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Organized Crime Update [ Idea ]

Knifu Waifu

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I think the Crooked Cop should not be visible to the CP's just as Mayor's Assassin isn't visible. The Crooked Cop could be an easy reskin of the Mayor's assassin with the actual cop tools.


I actually like that better then, a secret Crooked Cop

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I dig all of the ideas. 


Crooked cops should be a thing in regular roleplay (TO A LEVEL) hear me out. So if I wanted to lets say take a bribe I should be able to however I could easily be fired for doing so? So why not add like a...reputation system within the CP forces or..a corruption level? Then you could add IA (Internal Affairs) that could scan you down and have a conversation to see your corruption level and either fire you or have the mayor fire you if you've gone too far as well as possibly even arrest you.


Arsonist...oh heck yeah...Please give me a flame thrower and allow me to burn homes down. It would be interesting also if we had prop health so that a flame thrower or pipe bombs did minimal damage to props to assist in their destruction but thats a totally different thing. 


The professional would be nice for police to take out that criminal that always gets away or punish those who do evil but pay fines..gives a new job but then how many corrupt police will we allow?


I dig all the ideas and implementing them would add some new interactions amongst CP and criminals.

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