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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by dim

  1. To all it may concern, I've done a lot of shit in my past. - The RDM Slut
  2. This is why I need to be Mod. So I can speed the ban process.
  3. Who's 'its cold in hete'? Never heard of em Then waddle over to Colds opposite post
  4. Who would y'all's least favorite player (active or inactive) at this point? I vote either myself or Jacket. Lel
  5. dim


    Why the fuck are you obsessed with our staff members personas?
  6. dim

    Pig Size

    As big as Ma-
  7. dim


    Epic memes at 1:15
  8. dim

    im bakc

    Love you, 404. It's been a quick minute. You gave me some warns and I think you'll be proud to know I'm now at 40.
  9. dim

    For FUCK's Sake

    She can't stop me from listening to the earraping Snoop Dogs with their boomboxes on a BlueTooth speaker. Syke I'm too poor. If you warn me ever, even once, I swear to God, I'll join the Army just to stretch your ass.
  10. dim

    For FUCK's Sake

    I'm back. Sorta. Long story. My PC broke. I'm on a library PC. Will show up occasionally. Start a GoFundMe please. Been on for two hours. Not warned yet. Road to 50. Later, the RDM Slut.
  11. A lil. Not full much anymore. Im back btw
  12. Thank ya mate. I'll probably be back. It'll just be a while.
  13. Don't reveal that. o.o But you too, man.
  14. Hey, everybody, it's the RDM Slut. The first one to hit 40 warns in less than a year. The only one to post MineCraft hentai as a SteamID link. One of the 6 to break the printer record of 108. One of the 100 in the June Rigbe Issue. And now, one that's quitting the server. I doubt any of you are that curious as to why. Most of you already know, in part. And while you all may or may not be able to be around people that allow situations like this to happen or not, I most definitely am NOT. Knifu Waifu's demotion. Isaac the Butcher's permanent ban. DJ SwaVe's permanent ban. OMG Silver's permanent ban - even if temporary, Walter. And all those months ago: Lakeey's permanent ban; Spo0ky's permanent ban; TheGrapeWarrior's demotion; Frisco's ban (back when we were friends). All of my friends, great player, the ones who made up the inner core of this community (yes, even Isaac), are either getting banned or leaving. Yes, there are still good players around. But that's not enough for me. I don't feel like drama warrants for permabans. This server is too nitpicky. I know a lot of the story from an anonymous source. This source told me the reason for Knifu's demotion in the middle of the last paragraph. I feel less sypathy but am still sorry to see her gone. As for SwaVe and Isaac, they supported her and went against Walter and the staff team. They're current bans shows you exactly what this team does with their power. I love you, Booper, and you, Walter, in a platonic way, of course, but I do not support the way you feel it right and just to crown yourself with the power to discriminate for opinions. You have an opinion. Duh. But it is not right to strike people down because theirs differ, even if they argue with you. Your job as a higher-up in a multi-hundred player community is to power through the hate, comments, and anger. But that isn't what I'm seeing. What I'm seeing is you deciding to succumb to the hate people throw at you and throw some back in their direction. Now, regardless of what I said is true or not, I believe it is, and thus I'm still typing. This good-bye is going to most likely go through the end of this year, and onto the next. Since I got back, titsRP isn't a server I want to play on. I have my reasons why I feel that way, and I don't feel like stating them, but they carry a lot of weight with me. I used to adore this server. I'd play in and out, oftentimes for 13 hour sessions. I hit 500 hours on gMOD in a mere 5 months. I spent over $100, probably closer to $200, on CC perms and slots. And I regret it. I really do. Every since my unban, this server has been different. So, those are my reasons for leaving. I will be on tonight and tomorrow saying goodbyes and giving a CC slot away (yours will stay, Kilobyte). If you ever want to talk to me, my Discord is T1K#2169. That's everything. I hope to see some of you again...
  15. +1. That's all I have to say.
  16. dim


    Believe it or not, staff, I'm not suggesting this just for myself (especially considering none of my warns are 1 month old), but I think it's a good idea. Especially if a person has a bad spread on the server and turns around. It's a big bias thing with staff. If somebody has a high warn count, they're more likely to get a warn than not.
  17. dim

    I'm Back

  18. dim

    Kidnapping Changes

    4/5 of the time, the boxes aren't even dropped.
  19. What's poppin', it's ya favorite rulebreaker with some suggestions before I get permaed. And it covers kidnapping. Now, I know what 3/4 of you all are thinking: Jesus Christ, you cock-brained weeaboo, didn't Gekido JUST cover this?' Yeah. You're right. But, considering he ignored my suggestion (old drama) and only one person seemed to notice, I'll make a thread for it. What I suggest is mainly a modification to ransom boxes. Which is, to say, remove them completely. I think a new deal is thus; completely forgo ransom boxes, considering nobody uses or pays them usually, and replace them with a box in the mid-left - held constant for all kidnapped people - where voting for demotions and jobs occurs. The box would come into effect the second the victim wakes up and stay for the entire kidnapped allotted time - also seconds as a timer for when victims can commit suicide and get out of there hole. For kidnappers to edit said amount, the command should be something along the lines of . The amount should be set between $100 and $5000. Anything below $100 is just purposeful minging, like kidnapping for a dollar (fuck cops who fine for a dollar) and anything above $5000 is just cruel to some poor players and would remove traffic from our server. If the kidnapper doesn't modify the amount, it should be defaulted to $1000. Another suggestion is a tool for the regular every day player to save a kidnapped player. This includes ones trapped in their cages and ones that are knocked out. A defibrillator, possibly, to bring the knocked out ones (especially ones left on the ground) that takes 3-5 seconds to wake them up. Ones that are trapped should be let out by a 'Fake Identity Card' or some other such that would let the person out, while sacrificing their current jobs, setting them to Citizen, and removing all items on kidnapped players toolbar, which would take 7-10 seconds. Yet another is to possibly add a talisman called 'Lucky Break' or some such that makes it so that you wake up from your kidnap with a lockpick. It would help the kidnapped person escape without the help of party members. It would be especially good for people who are just building and get fucked over by a douchebag CC. In turn to all of these changes, I suggest that maybe kidnapping should only be AoS again. This isn't a huge deal to me, but I think it would level out the playing field on both sides. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and appreciate these suggestions, which overall would make it easier to kidnap, but harder to keep hostages. I honestly feel like this would make the titsRP community a bit less toxic, and, in turn, not undermining the kidnappers (myself included) hold too much on their slice of RolePlay. You better have had a good read, T1K.
  20. dim

    Photo Frames

    I mean, how are we gonna monitor every possibility for bad / toxic / nsfw images? Otherwise, I like it. But I think I'll go with neutral.
  21. dim

    Prop Spawnlists

    Actually, he did some of it, so it wasn't for nothing.
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