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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by yeeto

  1. Bug Description: The mayor's assassin is using the old CP models from the model reset. Thus, it's easy to tell who he is. Reproduce: Be mayors assassin and be selected as one of the older models. (Common one is the dog with sun glasses) Also, not sure if you did implement it yet - but the mayors assassin can still exist even when there isn't a mayor and can kill the mayor right when he gets elected.
  2. Do you happen to have overwolf installed, and are you on the dev branch?
  3. It says public bank. Not public base. He does have raidable entities in there, such as the bank.
  4. I agree that staff should be held accountable for what they have done, in regards to breaking the rules or anything. Staff are just normal players that want to help out. The problem is, is that some of the staff just don't help anymore. They only "help" when an issue comes up with them, or one of their friends. Any other time they don't do shit. I've been threatened by staff of "Hacking, Exploiting, etc" and said they were recording, going to get me banned in a week, etc. The staff doesn't work as a team. The staff members are purely out there to better themselves and not the server. I'd like to think of myself as a decent staff member, I don't break rules. I actually don't want to get on the server.. Because I can't play if I do. I'd rather go back to not being a staff, because when I get on the server I see.. "Bob has rdm'd me 3 times where are the fucking admins????" "JACK BROKE NLR XDDDDDDDDDDD AKSFKASKGFKSAGK" "MOD HELP I NEED A MOD TELEPORT TO ME PLS" "trisha rdm trisha rdm trisha rdm trisha rdm" That. I see that in @ reports. I don't even like going on the server anymore because I can't play. I don't mind doing sits. It doesn't bother me, what bothers me is when there are other staff on - that don't do sits at all. I can't play the game properly because of it. IMO, the rules need to be looked at - and staff in its entirety just needs to be wiped clean. Even me. If they want staff so bad, they'll apply and get their old positions back. This doesn't apply to all staff members, there are good staff members and there will always be bad staff members.
  5. I like the fact that earning XP is roleplay related and not sitting in the base all day. Other then that, gangs are just... It's just there. I see it as three ways right now - It's pretty much an exclusive group for friends... Or it's just "invite everyone to get gang xp so we can get perks", or legitimately roleplay based, such as cop gangs and such. I don't think it's a bad update at all, it's just there though. It's cool. If I wanted to be in a gang where it actually felt like being in a gang, I'd play gangwars. (which doesn't exist anymore, it's under a different name now). I feel like members of the community abused and exploited ways to get XP, thus it's now a grind fest. Honestly, I don't care about the gang perks and talents, yes - they are great when you get them - especially CP related talents. It just takes a while to get them now.
  6. I mean, I figured we all know about this. First day of update I saw Tact underground in the mining spot, with three AFK people there including staff, mining. Using any form of anti-afk script is seen as a nono, but is only seen as an issue when the server is full-ish. The server wasn't. I called a mod about it (when I wasn't a t-mod). In order to save face of said mod (not mentioning names), mod said "Well, they are anti afking but... I don't know". I then told him I was going to make a suggestion / talk to sugar about it. "Oh, you know, actually don't do that.. I like afk farming". We can all agree that while it isn't against the rules, and sugar did make a *fix* that sets a limit to XP because of this... It's still wrong. There are numerous situations which things seem like it should be against the rules, but it isn't. Because it is not specifically in the MOTD and even if it gives an unfair advantage, it's still OK. The rules need to cover a lot more things then the "black and white" this is "x y z rule". I would love to see more in depth rules covering a variety of situations... Such as - buying a base but not using it. Literally buying it, and doing nothing with it. Whether it's selling it or just owning it just because you don't want anyone to have it.. If you don't roleplay there, then you shouldn't have it. You can though.
  7. Add an arrest location indicator for staff. Similiar to show nlr? Would make it great for sits regarding being arrested in spawn.
  8. Bug Description: The stove model/restaraunt stove entity automatically gets deleted when it is frozen on the ground. Reproduce: Spawn the stove prop or entity. When you pick it up and place it on the ground and try to freeze it, it deletes itself. It should be also worth nothing that when the stove is spawned, it spawns on all 4 legs that it has. When you move it, the legs sink into the ground - thus the prop is "in the world" and gets deleted. Priority: Low
  9. Dealers doesn't drop any cash. I believe you cannot sell things to general anymore, I remember trying and it showed up as 0 far un-processed drugs.
  10. I would think it would be so much fun to do sits like this. "Hey judge gabe, this guy is mass rdming." "Cuff him and bring him to court". "Why are you mass rdming? "Because it was fun". "Ok. Ban."
  11. Staff on Duty - Job Changes Staff on duty as a job is useless. Add benefits to being this job while removing things that could be abused. Staff on duty is not suppose to roleplay, but rather do sits. Add incentives for doing sits. I want to give staff on duty "super powers (god mode, etc)" but remove everything to where it could be abused. Add to staff on duty: God Mode Unarrestable Increased movement speed / jump height (Alternatively, add a movement swep) Add a unique model Add increased money cap/gain for doing sits - while on this job. Add a small amount of gang XP for doing sits - while on this job. Since this job is not allowed to roleplay, money and XP does not exist. Add it to give more incentive for staff to do more sits. Remove money for doing sits currently and add it to this job only. Remove from staff on duty: Remove inventory swep Strip any weapons that are not default to staff on duty loadout Remove F4 entities that can be purchased Remove Keys (No need for them)
  12. New job + Perk change Job: Plague Doctor - Spread various diseases. Gains little XP when giving someone a disease. Gains more XP if inflicting a person that has a disease (if creating more then just ebola) already. When a person dies from a disease, gain xp. Could create new disease types or just leave it @ ebola. Could infect players by hitting them - or have a way to "plant" the disease on something. Like a door - the next person uses the door gets x disease. Would give interesting gameplay for hazmat / jesus / chemical. Chemical could sell a "general" disease potion instead of the ebola potion. For the perk change - change ebola immunity to something like: Every tic or x amount of seconds you have a x % chance to be cured of one disease. Otherwise ti would make the job virtually useless.
  13. Bug Description: Drug processors are not receiving drug materials. When placing weed / opium / cocaine into the processor, it is stuck at 0% but still removes the material. How to reproduce: Place material into drug processor. Priority: Low
  14. yeeto

