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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by dim

  1. dim


    Believe it or not, staff, I'm not suggesting this just for myself (especially considering none of my warns are 1 month old), but I think it's a good idea. Especially if a person has a bad spread on the server and turns around. It's a big bias thing with staff. If somebody has a high warn count, they're more likely to get a warn than not.
  2. dim

    I'm Back

  3. dim

    Kidnapping Changes

    4/5 of the time, the boxes aren't even dropped.
  4. What's poppin', it's ya favorite rulebreaker with some suggestions before I get permaed. And it covers kidnapping. Now, I know what 3/4 of you all are thinking: Jesus Christ, you cock-brained weeaboo, didn't Gekido JUST cover this?' Yeah. You're right. But, considering he ignored my suggestion (old drama) and only one person seemed to notice, I'll make a thread for it. What I suggest is mainly a modification to ransom boxes. Which is, to say, remove them completely. I think a new deal is thus; completely forgo ransom boxes, considering nobody uses or pays them usually, and replace them with a box in the mid-left - held constant for all kidnapped people - where voting for demotions and jobs occurs. The box would come into effect the second the victim wakes up and stay for the entire kidnapped allotted time - also seconds as a timer for when victims can commit suicide and get out of there hole. For kidnappers to edit said amount, the command should be something along the lines of . The amount should be set between $100 and $5000. Anything below $100 is just purposeful minging, like kidnapping for a dollar (fuck cops who fine for a dollar) and anything above $5000 is just cruel to some poor players and would remove traffic from our server. If the kidnapper doesn't modify the amount, it should be defaulted to $1000. Another suggestion is a tool for the regular every day player to save a kidnapped player. This includes ones trapped in their cages and ones that are knocked out. A defibrillator, possibly, to bring the knocked out ones (especially ones left on the ground) that takes 3-5 seconds to wake them up. Ones that are trapped should be let out by a 'Fake Identity Card' or some other such that would let the person out, while sacrificing their current jobs, setting them to Citizen, and removing all items on kidnapped players toolbar, which would take 7-10 seconds. Yet another is to possibly add a talisman called 'Lucky Break' or some such that makes it so that you wake up from your kidnap with a lockpick. It would help the kidnapped person escape without the help of party members. It would be especially good for people who are just building and get fucked over by a douchebag CC. In turn to all of these changes, I suggest that maybe kidnapping should only be AoS again. This isn't a huge deal to me, but I think it would level out the playing field on both sides. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and appreciate these suggestions, which overall would make it easier to kidnap, but harder to keep hostages. I honestly feel like this would make the titsRP community a bit less toxic, and, in turn, not undermining the kidnappers (myself included) hold too much on their slice of RolePlay. You better have had a good read, T1K.
  5. It has a good point, but I think the rules should be changed up a bit. Instead of ransom boxes, they should make it so that there is an option to pay set amount (Only 1k-10k (30k is just mean} constant in the corner of the screen they can press with the f3 option. The boxes are mingy and oftentimes not even used. So, I feel kidnapping should stay, but undergo some major changes. Also, maybe a higher price in the CC editor (600 suga instead of 300 (like lightsabers} so that they aren't in evry fucking CC.
  6. dim

    Photo Frames

    I mean, how are we gonna monitor every possibility for bad / toxic / nsfw images? Otherwise, I like it. But I think I'll go with neutral.
  7. dim

    Prop Spawnlists

    Actually, he did some of it, so it wasn't for nothing.
  8. dim

    Prop Spawnlists

    Thank you, Sugar.
  9. dim

    Prop Spawnlists

    Bruh, I'm not talking every spawnlist everywhere. Every prop in the construction is allowed. I'm talking the Building Prop List. Are you really? Sick.
  10. dim

    Prop Spawnlists

    This has arisen from my one-month ban. I'm a dupe builder (join this whores https://discord.gg/MHbp7nK) and oftentimes build offline to have the advantages of V-clip, special building options / tools, not getting brained by mRDMers, etc. One thing I can't always account for in my doing so that was brought to my attention from one of my other friends, was that there isn't a list of blacklisted props / whitelisted props. Which, I believe, is a big disadvantage to builders anywhere on the server. So, I think someone should add the list somewhere around the Basing Rules in the MOTD. It would be a gigantic improvement to the server. Thanks for reading, asshats.
  11. dim

