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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by yeeto

  1. If you look on the trello here sugar already has some ideas planned for hobos. I don't know what "Boxes" are on the trello, but it's a thing at some point.
  2. I would like to see other players being able to pick talents in a gang, but that would ruin some gangs such as "THE DD" (bunch of nerds) who are only doing cop stuff, then you have a guy who just joins and uses all the talents to get what he wants and not what the gang wants. It'd be cool, but I don't think sug would add it. I'd rather see something like the old school wow talent system for everyone.
  3. Could be a gang related thing entirely. Make it like the source sprays work in game already, but make a way to create a spray (think like guild tabards in any game, nothing like COD) for the gang. Pretty sure sugboi can make it an option, if you don't want to see the sprays, you don't have to.
  4. The reason those task give you XP instantly is because it requires a resource, processors are on a timer, drugs you need a certain amount of. You were able to get tree / ore xp every hit previously. This caused people to AFK wood chop / mine ore overnight and gain massive amounts of xp. I think the values of the XP gain should be increased on certain task. I *believe* it does tell you how much you need to cap out, I think it is around 750/850. I like the fraction idea or a legitimate XP bar that would stay down at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Name change was planned on suga trello. Gonna cost a lot of moola.
  6. Realistically, there are always going to rotten eggs anywhere on the staff team (tmod, mod, etc - not targeting anyone). You can have someone make a perfect T mod application and then in game just start banning everyone for shits and giggles. You can add more restrictions such as "No warns within the past month, etc, X amount of hours, X amount of age, Has mic, 5 forum post a month, etc". You'll still get bad eggs. T mod is essentially a trial to see if they work out. I think staff retention would be a better option, but it's hard when you just get burned out because you just do sits all day and can't play.
  7. Wasn't sure what it was, I will remove it.
  8. yeeto

    Gun Balance

    Weapon List There's the weapon list with all the guns available from the supplier. I still think the guns should be balanced, most of them are very similar and the tick rate update helps with the semi rifles now. I believe the weapons should be balanced based on the type of weapon it is (duh). The problem is that the only real thing that separates most of the guns is recoil / ammo. Most of the guns have stats within the same ballpark. If you want to get technical, you can always implement damage fall off so that you can't snipe across the map with an smg, etc. Alternatively, there should be something that defines most weapon types from other ones. Obviously, snipers are good. Shotguns are relatively good if some, most of them are crappy. Pistols are ok, there's really only one good pistol. The problem lies within the SMG's / Rifles - most of them are similiar, if not the same. SMG's should have a faster reload time and (mostly) a faster fire rate and lower damage. Rifles should stay around 3 seconds for a reload, fire rates above .08+ and do slightly more damage with better ADS.
  9. Weapon List Above is a google doc links to an updated weapon list. I made this yesterday, so everything is accurate. It does not have any guns you cannot buy from the supplier. Reload times are estimated.
  10. yeeto

    Gun Balance

    If anything, the weapons stats need to be displayed in some way besides dropping it on an enchanter altar.
  11. yeeto

    Gun Balance

    I'd rather see most of the weapons removed and only have a select few. The variety in weapons is nice, but they are all practically just reskins of another weapon / just plain suck. When trying to buy a gun right now it's very confusing to know which one is better then the other, etc. AKA, say cut each weapon type down by 30%, so remove 30% of the snipers, pistols, rifles, etc. After that, make a "base set" of weapons that CC's can use that look normal such as the default CSS weapons. Then add the better / more varied weapons that a gun dealer can sell that are the other weapons, such as WZ 35, that can be considered side grades - aka the ( think it's a cc wep, but as an example) PPSH can be like the p90 that shoots faster, has a higher recoil and less ammo. Guns that look unique like the M4 Howl, Awp Awsimov, Dark Knight, - should be conisdered the best tier, have them only drop from daily rewards / processor drops. Obviously not the best as in "999 ammo, 50 damage per shot, .01 fire rate, etc." I think doing something like this would be some convince people to base more often (not a lot of people do it) and go to the gun dealer more often. Another big change which probably won't be liked... Remove buying ammo from the F4 menu. Make it so gundealers / bmd / supplier sell the ammo. Make it so you can craft ammo into ammo boxes that you can pick up and put in your inventory as well. Other then that, +1 - something about the guns needs to be changed.
  12. QOL Low Priority Make sewer lord spawn in the sewers like shark / crab spawn in ocean. Sewer lord should be able to use a fishing pole / pickaxe / axe so he can gather resources in the sewer (if not just pickaxe, but can spawn trees in sewer). Sewer lord should take immense damage when exiting sewers (like 10 damage per sec, etc). BUG Low Priority When picking the job sewer lord, you get teleported to the sewers initially and you are slow until you go out of boundary of sewers, and then come back in.
  13. You can't expect staff to take sits 24/7. The reason I left staff was because there really wasn't any time to play. It's almost constant sits 24/7 and you either play or ignore sits. If you get rdm'd, just ignore it - unless you actually lose weapons or other things from it. If it happens again, let it keep happening until they get that nice mass RDM. We can turn this into carebear rp and just remove all weapons.
  14. Allow the boombox to play sounds mounted on the server (this is just generic because i know you sell boombox - ideally this would be the HL2 soundfiles that we get from gmod, specifically the music one) and add speakers that you can hook up to the boombox that get disabled if boombox is damaged (at all) or moved too far away.
  15. Shouldn't have to though. when you have 500 something people in fountain, you can't just warn them all.
  16. QOL Fix the constant swep noise spam. It's not fun anymore. It's not cute. It was cool the first 500 times, but it isn't anymore. Specifically, anything that plays audio over like 3 seconds+ Minecraft, meeseeks, etc. People can spam the audio and it just overlaps. Make it so if they press it again, it cuts off the current audio and starts the new audio.
  17. I believe the problem is that the files are not actually hooked up to the fast DL, so it keeps downloading the files but it doesn't actually download. I'm pretty sure if you put a file in your gmod folder with those names it will stop.
  18. Title. Anytime I join the server I always download the same few files: Nexa Bold Font Unboxing Points png Unboxing Trail png Pickpocket/pick.wav Probably a few more. Would be cool to see these removed or actually downloaded so it's faster to join the server.
  19. For both the beach houses, where they have the curved windows, i'd rather have flat windows. it's a pain to put one way props there when it's just curved. only way I can do it with the least amount of props is to do it like this. I like the windows, but doing that makes it look bad.
  20. yeeto

    CC Kidnapping

    I don't think CC's should be able to kidnap to begin with. I'd rather have the rule reverted to the way it was before then do this.
  21. Title. Sharks N crabs shuld spawn in water. Maybe with perk? Sharkies should have health regen n water or gain health back when biting people! Crabs need armor cuz they have tuff shecks and need defense from sharkies. Also, boat vehicle please.
  22. This is probably more preference but... The current model for big ol gabe looks like dog doodoo. I would like to see this one used: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=500181593
  23. Just change it so you can't raid / base with size then.
  24. Would rather do what Muffin suggested. Use the rooms / buildings in spawn for the npcs - they aren't used for anything else.
  25. I don't think people in the fountain area should be immune to everything. I think a better change would just to be while you are at interacting with an NPC, you should be immune to kidnapping, mugging, pickpocket, force drop, etc. I would say damage + handcuffing to, but I feel like people would abuse that to get out of hits or stop someone from chasing them.
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