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HarleyKing inserted a stale meme as the title

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So I'm making this introduction to clear out some smoke around me,since some people don't even know who the fuck they are talking to at times.

My ign. is HarleyKing as you all know and my IRL name is Vologa Mercy,yeah I know...from what my parents told me the name Vologa comes from my great grandfather,a Russian soldier, that's all I know.

I'm 20 years old and live in the shit show of Los Angeles,California. I was actually born and grew up in Boston till I was 14 years old(that's why I sound like scarface choking on his pills sometimes).

If it wasn't fucking obvious by now I'm a guy,sometimes I make this stupid girl voice to fuck around with people.

So now you may ask,how did this mutant found out of tits rp and who tf made him a mod. Well I found out about the server accidentally while looking for one of the old servers I was playing on that was shut down apparently. I joined in and first thing I saw was a fucking flying vape spamming rave music out of his mic(that vape being Jakey05 being a tmod at the time). Seeing that the server wasn't really taking rp that seriously and the potential of just fucking around I decided to stay and see where it get me,2 months later,I'm still here apparently ,still having mad fun,and now having my chance as a moderator I can actually help this community thrive and stay healthy helping in my own way.


Welp this is what I had to clear out,and my big ass introduction of course. I am here to stay and I'm looking forward to meeting new people and also to getting to know old peeps better as well.


See ya around.

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My entire life is a lie, I thought you were a G̵̢̢̨̛̝͈̯͚̘̦̗̘̺̦̱͙̐͛̾͂́͊͊͆̈́a̵̪̰̱̳̯͉̱̯̔͑͂̇͂̊̀͛̌̏̽͐̔ͅm̶̼̲̲̙͖͓̯͔̼͍̜̯͖̰̾̓̚e̶̬̯̯͑̔̅ṛ̸̛̮̑͆̉͌̐̄̿͊̑̈́͘͝ ̵͉̮̳͓̦̱̮̒̋̈́̿̃͘͜͝G̸̡̢̛̻̗͎͍͚̳͍̭̜͌̈́́͊̈́̓͛͗ḯ̶̢̛̟̤̣̙̜͇̬̳̰̠͗̋̌̏̑́͛̄r̴̢͙̤̤̟̟̫̈́͒̄̊̀̃̊̇͐̋̍̄̿͛̍͜ͅͅl̶͚͗͌̃̆̍̌͊͛, guess my fantasy about you won’t come true :(

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