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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cr0w

  1. Cr0w

    Goals On TitsRP

    get a 20 weapon CC and hit gang level 100
  2. Make the price of selling shipments the same as weapons. I don't want to sell a shipment for 1k when I could sell it as weapons for 5k
  3. Wow you are calling me gay.My name is Anime IRL and you are calling me gay?wow.
  4. Wow Cicada being an animecist. I think he hates anime because his internet is too slow.(This is a joke)(also my life is a joke)
  5. he does other shit and i maybe know it.
  6. Add the 3 hour mass rdm prevent system to Explosive specialist. I think it should help a little with the people who throw bombs in the streets
  7. You can base as cops.You can only use bitminers or grow olives.Someone can demote you for not doing your job though.
  8. Did you try to "Verify Integrity of Game Files"? Maybe try to delete the addons you recently installed or delete all of the addons that aren't for TitsRP? Or just reinstall gmod? Or do a factory reset
  9. Cr0w


    like noone knows that you can do that
  10. Wow monoxide.You were actually wrong.He had to throw it in a pit of lava to dry it.
  11. Cr0w

    Dogs wtf

    Did you let him watch dog porn?You know you can't show him that until he's 18?
  12. nice try to get the lazy staff members to take sits.they will never take sits.
  13. Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life:Bug Description:The mass RDM cop system is very glitchy.Alot of times I can't play the good cop jobs because of it. How to reproduce:Have over 3 hours and try to switch as a cop, Might work might not. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Medium https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/876376085821175677/A0B12D5391D0FC14C7A026EA760A846B3599B4F0/
  14. Cr0w


    William it will take a while.I would recommend PMing him every day
  15. literally advertised tunnel snake a hour ago lol
  16. Add a new category:Superior Mods and add me to that category
  17. Cr0w


    btw i sat on that cake
  18. Cr0w


    happy birthday trap
  19. I don't think Sugar will be chaning the printer system at all,he may give it a boost or something but he wont change it completley. Sugar won't add Wiremod because it could make FPS problems and other stuff. We already have a prop buddy system or it was removed,I think it's still there.We have the sit addon. He should make the raiding rule clearer but not change it. I can already see people going away 10 metres away from their base,getting killed and whining that he cant kill him whilst he's away from his base.
  20. I havent crashed even when building.
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