    Ban Threshold

    Can't tell if this is meant as a meme or not. That's the dumbest idea ever lmao
  12. dim

    Ban Threshold

    I agree with what you said, Isaac, but some people mRDM, get straight banned without warns, then come back and break other rules without getting warns due to severity.
  13. dim

    Spray paint

    I would approve of this, mate, but it would be the next chance at minging. People would go back and forth, spraying that shit on every wall, every prop, everything. When we all thought bugbait was bad enough, spray paint. So, if there would be a percentage level and it costs a good amount, $25k-50k for a respective 100 feet of total spraying, I'd agree with the idea. So, overall, I'll hand it a NEUTRAL. It could go either way.
  14. dim

    Ban Threshold

    Okay, guys. I just made it because I wasn't sure if something like that existed. It isn't exactly the same as my idea, but I get it.
  15. Does this count? http://prntscr.com/l703ke
  16. dim

    Ban Threshold

    Hey, faggots and faggettes (Callie), and welcome to ya boi's sincere brainwave compilation.... I'm just going to stop. The reason you all are gathered to read this dreadful post is most likely because of my woeful ignorance. In my around a year of playing gMOD and titsRP, I've never heard of a ban threshold. There's a warn threshold, of course. I'm halfway through my 35. But there is never a point where a person gets banned FOR too many bans. This is essentially my penny in the cup to stop the mass RDMing problem, minge problem, and overall terrible player problem (myself included). We get dozens, hundreds even, players that just come on to ruin the experience. Many YouTubers, however small, troll our server and refer to it as 'The Worst Garry's Mod Server'. And, to be completely honest, I don't see much evidence to sway the statement. In this case, I provide the Ban System. It's meant for those people who Mass RDM, get banned, repeat. Pretty much, a person who has a set amount of bans on titsRP gets an extension to their next ban to activate. The system I propose goes thus: 3 total server bans: 1 extra week on the end 5 total server bans: 2 extra weeks on the end 7 total server bans: 1 extra month on the end 10 total server bans: permanent ban Now, the only things I am currently unsure of: Are one: whether this should be for any ban size, no matter how small (FDA, for example, which is set to 3 hours), or only 1 day and up. And two: Whether Mini Moderator bans count on the record. This, I'd point to no, considering many Mini Mod bans are for the meme or not completely relevant / ban-worthy, as well as the max time being 30 minutes, which is hardly worth note. Anyways, that is it for today. Eat my ass.
  17. How I feel on this is thus: I've applied once now. And while the main reason I was denied was because of my advert with Rigbe and that tarded shit, I don't think I'd have made it in. I feel that the main reason there are so many biased and toxic staff is due to prior bias that escalated, and how easily staff applications are accepted. In addition, the ones I see being denied are the ones that are either memey or made by 'prior minges'. I'll take Jacket for example. He's a minge, granted. At the same time, he/others try to change in order to make staff. And once they are made staff, they try their best to change. If they don't, they're kicked off the team. So yeah, it should be made more difficult to become staff, but I feel trial-mod should stay the same difficulty to get. What I mean is: Getting on the team is easy. STAYING on the team is what's hard. Everybody deserves a chance to prove their worth as a moderator.
  18. dim

    Air Is Good

    I completely agree. I propose two options/alternatives: 1) Rebreather - 30 extra seconds of O2 before drowning takes effect. - Unaffected speed 2) Scuba tank - 2 extra seconds of O2 before drowning takes effect. - -10% movement speed
  19. dim

    The Dupe Hub

    Welcome, one and all, to the official-ish titsRP Discord Server for server-wide dupe selling. I spoke with Sugar, and while he isn’t going to advertise himself, he’s fine with me starting this. Basically, it’s a hub for all players to buy and sell dupes without clogging up their DMs. To start your own selling section, join the server and request a channel, and I will gladly set you up! Happy huilding, faggots!
  20. dim

    Gun Balance

    +1 from me, mate. I really miss when the Winchester 87 wasn't a God damned squirt gun.
  21. Fuck, there goes $7,932,983 and my already fine-line will to live.
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