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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Glaze

  1. -snip- good idea, but a lot of it seems unnecessary and it would change too much. If you think about it, it's just one system, a few jobs and a bank overhaul.
  2. This is a pretty bad idea. Not because it's not got any thought in it, it's because of the state of the economy in the server, or any server. Money is pretty easy to earn, and it has next to no use. Weapons you can get that are expensive, you never use, as you don't want to lose your money. Ok, let me explain further. The economy is pretty broken on the server. You can make a shit ton of money by just planting seeds and giving an NPC some items. Adding the banker idea in would just allow people with ludicrous amounts of money to get even more money out of doing absolutely nothing. Look at Boom Boxean, he has about 150 million dollars, imagine how much he'd make with the bank. I'm going to bring up something that I asked Sugar to add in and I think it's going to be a pretty neat idea. A functioning economy. Note: This is (probably) going to be a long one. How it works: So, the economy would start out with a fairly small amount of money (say $1mil). Whenever you bought anything from the f4 menu or something, that money would go straight into the economy. It's a basic idea, but if it's left unchecked, the economy can go haywire. How it effects the game: Whenever you do something that creates money, that will come out of the economy. For example, you have money printers set up in your base, that will slowly drain the economy. The money in the economy is limited, and once it runs out, major problems start to arise. All ways of making money stop. They just stop. All money printers, drug NPCs, everything. They just stop, there will be no way to make money apart from trading the existing money already. Somewhere on the screen, there will be an economy monitor. This will change depending on the state of the economy. The four states of economic stability are: Green - Complete economic stability. Achieved by having over $5mil in the economy. No changes to societal behavior Yellow - Minor economic instability Achieved by having less than $5mil in the economy Police must be more vigilant for illegal money making operations Orange - Major economic instability Achieved by having less than $1mil in the economy Police will now need less evidence to raid money printing bases Police will now patrol the bank more ruthlessly Mayor is allowed to make legal methods of making money illegal Prices of items from the f4 menu will multiply by two. Red - Economic Collapse Achieved by having less than $500k in the economy All money printers stop NPCs will no longer give money for anything The value of the economy will be reduced to zero. Prices of entities or shipments will multiply by 10. Note: To prevent people with millions of dollars from loading money into the economy to prevent it from ever failing, make it so that reaching too high of an economy will immediately cause Economic state Red. Also, add in a new faction. The anarchists. It's their job to cripple the economy as much as possible and try to make it collapse. The jobs: Anarchist Leader: The one that leads the faction, nothing much more to be said. Anarchist: The basic anarchist job, they have no special abilities. Anarchist Spy: Given the disguise SWEP that the undercover cop has. Anarchist Juggernaut: Given the same minigun as the cop juggernaut. The perfect counter for the Police Juggernaut. Ways to cripple the economy: Raid the bank, this will do major economic damage Set up as many money printers as possible to slowly degrade the economy Kill the mayor, this should take at least $100,000 out of the economy every time he dies. The bank overhaul: Now, as the state it's in, the PD bank is too easy to raid to have these crippling effects. The bank needs to be buffed for this update to work. Now, the steps to robbing the new bank. Step 1: The Raid Raid the bank and hold your ground for as long as you need too. Once this has been complete, briefcases full of money will drop from the bank. These won't open for a while, however, leading onto; Step 2: The Escort Take the briefcases back to your base and wait for them to open, however, the entire server will be able to see their location, leading onto; Step 3: The Siege Hold out your base as cops and money-hungry criminals try to get your prize. If you do hold out for long enough, the briefcases open and you can collect your money. Note, I may add more to this, and feel free to suggest things to add.
  3. Make it so that Epic+ in the weapon modifier will always give you a status effect. Out of the many epics I've got, only 1 of them has had a status effect.
  4. Glaze

