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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Glaze

  1. You grabbed this from my advert bind! No, that meme has been around longer than you've been playing here.
  2. If I have to clarify this to anyone ever again, I am going to Mass RDM my school. FEARRP IS NOT A THING Now, on to the actual explanation: No, he does not have to do anything the kidnapper says. The kidnapped player doesn't even have to stay inside of the base. Let me try and clarify what you can and can't do when kidnapped: What you CAN do: Disobey a kidnappers commands Attempt to escape from the base Interact with entities around the base (eg, taking money from printers) Anything that doesn't fall under a rule or the don't category, being kidnapped is practically the same rules of the game, just trapped in someone's home. What you CAN'T do: Doing any of these actions is punishable under FailRP. Spawn props or entities (without the permission of the kidnapper) Access your inventory Find a way to kill yourself before the 5 minute countdown is over
  3. it's important to kick before banning or freeze.
  4. Sorry, we missed the weekly email for Billy Bob's grandmother and she cursed us with broken inventories. We have our team of Pagan witches attempting to reverse the curse as quickly as possible.
  5. Glaze

    You broke it

  6. They are not actually being actively used or activated on TitsRP and they are workshop addons. Do i have to delete the addon or reinstall gmod at all? I think it is massively unfair to ban someone for a hack when they did not actually activate or use any hacks on your server they simply at one point or another used it in any context at all. Well i unsubbed both and deleted the .gma files manually so if i still get banned ill be sending sugar plenty of copies of bad rats Give me 50 copies of Bad Rats
  7. oh wait it was a question... nigga just ask ingame
  9. Glaze

    You broke it

    Bump, this is pretty important
  10. Glaze

    You broke it

    Bug Description: The !bans command does not work How to reproduce: Type !bans Priority: I don't know, probably high [ERROR] lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:182: net.ReadType: Couldn't read type 200 1. error - [C]:-1 2. ReadType - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:182 3. ReadTable - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:121 4. func - addons/sugarmulti/lua/autorun/client/cl_commandmenu.lua:494 5. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32
  11. One idea that has been neglected is an ingame auction house or marketplace. It would be a menu that people could either buy or sell entities for custom prices. People could also sell services on there, like a hitman service or a guard service or a raider service etc. It would basically make some aspects of the game avaliable at the push of a button. One cool feature would be requesting a gun dealer and paying him in advance. Maybe add in a feature that creates custom services, like, I don't know, a cactus delivery or whatever the fuck our playerbase comes up with. It would be basically craigslist for DarkRP. I don't know, it's an idea that I threw out a few months ago that you said you would look into and never did. I think it would change gameplay massively while leaving room for all the silliness that we are known for.
  12. You can propkill with the weld tool if you know how to. Should we remove that? How about we add a feature into the logs that specifies who owns the prop that is killing people?
  13. Glaze

    It is offical

    Happy Birthday, are you resigning again?
  14. rip anyway, it's back up now, so we cool.
  15. Glaze

    Jail Positon

    Er, someone must've messed with the jail positions, should be pretty easy to fix.
  16. -1 on the boom box update People abuse the boombox by playing abnoxious earslapsongs. It's perfect the way it is, sometime works and sometime doesn't. How is something not working perfect? Do you need me to link you the dictionary definition? +1 for the boombox fix.
  17. stop shitposting, you're not good at it and it's MY job
  18. This isn't a bug (I don't think) and it definitely isn't high priority. The server crashed and the bank file probably didn't save properly or something
  19. This is a QOL issue, not a bug.
  20. Or, just add in a remote admin module
  21. Like I said, this isn't call of duty, not every shot is going to hit somebody.
  22. Alright, I did some tests for you guys. Full-Auto: Burst Fire: Tap Fire: Full-Auto (ADS): Full-Auto (Recoil Compensation Technique): Final Note: This isn't call of duty, not every shot you shoot is going to hit somebody. If you want to help the amount of shots that hit someone, either get better at the game, or heck, AIM DOWN THE SIGHTS.
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