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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Welcome back. You probably wont recognize a large portion of the player base.
  2. These are all opinions but are generally right from certain perspectives.
  3. Those of you wondering. This man was roleplaying as a cop. A preacher attacked him with a bible which does no damage. Now in real life, if I slapped a cop with a book would he pull out a gun and shoot me? Just saying
  4. So I will be changing my name to Griffin and figured I would post here so everyone isnt like woah who is that dude -succ
  5. this isn't even a gang @ b0ne
  6. Sugar already got this post answered and what not but I'd like to comment. Staff don't take sits because yes we like to RP. A lot of the sits I find are ones that don't need staff. A player is like " hey I cant find sewers" or "someone kidnapped me and I'm trapped tp me out". Mass RDMers are always around but if no one reports them we don't know if they are truly Mass RDMing. They could be raiding, crossfire, and many other things. A lot of the time we don't take singular RDM sits either. We aren't supposed to. Communicate first. Say" hey man why did you kill me?". If there is no response then call a staff member. A lot of the time I see staff take easy sits. Like a mass RDMer. That's a quick ban and not a lot of work. That's also a priority too though. It's all a matter of perspective in my opinion. Take a step back and consider " What are all the reasons they couldn't be taking sits?". There are many reasons. Just sayin
  7. Maverick

    A Request

    pm him on discord
  8. Check gametracker at link in app format
  9. no gametracker score denied I DONT HAVE GAME TRACKER Yes, yes you do
  10. Eddih you are already in gang smh Denied
  11. Glad to have you back buddy :)
  12. Already Accepted Accepted Accepted, you'll be invited when you get on.
  13. literally advertised tunnel snake a hour ago lol and? they're inactive and not organized, I realized my efforts weren't doing shit
  14. Application format Ingame name: Succ Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354045559/ Previous gangs: SD, Tunnel Snake Hours played: 217 Hours played past week: Easy 35+ Gametracker score: 291 Age: 15 What can you provide regarding raids: I don't raid much but I can help with blowtorching etc. What can you provide regarding basing: I usually base and will help with processors and XP Do you use a mic: Oh yeah What is your favorite food: hamburgers
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