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Organized Crime Update [ Idea ]

Knifu Waifu

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Topic Of Suggestion:  Criminal Enterprise 



Details Of Suggestion: 


        This idea was sprouted due to the amount of power the CP force in the game currently has, the only way to kill them and be justified to do so is to either PD Raid or host a Revolt which main purpose is to overthrow the mayor, not the cp.


Now with this suggestion I don't mean to make it so the Cp can be killed and demoted like the mayor, but they can be more inconvenienced while doing their jobs. This can lead to a crackdown on these new criminals or a crackdown on the old ones. The main consensus of the idea is to make more role-play situations between the criminal and law enforcement groups and classes.


New Classes:




[ Crooked Cop ]


       The first class Idea is the "Crooked Cop".The general consensus of the idea is a cop that is purely there to cause mischief. Unlocking doors, leaving areas wide open, doing the "/write" command to give codes to the pd dupes, etc... The main reason as to why this Idea would be beneficial is the CP something else to do, Kidnapping, which some could say it the main thing the CP stop, is already stopped by every single player in the server that is looking to have an excuse to kill something. 


This will also prompt more role play situations that can lead to a enjoyous time for the cp and raiders. Although the "Crooked Cop" wont be a raider, and WILL be apart of the CP team having the [COP] tag next to their name, they will NOT be able to raid PD or conduct in any part of raids that involve the PD, they will also be apart of the CP team during the revolt, having the orange tint.


With the "Crooked Cop" they will be able to do things other CP's cannot, as well as working WITH and AGAINST the rest of the cp force. How this looks is they can have the power to remove warrants that other CP's place, or they can accept them without the Mayor or Judge Gabe being an active class being used.

The "Crooked Cop" can be punished if caught for causing mischief


[ Arsonist ]


     The next new job that would come with the update is the Arsonist. Become one with the flame as you use incendiary devices as well as a blowtorch to cut through any obstacle that comes into your way. This class is made to cause surgically orchestrated attacks planned by other members within the new batch of Organized Crime.


With the Arsonist their main goal is to raid Police bases or rival criminals that are effecting the overall effect of the Organized Criminals using their assortment of weapons mainly trapping them into a closed area and burning them alive.


[ Professional ]


     With the Professional that's included with the 'Organized Crime' Update, they are nothing like the current "Hitman" And "Assassin" that are currently in game. Yes, they do complete assassinations on specific targets but it isn't just random players on the map. They are specifically for the Civil Protection Agents. The Professional is only allowed to have targets placed on CP BY the "Crooked Cop" that will give insight on which cops are causing 'problems' for the criminals.


The Professional will have access to a powerful Rifle made for long range as well as a close range weapon, both being suppressed.


[ Demolitionist ]


       The Demolitionist although sharing some traits with the current "Demolitionist", are in fact different. 

This Demolitionist attacks specific targets and doesn't just place a landmine and run away, waiting for someone to step into it. No, no this class has a arsenal of grenades of varying sorts as well as a few high explosives, adding in a few military grade weapons to support their explosive attitude. 


The class would have access to a random Rifle in the game or a LMG, with grenades, pipe-bombs and the ability to buy explosives such as more pipe-bombs and makeshift time bombs in the F4 Menu.




     The 'Organized Crime' update is made for a few reasons one of them being for more interesting and developed role play situations that a player can encounter while playing on the server, enticing them to stay for further in hopes to encounter another event like they had before. The second reason is to add more classes and content that the players within the server have access to, both old and returning players and new ones.

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I like the idea of the crooked cop, but would they be disguised like the mayors assassin or still be called "Crooked Cop" as their job name. Seems kind of buggy and could be abused.


No, no. They would be clearly shown as the "Crooked Cop" Or whatever the set job name is, of course they can change it but Im thinking of a specific model that this new CP could have.

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The proffesional is pretty much useless when the crooked cop isn't in use, maybe change it so the proffesional can only have hits on people that have bounties and he gets 5% of the bounty.


The whole idea of the update is to have classes that are purely against the CP, not the other criminals of the server

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Well why would the mayor just not fire the crooked cop whenever someone becomes the job

It'd ask for a motd change that it'd be failrp JUST to fire someone for being the job. But along with the punishments if they were caught causing mischief they could be fired at that point (e.x. Making a warrant disappear, silently erasing bounties - transferring them to cops, giving out the PD codes for dupes etc...)

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