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Umbak Klak


Umbak Klak last won the day on October 9 2018

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    Umbak Klak

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  1. Love all the additions, especially the roof above PD. The empty room you've created could serve as a dark room for cultists/sewer lord/hobos to build in and use lights to see. Wouldn't need to be much, just a dark room with some pillars or something. Keep it up!
  2. This isn't mexicanborderRP, this isn't 1942RP, this isn't naziRP. If the server isn't going to outright advertise this shit than it shouldn't be allowed. Freedom of speech is no excuse because if I can't "disrespect" staff than there's no LITERAL freedom of speech. If saying the nword isn't allowed there is no LITERAL freedom of speech.. To outright defend this kind of behavior is something you wouldent tag your real face and name to so stop the bullshit. Either you fucking are OK with nazis or you are not. Real fucking easy to say what you do behind a computer screen. Post this shit to your Facebook. Whats your real name, how much do you really believe in what you just said. Change the server name to something more nazi friendly if this is a nazi friendly server. Instead of titsrp why not WhiteguysthatarecoolwithnazisRP. Fucking 13 year olds trial modding a nazi server. BIG FUCKING CLAP. who even are you lol
  3. thank god everyone can mute the 40meter sword now (thats the one that makes a discord ping sound btw)
  4. This is low priority, any model with messed up hitboxes shouldn't be able to raid which was the answer to this "bug" in the first place. If someone wants to have a small model that's fine and all but they can't raid with it which pretty much solves this issue.
  5. Server resets every day at 7 AM EST. If you have decent internet and want to play faster, a reinstall may work. No promises.
  6. I'll forward this to Sugar as I'm fairly certain only he can handle it, mind providing your Steam ID? I'm sure it'll come in use. If there's a bug not allowing people to join the server this is High priority for sure.
  7. That's a great idea as well, didn't really mention adding rules making Cop RP more detailed/passive but it would make things a lot more interesting that way.
  8. Hi, title is pretty self-explanatory but I think certain RP situations can immensely be improved if everyone were able to put their hands up. Reason: Namely, Cop RP could be immensely improved if Police could tell people to put their hands up. Police could instruct base members to come out with their hands up if they don't want to die, give players a chance to explain themselves after murdering someone, Cops who don't like killing (Myself and others included) and would rather cuff/arrest someone now have an easier option for people to literally Surrender. For actual roleplay reasons, Mugging and even during Raids it may see some use, it'd be pretty funny to have people come out with their hands up and watch their base get raided. I could name a lot of situations where being able to put your hands up would improve roleplay and/or just be funny. So I'm about halfway through writing this and just realized it's not a CC swep, so now I'm confused as to why everyone doesn't have it to begin with, was it given to a certain class or something? My idea for giving it to everyone would be to make it so that pressing reload with your fists out makes you Surrender, or just straight up giving everyone the swep if the first option isnt really viable.
  9. LOL Curbe come on man why you gotta call me out like that I just wanted to build a cool looking Reichstag I think you're taking this too seriously, I very-very-very highly doubt that anyone who uses a Nazi model and places Swastikas (or someone who builds a Reichstag...) is a Nazi and I really doubt they follow the typical NSDAP beliefs. I appreciate the compliments on my build c:
  10. Umbak's Return Strike II: Electric Boogaloo In all seriousness tho I've been playing again and been feeling that Gmod spirit again. Nice seeing all you familiar faces, good to see that a lot of people have stuck around this long, yall are the real homies. If you don't know who I am, nice to meet you, hope we see each other on the server.
  11. That's super serious, you dont need to worry about being active while dealing with an actual crisis, you have a two week window of not logging onto the server before demote but you can always take an LOA if you need more time
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