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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by yeeto

  1. Description: Lawyer class can't bail people out. Pressing E does nothing. How to reproduce: Had a player press E on me as a lawyer, didn't do anything. Had a jailed player do the same thing. Priority: Medium - Makes the class useless. Description: PD doors do not respawn when blown up. How to reproduce: Blow up doors in PD? Not entirely sure. Blew up some doors and they respawned. Only appears to be specific doors. Priority: Medium - Can still be blocked with props.
  2. Because it serves no purpose. As of right now, you can be any CP you want. We shouldn't have "Combinefantasmamsmokerino76" as available options. Swat should only be available when called for backup, realistically. Otherwise people will just pick swat 24/7 over CP as it's better. Swat Commando / Chief would be virtually useless with the way I have things changed. No one listens to anyone but the mayor, there is no "chain of command" as there is irl. So virtually, they are both useless.
  3. Major overhaul to police jobs, raiding, heisting, etc. Some of these ideas are "repeated" ideas, this is just to keep everything in one spot. Revolts: - Make it so the leader has to be within x amount of distance of the PD - if he leaves distance then he gets auto demoted / killed. This prevents leaders from hiding across the map. - Possibly change the revolters to the rebel class - as of right now, there aren't suppose to be "corrupt cp/mayors" which is fail RP. So the rebel class is essentially useless, but make it so either the rebels can start/join the revolt or players are changed to rebel when they join. This helps the CP side a little more - so you don't have "Gay Devils" coming in with mini guns mowing everyone down. Heist/Raids: - Add a !PDHeist as a function in order to heist/raid. - Make the cooldown start when the last CP / heist/raider dies. - Change the color/material of heisters / CP. When people raid, usually people join in later, it's hard to keep track of "Woops, looks like i'm raiding the PD again". - Possibly change heist/raiders to the Bank Heister. Make the vault in the bank / pd only be opened by the bank heister leader. CP / Mayor cannot unlock / lock the vault. - After the heist/raid is over - vault automatically locks after 30 seconds so people don't get trapped in there, and if they do - it kills/teleports them. Both: - Make it so you have to be within a certain distance of the PD to revolt and heist/raid. Usually the entire server joins in, and it isn't fair for the CP. This also requires more communication on the people wanting to do this. - Has to have a certain amount of CP on to revolt and heist/raid. - When a revolt and heist/raid start - the PD automatically locks down. - When a player dies from revolt and heist/raid - they are "ghosted" upon returning to the PD. Once the revolt and heist/raid is over, they can enter the PD. "Ghosted" would be something like where they can't be interacted with by other players or other "ghosted" players. Alternatively - make a "barrier" around the PD so they cannot enter the PD but can still interact with other things / play normally in the area. Talent Change: Recall - When the PD locks down, you are given a notification to teleport to the PD. Same cooldown. Changes to instant backup when playing mayor (or completely new talent) - When a revolt and heist/raid start, the mayor has access to the "Call for backup" talent (new or changed). When X amount of CP's die or x amount of time has passed, the mayor can call for x additional units. Units spawn near the PD and not inside. Revolters and Heist/Raiders are notified of the backup call. Units called back will be the "elite task force" job set. Otherwise - when call for backup is activated, a random CP unit will be asked if they want to back up the mayor. Player that clicks "Yes" to backing up the mayor, gets teleported somewhere near the mayor as secret service. Call for backup normal CP talent: Ask a random CP if they want to backup that unit, if they say yes - their job is changed to a random swat class (Swat, Swat Medic, Swat Enforcer, Swat Sniper) CP Job Changes - Disable these jobs from being selected: Secret Service Smoke Soldier 76 Fantasma Combine Team Six All of Swat (including sniper) Juggernaut Remove these jobs completely: Civil Protection Specialist Swat Chief / Commando / Add this job: Civil Protection Supplier (one slot) - Sells specific guns to CP only. - Spawns in with default CP kit. Civil Protection Medic (one slot) - Spawns in with default CP kit + a med kit Job Changes: CP: - None CP Lead: - Spawns with AR15 / M16 Detective: - A way to detect printers if they have the "Minimal Sound" upgrade. - A way to detect processors. Secret Service: - Disabled - Spawns near the mayor when the mayor calls for backup, when there is no revolt / raid. Juggernaut: Disabled normally. Change it so that when a revolt and raid/heist starts, VIP only players that are a current CP class are asked if they want to become the juggernaut. Swat: - Spawns in with the M16 with acog. - Is one of the "random backup" units. - Disabled Swat Enforcer: - Random Backup Units - Disabled Swat Medic: - Random Backup Unit - Disabled Swat Sniper: - Random Backup Unit - Disabled - Only an option if player is VIP, otherwise it picks from the other three. Soldier 76: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Fantasma: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Smoke: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Combine Team Six: - Elite Job - Disabled - Only summoned when the mayor calls for backup during revolt and raid/heist. Mayor's Assassin: - Give them fake handcuffs / arrest, etc. Give them all the tools a normal CP has, but non functioning. Mayors assassin is virtually useless when all you have to do is "Show cuffs". - Give appropriate job / model change. I've seen people with their job as "K9" but have a swat/gaben model. There's a lot of stuff here, I will probably go back through and clean it up later. The changes will nerf CP and raiders. CP won't have access to "super cop" classes immediately. Raiders won't be able to mow down CP with their instakill weapon perms. Also - raiding cp won't be as rampant as it is, because people ignore the 15 minute rule. Even moderators ignore it. No one enforces it because there aren't many "For CP" mods/admins. There won't be NLR abuse either, which the CP side seems to do more often than the revolters.
