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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CoolAIDS

  1. [selling] {Inventory Items} Stun-Gun (Nonlethal) | Found from fishing | Doesn't drop anymore | Price Negotiable | PM me on steam/discord/in-game to make an offer Bullet Swep | Found from fishing | Price Negotiable | PM me on steam/discord/in-game to make an offer Fidget Spinner | Found in Unbox | Price Negotiable | PM me on steam/discord/in-game to make an offer Non-Lethal Grenade | Found from fishing | Price Negotiable | PM me on steam/discord/in-game to make an offer {CC Items} Waluigi Model for 2.3 mil or 115 suga If you pay person to person you pay 300k or 15 suga less [buying] {Inventory Items} None {CC Items} None
  2. Just move all NPC's to one of the buildings in spawn or something. Would stop a lot of this stuff
  3. Big +1 As of now chem engineer is a dead job and few people use it. Would be better to buff either the quickness of making potions, or add more time/health/armor/etc to potions so it doesnt take hours to make only a few hundred potions
  4. Personally I think C4's and timebombs are fine. Anyone can craft timebombs, and raiding really good bases can be hard without C4 *cough* Bunziix *cough*. If a player gets raided by someone with C4, then I think it would compell them to build better bases and learn how to play on the server and the best way to make money and build. Timebombs can also be used by new players and if they ragequit over one raid, then playing on the server will be quite difficult because you get raided every 10 seconds no matter who you are. Also I almost never need to use C4/Timebombs on new players bases because they are too easy to raid anyway.
  5. Im so hyped, I just want more places to build bases and stuff, cant wait!
  6. Having this would make managing gangs much easier. +1 for this to be added
  7. OBS is by far the best free software. Im pretty sure you can edit on it as well but idk how easy/hard or good/bad it is.
  8. Sometimes I even do damage and dont get a hitmarker, might just be my client but it happens.
  9. So recently I have been crafting a lot more and been using the crafting table to an excessive point. One thing that has happened is my game crashing while I was in the middle of crafting things. This was very annoying because I had 2k wood, 500 metal and 500 chem barrels still left in the table (Around 3 million darkrp cash) when I crashed. What I am proposing is crafting tables being put into the !recover command with all of your materials still inside of it. Losing 3 million is very annoying and I think other players can vouch for this as well.
  10. I think "Auction" is the wrong word, a better word may be "Sale". Extinct is thinking of an actuall auction, Knifu is thinking of a sale house where players can sell things or buy things on an NPC kind of like the online market suggestion made a few days ago.
  11. Only allow it to sell enchanted, cc, unbox, or fishing weapons/sweps not CSS or m9k guns. And allow it to sell anything else.
  12. add a tax for selling stuff on this market so it encourages people to use gun dealers to be used for cheaper prices. This store would be most useful for cc items and rare weapons and stuff.
  13. Yeah thats the issue, If you want to keep the model just do !ms, would be much easier/nicer than having to rejoin and lose your dupe/printers or what have you
  14. Allow crafting tables to have an inventory. What this would entail is that you can just drag your materials into the crafting table instead of dropping your 1000 wood and metal in it. Also make it so when you craft things it also goes into this inventory so its not as messy. Personally I like to keep my materials out of shipments and in a form that i can just drop 1 by 1. This would make crafting much more fluent and easy.
  15. Bug Description: If you have a quest to create a sound reducer bomb it does not work when you craft a sound reducer bomb, I think the main cause of this is that in the crafting table it is called "Sound Reducer Signal". How to reproduce: Have the create a sound reducer bomb quest and craft a sound reducer bomb. Priority: Low - Medium
  16. CoolAIDS

    CC Model Bug

    Bug Description: If you use !ms to switch to a model and then switch to another cc and change the model using the model pool, it keeps the model you chose with !ms and doesnt switch to the model you chose on the other cc. How to reproduce: Use !ms on one cc and then use another cc and use a different model from that cc's model pool. Priority: Low
  17. Ingame name: Muffin Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MuffinMutant/ Previous gangs: Bears Hours played: 200+ on the new server but like 300-400 from the old one Hours played past week: 61 Gametracker score: 1414 Age: 16 What can you provide regarding raids: C4, Talismans, FPS Experience, Blowtorches, Base knowledge What can you provide regarding basing: Procs, Printers, Tokens, Talismans, Drugs, Good Bases Do you use a mic: Yes What is your favorite food: Chicken Tetrizini
  18. What I am suggesting is that we be allowed to /size (0.5 or 1.5) any cc Models that CANNOT RAID. This would be cool because some models are very large/small and it would be cool to be able to make them larger/smaller.
  19. CoolAIDS

    Lootbox Bug

    Bug Description: Using 2 lootboxes at once freezes your game, you cannot switch weapons or kill yourself or move even after you open the lootboxes How to reproduce: Press E on 2 lootboxes in quick succession Priority: Low
  20. For some reason this quest worked for me, have you tried relogging?
  21. Add a bartender job that can sell beer, vodka, whisky, etc. and make them make you move slower, invert controls, etc. depending on the thing drank. This would give the stripclub some more activity as well
  22. Add an event called "Zombie Outbreak". One person starts as the zombie with Ambomination-like qualities and kills people. If you die to the zombie you turn into a zombie. If you are the last person standing you get 10 shipments of 10. If all zombies die the winnings are split among the survivors. The max number of people that this could have is 11. If the zombies win they all get 1 shipment of 10. The survivors are spawned with a random weapon and 1 health injector. +1 for this, being a corrupt mayor is always fun and it would feel more like RP because it IS possible in real-life So is mass rdm, it is possible in real-life. Those that MassRDM in Real Life get kicked off the server by the mods of Real Life.
  23. +1 for this, being a corrupt mayor is always fun and it would feel more like RP because it IS possible in real-life
  24. Make the mayor's assassin have cuffs and batons but not able to arrest people so that it is easier for them to kill the mayor. To counter this add an assassin checker to check if someone is the assassin kind of like the Terrorist checker in TTT.
  25. Make it so the revolt leader gets Jugg-like qualities to prevent crossfire in those chaotic revolt raids, and to counter the jugg.
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