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How to solo raid

Succ The Zucc

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Yikes I don’t know if I would have posted this on forrums. No staff should be spectating unless it’s for a sit. The fact that people in a discord call with you were spectating greag while you raided him doesn’t look to good IMO.

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Alright so you didn't see the part that there was two other people in the base. I didn't know who would be in there until I actually raided which is why I threw in the makeshift. I wasn't waiting. I got there a hit man came up to me I called a hit then he ran. Also I claimed the processors. Which then allows me to. (this is with every player not just moderators)

Also with the spectate thing. They spectated because there was really no idea why he was being taken to a sit. We didn't know if he had messed up or if he was being taken to a sit that was called on him. It was 2 days that he had been on the staff team and usually around day 2 or 3 someone calls a sit about something they didn't like the outcome of or what you did in game. The spectating was without mal intent and it was to see how he was handling it as a Trial Mod. But I hope my reply clears things up.

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