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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by yeeto

  1. The bad effects are based on the food you eat. I know how food works.
  2. I'd actually like to see.. Think of it like a talent tree sort of system, like world of warcraft (before it was shitty). Instead of getting random perks that you get every level. Have a few trees like... Criminal / Civilian / Police / Weird Investing points unlocks the next tier. Points can be reset weekly by the gang owner (at a price). Allows people to customize their playstyle to more then "one role". So people can enjoy a variety of different things. (Cop, criminal, etc). Criminal could be 1/4 - Quick Mug - Mugging cooldown is decreased by 10% per rank 1/4 - Fast Escape - When warranted/wanted - Increase movement speed by 4% per rank 1/4 - Master Key - Unlock doors faster if you have unlocked it before (Joe owns door, bob comes to raid him, bob comes and raids him again, joe still owns door, so he gets the buff) by 12% per rank.
  3. Good talent suggestion, more fitting for a perk though. The problem with suggesting... very specific talents, is that it only effects one thing. So you leveled up 10 times, just to get a talent for ONE job. Said job has ONE slot. That's a great perk though.
  4. Right now there are a few inherently must have talents. Everything else is.. Ok? It's just not good. Let's think of ways to make them better / on par with the most picked talents. What do you think are the best talents to pick from and why? Would you pick a different talent if it was slightly better? Perks / Talents will be rated as the following based on usefulness: Best, Good, Ok, Bad, Worst. All Purpose Talents ________________ Quick Sell - Sell to general buyer from inventory (Best) - Super convenient for anyone - especially to people who are basing with procs. Pimp My Ride - Vehicles have 3x more health and drive 1.25x faster (Worst) - It's the worst because vehicles aren't in the game. They will be added again at some point. When they are, this is a GOOD talent. Legacy Picker - Chances of being selected for a legacy job is increased (Bad) - If the legacy jobs were more exciting, this could be better. How much is it increased by? The only legacy job we want is santa. Alternatively, have legacy jobs give you more gang xp then normal - since it is rare-ish to become one. A Pretty Penny - 5 extra sugar dollars on earning them from gang XP (Ok) - It's alright. Needs more sugar dollars to be added, or change the talent to "Higher chance to earn sugar dollars when getting gang xp". Nice Guy - Buy VIP for someone for 3 mil instead of 5 (Ok) - It's cool for helping your friends. That's about it. If there was a way to regain some portion of the money back / some other benefit, it'd be great. Fish Master - Your fish is always more rare (Best) - With fishing being a source of good income now, this is an extremely good talent that anyone can use. Thief Spec ______________ Extra Bullet - 10% chance to not use a bullet (Ok) - Good for weapons with a large magazine as they will see the most use. Would like to see something like "The lower the ammo you have, the higher chance it is". Blood Sucker - Bullets have a chance to restore 2 hp on a hit (Worst) - 2 HP is extremely low HP gain and what is the chance %? The amount you gain needs to be higher for it to be any good. Precious Life - When you drop below 30 hp you are brought back up to 100 health - 5 min cooldown (Good) - Great talent for weapons with low damage. Anything that does high amounts of damage negates this perk (Sniper riflers, shotguns, etc). Can be reworked to "Any lethal damage restores HP to 100" to make this a great talent. 2 Is better then one - More people in a gang around you while picklocking decreases picklocking time (Ok) - This requires coordination. Realistically, someone would use a breach charge and blow it up. Would rather see something like "Master Criminal - Pickpocketing, Hacking, and Picklocking time is reduced by 35%" - More useable. Force Mug - When you mug a CC player, they will drop the cash (Bad) - This is alright.. The mugging cooldown is too long and the amount you can mug for is too low for this to be effective. Change it to "Mugging a CC player drops 1% of their cash (or a higher amount of cash dropped, you get the idea). Force Drop - Mugging a cc makes them drop an item when mugged 30 min cd (ok) - This is around