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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CoolAIDS

  1. Dying in a raid = Raid over Just because you die from an outside source doesn't mean you can come back. If you are raiding and cops kill you while you raid, the raid is still over it is the same concept
  2. Well why would the mayor just not fire the crooked cop whenever someone becomes the job?
  3. I like the idea of the crooked cop, but would they be disguised like the mayors assassin or still be called "Crooked Cop" as their job name. Seems kind of buggy and could be abused.
  4. I think this might be a good thing because of the different time-zones people live in so not everyone can secure their position on the leaderboard because they cannot play all day but I can confirm this is a thing.
  5. We could also have CP working for the dispatcher that monitor the cams and report them to the dispatcher who then makes warrants/wants people. I really like this idea +1.
  6. When you are a small model your viewpoint changes to the head hight of the small model I think small models are fine
  7. I can confirm this, Tass killed me here
  8. CoolAIDS

    Photo Frames

    We. Don't. Need. Anymore. Anime.
  9. CoolAIDS

    Prop Spawnlists

    Sewer, I lay upon you the blessing of Head Builder and wish you luck in finding all the black and white listed props. Good luck buddy ol' pal.
  10. I've lost at least 100+mil to this bastard
  11. Yeah sugar said he was looking into my issue but he never got back, RIP.
  12. Sounds like a good meme, wonder how long it took to unban everyone lmao
  13. Yeah, this would be helpful for those that know the game and don't want to hear annoying stuff all the time.
  14. What this would do is make every gang the same, and everyone would want to join the highest lvl gang. Without gangs having to choose Talents for everyone, no one would make a new gang because it would serve no other purpose other than a different name, starting gang wars, and owning a gang. Overall I think this is a bad idea, but mabye instead of talents you could have your own personal talents such as North I believe has already talked with sugar about this and the issue is if you spend enough time grinding you could be OP at farming any kind of thing. For example if you farm 1k chem barrels every day you could theoretically get a chem barrell as soon as it is placed upon the hose if the perk is "Your chem barrels take 30 less seconds to fill". A way to stop this though would be to add in a cap for your STR/DEX/INT/LUCK. Overall if something like this is added it would be a cool thing and more things for older players to grind/play for.
  15. I had this and rerolled it so I got all 4 and I lost 1 mil, I was going to reroll only 3 of them and I lost one so I had to reroll all, please fix
  16. Ive made potions and it works for me, mabye a video would help?
  17. Sugar wouldn't add this most likely for FPS issues
  18. That would just make CC's even more overpowered which people DONT want so Im going to say probably no
  19. I ran around screaming for 2 hours straight but idk if anyone has it recorded
  20. considering there can be 100 people on the server, giving people 5k per would be bad as that would be 500k, 500 would be good I think
  21. Birb poop gives people ebola on contact For every person the Birb effects with ebola they get 5k
  22. Wheres the Pig role that just roles in poop and eats food
  23. CoolAIDS


    The current cars are shit why do we need more shit
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