  4. Rule suggestion. Cultist have to sacrifice their victims. In the job desc it says to sacrifice, as of right now I have been kidnapped multiple times by cultist and placed in a room. Only way to get out is sit there for 10 years and suicide. Technically, right now them not sacrificing is fail rp.
  5. I was stuck after I got sacrificed. Once I died again it went away.
  6. Bug Description: The police K9 doesn't smell / see drugs. How to reproduce: It just doesn't work. I saw plants sticking out of the backyard / someones house, doesn't work. Priority: Low
  7. Make other areas for trees / rocks. The "King" decided to build his megabase fence there. Which is fine, it's a dick move. It's part of the job. No one has claimed rocks / trees before. So the obvious reason is farming gang xp, not for the materials. It's one thing to block off a section with no npcs in it, just houses and stuff. It's completely different when you block of resources, xp or npc's. Essentially removing that section of the map until that player gets off - but considering said player is in one of the more popular gangs that is active day and night, it'll be blocked off all day.
  8. Probably the force fine one.
  9. Description: Upon arresting someone by cuffing and then giving them a fine, it doesn't work all the time. Some times it won't let you fine the player, saying the "player has already been fined." When the player does actually get fined, CP's receive no money or XP from it. How to reproduce: Arresting someone and fining them for the first time works. The second time they are arrested it says "this player has already been fined". Priority: (High, Medium, Low) - High. Most importantly, there is little to no XP to be made from being a CP.
  10. I understand with the fading door abuse and things that would be extremely hard to prove. There really is no way to prove it without video. It's just that I asked multiple times and it was legitimate rule breaking, as in multiple people, even veteran players were abusing it while it happened. It doesn't help when you have long term players saying "Oh, X Y Z did this, because he did it I won't get in trouble, so I am going to use it."
  11. This isn't a hate thread. Just a rant. I really wanted to make this a report on a few mods, but I want to give you guys the benefit of the doubt. I'm not going to call anyone out specifically, because I don't want to target anyone. I understand you guys are players as well and would like to play the game. I understand that some of you guys maybe in sits/afk when I am calling for help. What I don't like, is that when I use @ chat multiple times and not get a response. When I talk to two admins in spawn that are talking to eachother, not even about a sit. They acknowledge me, but nothing happens. When I pm admins asking for help, and then get told I am not using the proper format. I then use the proper format and the admin that said "Use the proper format" doesn't even come. When I see admins actively playing and they don't respond. I understand you guys want to play. If you were in my shoes, I am sure you would feel the same way, feeling powerless - but everyone who had the power wasn't helping. I understand that during peak hours, a lot of you are in sits because there's always a mass rdmer, there's always some rule violation. I just don't understand when I ask for help multiple times, when there are admins available and nothing happens. I did get help for the issue I had, it was just about 30 minutes of prop blocking, fading door abuse, and rdm. I'm not mad. I just want you to understand how I feel. I appreciate it when you do take time to come and help me. PS: Also note that even the thread is "Moderator discussion" admin/moderator is interchangeable. Whichever applies to you.
  12. Here's some more interesting things for police. I enjoy police roleplay more then I do other roleplay. It's like being a moderator, but actually doing something. (I joke.) https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4315/2155xs-police-armory - Adds an armory to the police station. Allows police to withdraw weapons. Also has money in there as well. Robbers can raid this and steal the weapons and get shipments. https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2828/update-advanced-government-computer-mayor-police-agc - Sort of a record keeping thing. Shows how many times players have been arrested, citizens can make complaints, etc. The cool thing is, is that hackers can hack the computer and add warrants / remove warrants etc. https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2026 - Police bation. Pretty sure you could make this on your own though. Combines the unarrest / stunstick / arrest stick in want. Also adds a quick warrant option as well. (Looking at door ways, etc). https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/1203/judge-police-report-system - For the overhaul of judge gaben. Player goes to jail, police makes report. Player gets teleported to the court room. Judge decides the penalty / fine. I'd even be up for buying some of them for you if you'd want them. I'm trying to find the stat system still, it's pretty cool. I think police officers *should* make more money or have alternatives to making money. People buying stuff from the PD and fining is cool and everything. Playing police is great, but if I want to make a custom class, I might as well do something else. Also note - the lawyer / k9 in game says nothing about being able to bond people out or sniff drugs. I didn't even know about that until you said it.