Ok-Good, really depends on who you are mugging. If you know who you are mugging has a stack of blow torches, then it's good. I'd rather the cooldown increased by a lot, but make the cooldown PER person, so if you mug Piklas, you can't get another drop from him for 3 hours, etc. Police Spec _____________ Experienced Cop - Cuffing is instant now (Best) - Nothing to say here. It's great. With the cooldown on cuffing added, this is relatively balanced. Persuasive Fine - People attempt to pay their bounty if it's under 750 (Ok) - I'm on the fence between ok and good. You get XP from this if they pay the bounty. I'd like to see it raised to 1000. I Basically Live Here - Return to PD, 5 Min CD (Good) - Great for when you get kidnapped, pd raid, etc. This is just a good talent. Free One - Spawn with a free sledge hammer (Ok) - Considering police have battering rams which are more effective.. This is ok. It would be great if it was under the thief spec. (I don't know if this applies to CP only or any job) Slow Down - Non Lethal slows for 90% more and hits 50% more and last 50% longer (Good) - This is great for just fucking people over. This would be much better if experienced cop reduced cuffing by about 75%. Instant Backup - Teleport to a cop who calls for backup, or a random cop if none (Good) - Fits its purpose well, people just have to use the backup. Steel Grade Cuffs - Cuffs cannot be broken out of unless time expires (Ok) - It works great.. But why do you need this? The only purpose is for dragging people around. Misc Spec ___________ Morpher - Change size from .5-1.5 (Good) - Only works on some jobs. It's a more of a fun talent. Too Weird 2 Hack - Your items cannot be hacked (Ok) - It's only good when there is a hacker around, why would you let them get that close? Wow - Spawn with a doge Brick (Bad) - This is just a stupid / troll weapon. Doesn't do much. This is a fun talent. Launcher - Use gravity gun to punt objects (Best) - Can use the saw blade to one shot people. Power Stop - Jumping in the air at minimum 25 feet causes you to plow down to the ground immediately (Ok) - Never saw this used, don't know if it does damage or how it functions. Reinforced Legs - You take no falll damage (Best) - Really good for people with movement sweps. Alter Gravity - Gravity is halved (Ok) - It's more of a fun talent. Where is the bathroom - You poop and it projects you into the air (Ok) - Never saw this used, don't know how it works. Perk Suggestions ________________ Talent Suggestions ________________ Best case scenario, we would want to raise everything to at least a good rating. The ones that are labeled (Best) are the ones most pick. Realistically, I'd like to see everything move up to a good rating (pending suggestions). So, post your suggestions and opinions please.
  5. Wiping will not do anything unless everything is wiped. Not opposed to it though, if everything were wiped and CC's were reworked.
  6. Have doors auto sell after the OWNER has not used it for 30 mins to an hour. Prevents people from owning random doors for no reason, such as the doors to the roof, etc. Add a "Self-Destruct" to Processors and Printers. Make processors/printers not take ANY damage from the owner. Have the self destruct command / button take approx 1-2 minutes before they blow up. Prevents people from blowing their stuff up when they get raided.
  7. Title. The rule itself is a good rule, but it's.. also a bad one. Necromancers cannot pick what or who they revive. If necromancers could choose if they revive a player, or a hostile NPC then I would be ok with the rule.
  8. Add some way of changing bodygroups via a tool - or some way in the new F4 menu. Also - Add a base capture mechanic similar to gangwars. Makes it so players cannot hold a base all day until they leave.
  9. Server doesn't need help the way it did before. There weren't as many staff members and shit was happening all the time. Only reason I came on was to help. Now I just need sugar to (please) give me my VIP back so I can dupe my base REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and im 23
  10. Pretty much the title. I haven't been on as much since December and that's because I have a daughter now. Between her and work, I don't really have too much free time to actually get on the server and help. When I do get on the server, I just want to play. Not babysit kids who don't know how to follow the rules. So, cya staff kiddies. hecko normies.