    XP Guide

    Updated it. Post more things that I have missed please.
  15. Sugar said that the gmod devs fixed two of the crashing issues and those will be fixed on the next gmod update. Just crashed when uncuffing someone. Crashed when someone threw a bacta grenade. Crashed when it hit the ground.
  16. Just crashed in the PD @ Mayors office, lockdown was activated. People were blowing up doors.
  17. Add a talent or as a special to an enchanted weapon: X amount of % to retain weapon when killed, based on the rarity. Have a special that retains the weapon on kill. Or as an alternative talent / special - On death you have x amount of % to drop weapon on killed, based upon the rarity. Same for special. Another alternative - which combines both: On death you have x % chance to retain weapon, the other % is dropping it, or not retaining / dropping it at all. I'd like to see more people using enchanted weapons, as they can be extremely strong - but when you die - whether be from a raid, ebola, rdm, etc. There's just too many ways to die. If a weapon has a chance to be retained, I would see more people using enchanted weapons. If enchanted weapons had a drop % when dying, it would be cool to see when you kill someone. With the drop rates - the rarer the weapon, the easier it is to retain, the harder it is to drop.
  18. I have been on the server all day, while the server crashed multiple times and late into the night. I play CP mostly. I have been in the PD frequently through out the day and have never received a crash.
  19. Reposting for Sugar. I'm not sure if you just look @ the latest page for suggestions or missed it - I made a lot of suggestions that would ultimately fix revolting / raiding the pd + removing the mlg cop jobs, while keeping them in the server. Major overhaul to police jobs, raiding, heisting, etc. Some of these ideas are "repeated" ideas, this is just to keep everything in one spot. Revolts: - Make it so the leader has to be within x amount of distance of the PD - if he leaves distance then he gets auto demoted / killed. This prevents leaders from hiding across the map. - Possibly change the revolters to the rebel class - as of right now, there aren't suppose to be "corrupt cp/mayors" which is fail RP. So the rebel class is essentially useless, but make it so either the rebels can start/join the revolt or players are changed to rebel when they join. This helps the CP side a little more - so you don't have "Gay Devils" coming in with mini guns mowing everyone down. Heist/Raids: - Add a !PDHeist as a function in order to heist/raid. - Make the cooldown start when the last CP / heist/raider dies. - Change the color/material of heisters / CP. When people raid, usually people join in later, it's hard to keep track of "Woops, looks like i'm raiding the PD again". - Possibly change heist/raiders to the Bank Heister. Make the vault in the bank / pd only be opened by the bank heister leader. CP / Mayor cannot unlock / lock the vault. - After the heist/raid is over - vault automatically locks after 30 seconds so people don't get trapped in there, and if they do - it kills/teleports them. Both: - Make it so you have to be within a certain distance of the PD to revolt and heist/raid. Usually the entire server joins in, and it isn't fair for the CP. This also requires more communication on the people wanting to do this. - Has to have a certain amount of CP on to revolt and heist/raid. - When a revolt and heist/raid start - the PD automatically locks down. - When a player dies from revolt and heist/raid - they are "ghosted" upon returning to the PD. Once the revolt and heist/raid is over, they can enter the PD. "Ghosted" would be something like where they can't be interacted with by other players or other "ghosted" players. Alternatively - make a "barrier" around the PD so they cannot enter the PD but can still interact with other things / play normally in the area. Talent Change: Recall - When the PD locks down, you are given a notification to teleport to the PD. Same cooldown. Changes to instant backup when playing mayor (or completely new talent) - When a revolt and heist/raid start, the mayor has access to the "Call for backup" talent (new or changed). When X amount of CP's die or x amount of time has passed, the mayor can call for x additional units. Units spawn near the PD and not inside. Revolters and Heist/Raiders are notified of the backup call. Units called back will be the "elite task force" job set. Otherwise - when call for backup is activated, a random CP unit will be asked if they want to back up the mayor. Player that clicks "Yes" to backing up the mayor, gets teleported somewhere near the mayor as secret service. Call for backup normal CP talent: Ask a random CP if they want to backup that unit, if they say yes - their job is changed to a random swat class (Swat, Swat Medic, Swat Enforcer, Swat Sniper) CP Job Changes - Disable these jobs from being selected: Secret Service Smoke Soldier 76 Fantasma Combine Team Six All of Swat (including sniper) Juggernaut Remove these jobs completely: Civil Protection Specialist Swat Chief / Commando / Add this job: Civil Protection Supplier (one slot) - Sells specific guns to CP only. - Spawns in with default CP kit. Civil Protection Medic (one slot) - Spawns in with default CP kit + a med kit Job Changes: CP: - None CP Lead: - Spawns with AR15 / M16 Detective: - A way to detect printers if they have the "Minimal Sound" upgrade. - A way to detect processors. Secret Service: - Disabled - Spawns near the mayor when the mayor calls for backup, when there is no revolt / raid. Juggernaut: Disabled normally. Change it so that when a revolt and raid/heist starts, VIP only players that are a current CP class are asked if they want to become the juggernaut. Swat: - Spawns in with the M16 with acog. - Is one of the "random backup" units. - Disabled Swat Enforcer: - Random Backup Units - Disabled Swat Medic: - Random Backup Unit - Disabled Swat Sniper: - Random Backup Unit - Disabled - Only an option if player is VIP, otherwise it picks from the other three. Soldier 76: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Fantasma: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Smoke: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Combine Team Six: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Mayor's Assassin: - Give them fake handcuffs / arrest, etc. Give them all the tools a normal CP has, but non functioning. Mayors assassin is virtually useless when all you have to do is "Show cuffs". - Give appropriate job / model change. I've seen people with their job as "K9" but have a swat/gaben model. There's a lot of stuff here, I will probably go back through and clean it up later. The changes will nerf CP and raiders. CP won't have access to "super cop" classes immediately. Raiders won't be able to mow down CP with their instakill weapon perms. Also - raiding cp won't be as rampant as it is, because people ignore the 15 minute rule. Even moderators ignore it. No one enforces it because there aren't many "For CP" mods/admins. There won't be NLR abuse either, which the CP side seems to do more often than the revolters. I'm still open for not having class changes for raiding though, just a thought.
  20. I agree with Buckell. I see staff that do nothing unless it involves themselves personally. I also see staff that do nothing unless it involves a friend or a gang member. Both of those are going to be biased. Staff member can say "I'm never biased!". When it's personal and it involves you, it will be. That's just being a human, nothing around it. If there are no other staff on and it isn't a major issue, then I would suggest putting it on the forums as a report. TL;DR Make staff only handle situations that does not directly involve them in anyway. If it does and it's major - then that's the exception.
  21. yeeto

