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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Glaze

  1. Who is a faggot? Answer - Me
  2. You got to see me transform from a complete faggot to a decent mod XD Ily man, you should get on TeamSpeak more
  3. When Will Server Be Back Up? WHEN THE HOST DECIDES TO GIVE THE IP BACK WE GOT HIT OFF, OK? Jesus if you'd just have read sugars post lol
  4. Nah u can do better, everyone +2 him
  5. Well, that's the last thing I ever saw coming, but you need to do what's best for you. I'll miss u being staff :(
  6. Glaze

    Short Break

    Of course you did XD
  7. Glaze

    Short Break

    I'm at my Grandma's until Thursday, so I don't have access to a computer. This means no GMod or TeamSpeak :( I still have my trusty ipad with me though! Tell me if you want my snapchat or something and I'll pm it to you, I don't really want to give it out publicly lol because I don't feel like getting Doxxed today.
  8. -SNIP- -SNIP- -snip- k Perhaps add in a portal storm feature. Every 30-60 minutes, a portal storm will hit without warning and vaporize everything that isn't in a building (cars, props, players, etc.). This would add in more excitement/RP into the server (but not too much, just enough to keep the players entertained without driving them off like evocity did.) and a few more jobs/mechanics. Some possibilities: Storm Warden: They are the front-line in saving as much as possible when a portal storm hits. They are given a 1-3 minute warning by default and then have the job of activating alarms, checking streets and ushering people into buildings before entering one themselves. They are a CP job and are allowed to arrest people if they do not enter a building when told to. Storm Alarm: Can be bought by Storm Wardens and should be fairly pricey. They are activated with a SWEP or entity located in the PD and alert the public to the storm. Storm Technician: They can buy a research table that lets them either gradually increase the time between storms (about 10 mins) or increase the notification time that Wardens get before the storm. This research is set back to zero every server reset. Personal Storm Alarm: Just in case there are no Wardens on, people can buy a personal storm alarm that gives a very short notice before a storm (~5 seconds). This lasts until death. Mechanics: These will become more important, as they can store cars for a price to prevent them from being destroyed in a storm. Knowing our playerbase, this will probably NEVER be added in, but I wanted to write it anyway :3
  9. I know it's a suggestion but here's some problems; It's way too long, it would flood chat. The current ban system works great and has almost no bugs. Changing the system would be a hassle, you'd have to go fiddling with the predefined variables and strings in the addon files. I'm just a user, but having owned my own server in the past, if someone asked me to do this I would straight up reject it. Good idea, too much work required and is pointless. EDIT: THERE ARE POSITIVES THOUGH; Well written, sounds cool, would be very unique. Neater than the current one. Actually sounds like the person's verdict has been decided. I neglected to answer these in the first draft. Hops made very many valid points. To add: If a staff would do such this, you would have to type in more, delaying the situation a little bit. And if it were to be a stressful time (Like at night): It would take longer to deal with everyone. (We all know it can be a pain for the staff during the day, too.) But it's a great concept man. Great thinking. ;) He was talking about the warning threshold autoban, I think... If he was, nevermind those statements. And please kill me.
  10. I think we should change the ban message and ban system (Keep ULX bans, but add in a gui, you'll see what this is for later) The ban message should be like this The court of the Banhammer has found their verdict. YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND GUILTY FOR: -(Charge 1) -(Charge 2) -(Charge 3) (insert more charges if needed) AND HAVE BEEN SENTENCED TO: (Ban Time) The GUI should be for adding in charges so that they're spaced out in the way shown above.
  11. Ok, I fixed the PD jail, now I'm gonna get to catching those wheelchairs if there are any. I can't do anything about the !warn problem, Sugar will need to fix that.
  12. Also only one person on the class so we don't have 5 earrapers. 60 IS THE MAX NERD Well, it might be upgraded to 70 soon.
  13. Also only one person on the class so we don't have 5 earrapers. Nah we need 70 people on the class so the whole server can earrape
  14. Yeah, this was my first GMod film. I threw this together with nothing more than a physgun, a few tools and a couple of weapons. I might make something like this again in the near future :3
  15. [video=youtube] This took me 1 and a half hours to make, don't judge me XD
  16. Its not at all hard to make. I think someone already made an addon like that so I don't think its worth me investing resources into that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=568355972&searchtext=CSGO Oh it works for DarkRP? That'd be cool to add in.
  17. How about a revamp of the unboxing system? The user buys a crate (which is an actual entity) through the f4 menu and buys a key (another entity) and touches them together. A ton of smoke comes out of the box and the items is left in a pile of wood (like what you get when you destroy a hl2 crate). This is definitely possible, I saw something similar on a ZombieRP server with a supply drop (you didn't need a key). The smoke should be easy to add, it's the crate and key that'd be hardish. If you think about it, it's just like this: IF key is touching crate THEN SPAWN Smoke PICK ITEM from LIST BREAK crate ENDIF (Excuse the pseudocode, I have no idea how lua or its syntax works, it's a lot harder than this for sure.) This also could be a possibility to add in new types of crates.
  18. How about if a hitman dies with an active hit, he drops a document containing details on the hit. Then a player could use that to kill the person who set the hit?
  19. https://scriptfodder.com/scripts/view/1823/discussion PLEASE If not, PORTABLE GROW ZONES
  20. +1 Also, when a sit is claimed, it says (admin) has claimed your sit and will be with you shortly. ^We need this as well
  21. Go away you salty cunt tbh it seems like you're more salty then him considering you're the one to always bring it up Dude it's an inside joke
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