  11. What north bear said. Shorter kidnap times for new players. Would see great player retention.
  12. It is a good idea, it's just not implemented in the correct way. Something like it needs to exist.
  13. Add a "Warn" System. Can be implemented like TTT has their "C" menu (suit zoom bind). Pressing the key brings up a menu (think like ulx vote yes / no menu) with preselected options. "Stop Micspamming player!!" (Player being replaced by whoever the person is looking at). This allows pre set options and doesn't allow any deviation for stupid reasons. "Stop looking at me player" - Players only have a few selections when warning. When a player gets warned by another player, maybe play a sound / popup notification for that player, so that they know they are being warned.
  14. Just looking at where I think the server is at right now and what could be changed / discuss recent changes to despawning entities (procs, printers, etc). This isn't saying the server is bad. This is just pointing out some spots where I think some improvements can be made. Map The map controls / directs gameplay, so this will have the biggest influence. The current map has some improvements over the original map, but it is still just as boring as the original. There's really nothing much you can do to change this, besides give the entire map an overhaul. The map has been used for years and it's a staple for dark rp. Maybe adding more.. Decoration? Make the map look alive? I don't know. Any of the super srs RP maps like C18 have a great environment, but it also has a story to go behind in. This map isn't really built with anything in mind... There's a police station / bank.. a "gunshop" that was the prime spot for gun dealers - but with how things evolved, that's not the way it is anymore. You can sell guns on the corner of the street. Having decorated areas / rooms would be cool. It's empty though - and for a good reason. You don't want random static map props that you can't delete, getting in the way of your 55 fences protecting your printers. The map is just bland. It performs what it needs to do, but doesn't do anything else. The sewers + additional extension to the slums (strip club area) is cool and has a lot of housing - but it's not really used as much as the original parts of the map. The beach extension is the only part of the map that I would like to see in the original downtown map. It adds something unique that isn't found in your standard dark rp map. It adds an "ocean" of sorts and it looks good. Adding the fishing job with it is cool. I would like to see more areas of the map "Added on to" that provides a new form of game play / interaction instead of more buildings that no one uses. This leads into the next topic which is... Money. Money There are a lot of ways to make money and a lot of ways to spend it. Out of all the ways to make and spend, there are only a ways to do it efficiently. Money is primarily spent on processors / printers with the intention of gaining the most amount of money in the shortest time period. Any other way of making money isn't efficient as other methods (selling guns, drugs, weapon mod, etc). You can spend money on guns, houses, etc. None of those things spent have a huge impact on your total amount of money. The only thing that causes a huge loss in money is VIP (one time thing) and CC's. CC's is the "end" goal of a player. Any weapon you want, any model, custom gun, etc. Once you have your CC, there's nothing else to really spend money on besides adding more gun slots / creating another CC. Delivering Boxes, Scrapping cars, Selling drugs, fishing, etc. Those are cool things that doesn't depend on your job. I'd like to see more things like this. There needs to be more ways to gain money efficiently and more things to spend money on that are worthwhile. Such as inventory spaces, faster xp gain, etc. Perks for your account that don't directly effect gameplay (Think P2W) but help you out in other ways. The changes to entities being able to be despawned after four hours is a GREAT idea. It's just not implemented correctly. I don't know how you can do it any other way, but I would love to see suggestions. Jobs should have more means of gaining money then sitting in your base farming printers and processors. Processors are a great idea, but it completely takes away from the gun dealer/ black market, etc. When you can get free guns from a processor, you don't need to buy guns. Processors need to be balanced more. You can't really do much with one processor, but when you have 10 processors - you are making a lot of money versus having one. With one printer, you can still make decent money. Bitminers need to be buffed or the cost needs to be reduced. Add Money launderers - you spawn an entity for x amount of money, put money in it and it gives a % of the money back out. You