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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Cr0w

  1. Its fixed,but you dont get the right amount of money from fining someone
  2. Well until sugar fixes it you can arrest them not fine them
  3. Why not Peanut Butter Kirnov?
  4. Add a new rule:You can revolt for any reason, because everyone revolts for shit reasons.
  5. How dare you,jokes aside have a nice time lad.
  6. Why don't delete Race by mistake?
  7. +1 to ban smerexy for using shitty emojis on the forums.
  8. I am pretty sure it's not fixable,the bigger the prop the more lag you will get.
  9. Hey it's that guy, I got my friend to play on the server and he was his 1st friend.ima give him some shit when i see him.
  10. Those are my minions trying to kidnap Tunnel for his war crimes
  11. Cr0w


    Imma go watch anime for a week until sugar the vacator gets back.
  12. I don't think the CP hours is even needed.Trolls can switch to a dealer and self supply.
  13. It also works if you press C
  14. The community is mostly made out of OMG I GOT RDMED,each rdm gets a report,70 players on.
  15. My shit ass uses manycam because it doens't drop frames for me.
  16. he will probably leave the community when he sees "minge hours"
  17. Cr0w


    how dare you b0ne jk have a great time
  18. your photoshop skills are badder than my aim
  19. Cr0w

    Warrants Bug

    That glitch happened to me when I denied a warrant.
  20. -for admin +for head trial mod
  21. Cr0w

    Minge hours

    Minge hours is a statement for Titsrp when there are 70 players on and 2 staff.Mostly it's mass rdm or people fucking around or minging.To check if it's minge hours do !staff ig and check the player count.If there are under 3 staff on and 70 players then it's minge hours.In minge hours you can go wild because the average darkrp player reports a single rdm or crossfire, flooding the system with shit reports. Here is some captured art from minge hours http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1079796815 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1079796646 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1079796335 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1079795966
  22. dont meyk me make report un u
  23. monoxide isn't underaged jeez thought he was 16 some shit because i havent seen him online at all
  24. I am proffesional at paint
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