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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Glaze

  1. I had an Idea. You know in Planetside 2, they have a territory map? How about we re-create this? Like for example, if different members of a party owned different houses, they'd show as owned by the party. If a party owned a megabase, that'd show as well. This would also apply to regular players. I made a shitty concept here (I'm guessing that the full idea would look much cooler): [attachment=197]
  2. Glaze

    CP Bug

    It affects the user's jailtime
  3. Glaze

    CP Bug

    Bug Description: When someone declines their fine, they go to jail for 0 minutes. How to reproduce: Fine someone and have them decline their fine Priority: 11/10
  4. Glaze

    Admin Box

    Quality of Life Description: The Admin Call Box has a missing texture on the close button. How to reproduce: Have someone call an admin Priority: Very Low (btw idk if it's just my client or the server)
  5. Glaze

    Drug Buyer

    The drug buyer seems to be broken, it won't take any drugs put in. Please fix :3
  6. 50 warns isn't an instant permaban. If you have 50 warns and continue to cause trouble, you will be permabanned. It's just a way to ban players who continually cause trouble.
  8. Glaze


    Well, I made a discord. https://discord.gg/0yxVyLfh6ohe7Zw0
  9. FriskyBiscuits pls senpai
  10. For master thief: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667376411&searchtext=
  11. I will give you $100 for a slot
  12. Add in turrets or something (I recommend J.I defense solutions, it's a hefty addon, but worth it for the content). It would incourage RP with the fact that a person's base can defend itself while they're away. Or you could just make a fortress, that'd be fun too. Raiding would be interesting, as you'd have to plan ahead and actually use some tactics. Also, this way, people without $200 custom classes actually stand a chance against raiders.
  13. If this really has everything that rp_downtown_v4c_v2 (our map) has, plus those two, I possibly +1 this. Isn't this the map that werwolf uses?
  14. Glaze


    I have CS:GO skins to buy m9 that's more important than anything
  15. Glaze

    Supplier Bug

    Now, the new job The Supplier is supposed to allow you to self supply but...
  16. Glaze

    Class Idea

    The Nazi party was very open about their anti-Semitic stance. Hitler had always openly blamed the Jews for what had happened.
  17. How about drones? Not for combat, but for espionage. For example, a raider could see a base he likes, gets his drone and flies it in to see what loot they have. Another example, a specialised PD job pilots special nano drones (almost silent and with a very small red light) to catch criminal activity. So say if a drug deal was taking place, the drone could fly over, identify the players, and then the PD could want them. P.S: Take a look at my portal storm suggestion 1 or 2 pages back. That could be a good idea as well.
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