can remove the money at any time, has a chance to explode. Gang System The gang system is cool. It adds cool perks and allows you to group up with your friends. It doesn't really do anything else. I'd like to suggest having a more gangwars-esque gang system. [video=youtube] This is just gameplay from it. Doesn't show gang specific gameplay, but it shows some of the differences. I'll mention more on what I would like to see from this later. Things that would add more player retention / goals to work for: Add two separate XP systems. One for gangs and one for jobs. You can combine both for "Player level" aka bragging rights, which does nothing. The job XP system will reward players for playing a specific job and have progression. Think of this like - "gang talents" except more specific to your job level. Jobs will be classed into different groups based on what kind of job it is ex: All cop jobs will be in the cop group, you gain xp for playing properly as a cop and start out as "Civil Protection". Leveling up will grant you access to swat classes, PD Commander, etc. Add in the cop talents from gangs. Thief group - Gain XP from mugging, pickpocketing, otherwise stealing other peoples printers, etc. Level up to gain access to faster pickpocketing, lockpicking, - mug amount increase, force mug, etc. Merchant Group - Gain XP from selling products. Level up to gain cheaper product prices, chance for an extra shipment, etc. Job upgrades to BMD, Supplier etc - more goods to sell as you progress. Would add more player retention + goals towards instead of CC. CC's would not benefit from any of these perks / benefits that the other jobs do. Gang XP / Money - Add products such as - Gang Printers, Gang Processors, etc. Have upgraded versions based on gang level. Using a gang entity gives money to the gang / xp. Gang money can be used to purchase general talents / perks for everyone in the gang. Add the "Territory" control in parts of the map. Gangs control a section of the map which they HAVE to actively base in in order to control. Controlling a section gives occasional XP to the gang. Add a money stash for gangs. Money stash gains money over time and caps out a certain point and can only be used when it caps out. Gives the gang money / xp when used. Other gangs can use it before it is done and gain the xp / money. Cops can destroy it to gain money for everyone as a cop + gain xp for them selves. There's a lot more that could be said, but I would like to see a healthy discussion on new ideas / QOL changes that will help out the server. I'm sure sugar has saw / looked at gang wars RP. TL;DR Map is boring - nothing against the map creator (can't remember his name) the map is great, but it's just downtown with new things added that no one uses. There's no reason to go to other parts of the map. Money can be gained from almost anything, but only certain things actually gain you money. There is not enough things to actually sink money into. Gang system could be improved + job improvements to with an xp system for both.
  15. I agree. What's the point of the Lawyer job if it can't even do what it's advertised to do? So it IS suppose to work this way, it just isn't working. I am sure sugar will get to it once he gets finished with all the other job overhauls.
  16. Buy a new PSU. I don't see why you can't do that.
  17. Priority: Low for mug, med for drugs Bug Description: E does not show up when you are a job that can mug. The / set mug amount pops up, but you cant mug anyone. Reproduce: Press E on someone as a job that can mug. Bug Description: Can't sell processed drugs like cocaine / heroine. Someone tried selling drugs to the processed drug dude, it was heroine. It did not work. Reproduce: Attempt to sell heroine by dropping it and giving it to drug dude (might work with other drugs)
  18. The map has crosswalks in every part (as far as I saw) there is no need to create additional crosswalks besides "ease of access". Having sidewalks down the tunnels would be nice though.
  19. yeeto

    CP Ideas

    I'm always up for more CP jobs, but I have to say no. We have 5000 cp jobs that are all virtually the same besides a select few that actually do unique things, security spec, detective, commander, undercover, etc. Every other CP job just has a different gun. When sugar gets around to it I am sure he will rework it all.
  20. Which may add up over a long period of time, but nothing that would give them XP that fast.
  21. That would make a good perk. I'd have it randomly spit out a few seconds after you press E.
  22. Would rather see players losing a few levels or so and only doing it twice a month, give or take. Alternatively add xp reduction for a certain amount of time.
  23. also must take showers to be in. we don't want smelly members.
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