    CP Fine Bug

    Bug Description: When moving away from a cuffed person that is paying the fine, it doesn't pay it. It does not remove money from their account. Players think that "they have paid the fine" when they actually haven't - even though they clicked "Yes/No". How to reproduce: Cuff a player, fine them and run away. Priority: Low
  22. yeeto

    XP Guide

    For doing what though?
  23. Bug Description: Smoke doesn't turn orange during revolt. How to reproduce: Start a revolt and look at smoke. Priority: Medium
  24. yeeto

    XP Guide

    Since we all know that there are 8000001 ways to get xp, let's post them all to help people level up. Post things I don't have and i'll add them to the guide. General (10) (Non class specific things) Playing a non CC class Playing with Sugar Selling an Item worth 100k+ Winning a revolt (PD, not sure about revolters) Fishing Crafting Resource Harvesting Harvesting drugs Processing Drugs Kidnapping Chemical Barrels Destroying Cars Citizen: None Bank Guard/Bank Manager: None Chemical Engineer: Making Potions Farmer: None Gambler: None Guard: Unknown Lawyer: None Medic: None Poller: Making Polls Restaurant Owner: Unknown Hobo/Hobo Lord: Playing as a hobo Black Market Dealer: Unknown (Probably selling) Drug Dealer: None Gun Dealer: Unknown (Probably Selling) Spirit Caller: Getting spirits from people Weapon Modifier: Upgrading Weapons, Extracting Blood Bounty Hunter: Unknown Hitman: Completing a hit Police Jobs: Non-lethaling someone with a bounty, fining someone when they pay it, Unarresting, Warranting a player with a bounty, Mayor: Being mayor, Taxing Bank Heist Leader: Unknown Demolistionist: Unknown Hacker: Hacking things Mugger: Unknown Rebels: Unknown Reinforcer: Unknown Mayor's Assassin: Unknown Thief/Master Thief/Master Raider/Infiltrator: None Trisha: Unknown Guitar Player / King of Drums / Pianist / Trumpet Player: None Picolas Cage: Collecting Cereal, Turning in Cereal Pissed Baby: Unknown Preacher: Unknown Snoop Dogg: Unknown Spooky Alien: Unknown Crab: Eating bait Hazmat: Unknown Master Pet / Pet: Unknown Master Stalker / Stalker: Unknown Mr Sniffy: Unknown Necromancer: Resurrecting the dead Pedophile: Unknown Sewler Lord: Killing people with sewler weapon underground Cultist: Sacraficing (All people can sacrifice, but cultist are the only ones with the access) Blood Leader/Bloods: Unknown Crips Leader/Crips: Unknown King: Unknown Mafia Leader/Mafia Member: Unknown VIP Alien Race: None Assassin: Completing a hit Ayyy: None Batman: None Fight Club Owner: Unknown Gandalf: Unknown Grim Reaper: Unknown John Cena: Unknown Master Chief: Same as police? Ronald My Donald: None Spawn of heck: Killing target as spawn of heck Terrorist: Killing while terror is active The Abomination: None The Supplier: Unknown Vaper: None CC: None - unless hitman / cop ( I believe)
  25. Add a rule stating that any form of raiding / assist / pd raid / warn, in an advert must be separate. I've seen people have "warn 1/2/3/ pd raid / false / ". I don't know what they are doing and it's unfair. Clarify in the spirt caller / blood extractor that damaging players will allow them to kill you. Add a short warning before a player revolts to all PD, that way people who revolt don't instakill all the CP.
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