    I'm great

  5. Massive fps drops look cool to you? The addon is just several more think hooks and a complicated animation.
  6. (In response to boom boxean) Number 1 - Bad Suggestion, mods used to be able to demote/job ban until one day the permissions were revoked for some odd reason. I suggest re-adding this power to moderators and adding in job ban groups (all of the cop jobs, for example). People would just abuse this power and it's probably for the best if it stays in the hands of the mods Number 2 - ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE IDEA. Ok, adding ban to the VIP job would make it possible for any old joe to mass ban if they had $5 to spend. Adding in VIP+ would make our server seem like a cashgrab, which is not what it's about. Adding in VIP+ applications would be pointless, we have a moderator rank. Either become a staff or stop complaining that you don't have power to ban. Number 3 - No, just no, this would kill our playerbase faster than the evocity update EVERY MAP CHANGE EVER COMBINED. I don't need to explain why.
  7. Epilepsy warning [video=youtube] pls help me
  8. How about a vape dealer job? They can sell vapes for a high price (so people still try to unbox them) in a shop. This means anyone can vape if they have the money. I also coded the job and the entities already, so I'll PM them to you (be warned, syntax errors may lurk, I don't code LUA that much, so double check it just in case a missing comma breaks the entire server or something like that).
  9. How about a revamp of the hitman system? Hitmen are pretty easy to take out, you see them, they have hit accepted over their head, you run. Problem solved. What I suggest is that when a hitman accepts a contract, he is disguised as a random non-vip job. There would be no way to distinguish between an on-contract hitman or a normal player. However, there will be two ways to find the identity of a hitman. 1) If a hitman gets too close to a target, the target will be alerted. The target will then be able to use a weapon that scans players and if they are hitmen, their identity will be revealed and the target can kill them. 2) If a hitman hurts a player without killing them, their identity will be revealed and they will be marked on the screen.
  10. Can't we just perma ban him already, he's just gonna do this over and over again. He doesn't even play on the server anymore and all he does is complain.
  11. The other 20% give or take will take the Dragon Fruit because they are either familiar with it or like it more than the apple or by the super low chance that they will take the risk and dive in. I like Dragon Fruit.
  12. Added A detailed section on FailBasing
  13. How about a zombie apocalypse event? How it works: One to Three players are selected to become the first infected. If they don't move within the first 15 seconds, they are killed and someone else is picked (to prevent AFK people from being chosen). They will be given a melee SWEP that does 50 damage, ignoring armor. If you die, you get infected. Zombies may be given an ability that breaks down doors or, over time, props, allowing zombies to enter people's bases. The Class System: Various classes could be used to benefit gameplay, such as: Survivor: The regular class, this is the class that people are given if they aren't a special class. Weapons: AK-47 Frag Grenade Medic: This class has the ability to cure others of the infection (Note: if a special class is cured, they will lose the class and be changed back to survivor). They have the same health and mobility as the Survivor. Weapons: AK-47 Medkit CureGun (4 shots) Juggernaut: This class is the toughest class you can get. It has 50% mobility, but 200% health. Weapons: Minigun Riot Shield Scout: This is the quickest class you can get. It has 50% health, 200% mobility and 200% jump height. Weapons: Shotgun Baseball Bat Resistant: This class is exactly the same as the survivor, but it has an antidote that stops themselves or anyone else from being infected for 5 seconds. Weapons: AK-47 Frag Grenade Antidote The Scientist: This class has the same mobility and health as the survivor, but an extra weapon. Weapons: Raygun Frag Grenade Up to three of these classes will be used in one game, with only one of each at one time. The win conditions: The Infected - They infect everybody on the server within the designated time limit. If this happens, then every person on the server is given a small amount of money (somewhere within 5k-10k). The Humans - They survive for the designated time limit. This would be around 30 minutes. If this happens, the total prize pot is divided between all of the players left uninfected. An important note: Due to the game changing nature of this event, it would be necessary to add in some features to make sure everyone is certain that they want to do it. Maybe a majority vote when the event is started from the NPC. The event shouldn't be able to randomly start like all of the other events, it should only be able to be started with majority vote and from the event NPC. A three hour cooldown should be put onto the event, in order to prevent the server from becoming zombie survival constantly. Feedback and criticism would be greatly appreciated from anyone, as this is a complex idea and probably needs improvements/refining.
  14. Even better, make it so every 30 minutes someone is randomly teleported to the white room with the npc and they have to speak with it to get out lol
  15. ░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▄▄ ░░░█░░░░▄▀█▀▀▄░░▀▀▀▄░░░░▐█░░░░░░░░░▄▀█▀▀▄░░░▀█▄ ░░█░░░░▀░▐▌░░▐▌░░░░░▀░░░▐█░░░░░░░░▀░▐▌░░▐▌░░░░█▀ ░▐▌░░░░░░░▀▄▄▀░░░░░░░░░░▐█▄▄░░░░░░░░░▀▄▄▀░░░░░▐▌ ░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ ▐█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ ▐█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ ░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█▄░░░▄█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ ░▐▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀███▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐▌ ░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄░░░░░░░░░░▄▀░░░░░░░░░░░░█ ░░░█░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░░█
  16. Add an Elite Kidnapper Class. It will be VIP only and instead of a bludgeon, it will have the Tranq m9.
  17. More Suggestions: Put a casino in the unused white warehouse in spawn. It could be somewhere people go when they get tired of the game and want to chill for a bit. Add a scientist job: They have access to most (if not all) tools and can build different contraptions.
  18. How about this: A build contest event. People are split into different plots and a few judges are picked. There will be a time limit and a theme. Once the time limit is up, the judges can vote for the best builds. Whoever gets the most votes wins the event.
  19. I think Sugar might already be aware of this. I certainly am. If players abuse it, we give them a warning first and if they continue, we give them a 7 day ban.
  20. is it because your a salty cunt that only likes games made in the UK or has UK characters? No it's just bad
  21. You will be able to spend in game cash to trigger an event but it will follow all of the parameters above. I will also probably make it so you can buy events through the donation site for $5 because why not. The whole purpose of these events is to give you something to look forward to + it will enable some competition This system may have it's flaws, what if the event didn't run? Then you'd have to go through the trouble of refunding. How about we repurpose the black currency coins from the evocity update and use them as "Event Tokens". If you donate money (ingame or real), you will recieve a few Event Tokens. You can use these to start events, and if they don't run, you get your token back. You could also add these as one of the yellow (rarest) drops in unboxing.
  22. :reckF: :reckGL: I was just meming you
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