have some printers stashed off somewhere they are breaking the rules, which can be dealt with via staff. (OR they can get their ass raided)


We cannot just keep adding rules and constricting peoples freedom for every little issue. Roleplay it out, or if needed utilise the staff online.

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