  13. Big list of suggestions General Job Quality of Life Changes Make jobs have their own "buy" section. AKA, Chemical Engineer – Alchemey, instead of reagents being in other, it will have its own section for easier organization. Remove filler jobs that offer no unique experiences or change them. Job QOL / Changes Bank Manager At the moment it is lackluster, I don't see players play it often – maybe because how it works isn't explained in game thoroughly? People don't deposit money a lot. Add more details in game on how it works. Let VIPs have a higher donation cap, say to 150k-200k? Chemical Engineer Make reagents not shrink. Sometimes they disappear in the ground. If not, add a "Clean up Reagents" which removes all reagents you have on the map. Possible to add reagents + Recipe on the same page Instead of Reagents being listed in the table, have it say Gasoline(5) instead of Gasoline, Gasoline, etc. Possible "Quick Brew" option. Say you want 100 mini potions, place all the ingridients required for it, set the amount of potions to brew. Explanation of what potions do in game somewhere Gambler Seems like a filler job. I don't see anyone doing "Winner of Roulette gets double their money". Remove russian roullette. Change job name to "Casino Manager". Add this - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/510 Lawyer Seems like a filler job. I can be a citizen, change my job name to lawyer, I'd be the exact same thing as a lawyer besides the model. Give the Lawyer an unarrest stick + A faster than normal lockpick. Cannot raid, purpose is to break people out of jail and get paid for it. Possible to add a "hitman" like system, where player pays for them to be broken out, if lawyer unarrest them then they get the money. Gun Dealer / Black Market Dealer Buying guns from these guys seems... Useless. The black market dealer is "somewhat" useful as you can buy harder to get items like the C4. Remove high end guns from processors. Make a weaker C4 buyable from the blackmarket, and add the stronger C4 to the processor. Make it extremely rare. Bounty Hunter Spas you spawn with is terrible. Replace it with something else or buff it. Retrieving a bounty list is too random. Would rather see Bounty Hunters being able to pick bounties off a list. Would make them much more of a threat to high bounty players + add competion for other bounty hunters. Police Police IMO need a complete overhaul to how they work. There should be more "normal cops" and less super MLG 360 god seal sixtasma cops. People will ALWAYS pick swat or anything above the "standard" police jobs like CP / CP Lead, etc. Because they are simply better. Saw this on a server, would have to find it. Police had different stat values. You talk to a npc and pick your Strength, Agility, Stamina. Depending on what you picked, it gave you a specific job. So having high strength + stamina would give you a swat sniper or something. Also makes CP's more of a threat as they are stronger then normal players, which they should be. Add a CP whitelist or only allow ANY CP job after x amount of time on the server. People who like to RDM pick a CP job and just kill everyone. Make it that you have to be on for x time to even be able to pick a CP class. If none of the CP classes get removed, add time restrictions to all police jobs. That way veteran players could pick SWAT and newer players could only pick CP. Raiding the PD needs to be changed. Players have too many tools to disrupt / attack police officers. !Revolt should be only be used against the mayor that players don't like. People use it now randomly for shits and giggles with stupid reasons. Make it to where to revolt, a moderator has to be on to accept the revolt and verify that it is a valid revolt. When revolting, one player randomly gets picked as the mayor assassin. Raiding the PD is just used IMO as a tool to kill freely. I rarely see people actually "rob the bank" or "break people out of jail". When it does happen, NLR is just rampant. Once the new map comes out I am guesisng the bank will be somewhere else, so this won't be an issue. Add a police armory. Remove all the extra "SWAT MLGSNIPER" "SWAT BIG ENFORCER SHOTGUNNER". The only difference between the jobs are different guns. Let them pick their own guns. Police K9 Increased Bite damage, relatively low. No guns at all. I see some use them. Add a "Sniff" which in a certain radius highlights drugs / planters on the map. Mayor Should be housed seperately from the police station. When a new mayor is elected, anyone that is still mayors assassin should get switched to normal citizen. People just stay as an assassin and hide in the pd until there is a new mayor. Bank Heister Make it so they are the only ones allowed to raid the bank. I see other people do it not on this job all the time. Have the money evenly split between all players as the bank heist class. Thief Related Jobs Remove Demo, Emperor, Explosive Spec, Hacker, Infiltrator, Mugger. Add a "Generic Thief" with the ability to mug and spawns with a lockpick. This means for other tools of raiding, you'll have to buy it from the black market dealer, which makes it useless otherwise. Hazmat IMO, Should be merged with medic. Terrorist Give terrorist an objective instead of just killing everyone. Add a "Bomb" that they can plant. The bomb is in the middle of map. Terrorist have to defend bomb for x amount of minutes. If the bomb explodes, it destroys all props, money printers, processors, etc. Day / Night / Weather System I suggest simple weather. I have it and it works great. No need to have it built in the map - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/88.
  14. https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/920/admin-sit-bubble For mods / admins. Figured it would make their job easier. Makes a bubble around people in sit, admins are god modded and the players can't leave the bubble. https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4538 Same as the above, it has its own special admin sit spot on the map. Currently only works with one map. It will be updated to allow you to create your own sit areas. This one prevents the players from doing anything at all and cuts out all ooc / mic chatter.
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