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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by 1-800-Suicide

  1. No it just proves the biases of people who would go to a form about staff and how fun the server is. 30 respondents is a low sample size and nearly every staff is within a margin of 2 or 3 votes for leaning "bad" or "good". Hardly a "glowing sign" While interesting stuff about reputation there is I hope internal dialogue between staff on what to do in sits, if someone disagrees with another person etc. even if it sometimes feels different. The only real reason for people to be demoted would be abuse or other things that are unbecoming of staff, or just not taking sits which there is a report section for where you submit evidence. Not your subjective opinion on a person. I hear there were more questions on the survey I would like to see the data on that as well even if the sample size is likely low like the staff questions
  2. People who make google forms can see who sends answers. I will not be sending in an answer for this reason.
  3. Added corner drug house and bank to the google drive. I think almost all of the common basing spots are covered by this now.
  4. None of u retards are accepted and im purging the gang of all non paid invites
  5. Added 2 dupes to the google drive, beach base and the lowest floor of suburbs hotel. will probably add a drug house soon
  6. Fire bad cops the cops !unfun Have bad cops the people !unfun made a suggestion on discord to very slightly increase the vote threshold but locking unfuns behind revolts (that last longer than 1 minute and revolt leader killbind disabled to prevent abuse) is also a good idea. people who play the game know that mayors are just unfunned on cooldown and is ironically the most unfun interaction
  7. black envelope is generally used to know when you can extract a dark spirit or some people use it to know when they want to go into pd and pay their bounty, I have never encountered someone who uses it to know their bounty is big for a bounty hunter. As far as I know you can only shoot first on a bounty hunter if you know thats the one hunting you for sure because metagaming is allowed. I would recommend that you get a friend to go on bounty hunter if you are the only one so that the person you are hunting doesn't know which one is hunting. Suiciding to go into spawn and wait for the bounty hunter is as far as I know not allowed and failrp. I suggest you get some recording software to show that the person you are hunting suicides shortly after you take a bounty on them. I would personally like the bounty hunter tracking dot to update more often because a lot of times if your target is moving you get to the dot and nothing is there, making you stand around to wait for the next dot
  8. Buddies* Peace out forums!
  9. you can dragon someone you are about to fine into a secure area thats nearby and if that happens to be pd super awesome rp moment but if ur dragging people across the map and recuffing every time they break out or use unbreakable cuffs probably not ok
  10. incredible bro gatekeeping giveaway from people who want it most. very mature bro. downvoted.
  11. When I have saved shadow removed props it saves the props but not the shadow remover effect. would be nice qol if it saved that
  12. im sending pics and links to the addon link to nintendo rn pussy
  13. hyperbole. strawman on flashbang enjoyers. no thought out argument.
  14. cool story bro ur still a massive pussy
  15. can you please quote the rule in the motd where it says cops can decide to kos people for trying to enter the first room of pd, which isnt even aos by default. Once you cannot quote it I hope to see an apology to the people you have rdmed thinking you can set your own rules and kos people entering pd without a law from the mayor. edit also the main point of the forums post, if that were allowed it would set the precedent that cops can just go around and block anything that isnt technically an npc such as fishing rod closets, hit phones and gambling machines, which obviously isn't allowed.
  16. sticky grenading through walls was considered an exploit for some time aswell, but since its better and more fun to have it exist its not fixed. you cant use disguise swep in raids anyways (example being picked up and launched in doesnt use this and not allowed) + you can literally damage the disguised person with 1 point of damage from anything to take them out of the disguise. anything that can be misused should be banned with your logic. what if someone misuses an sbc cannon? do we remove sbc cannon? what if someone is misusing the arrest baton? should arrest batons be removed aswell? keep fun in the video game edit also every time anything with raid is mentioned 58 people who never raid in their life come out of the woodworks talking
  17. dont fix this prop hunt printer is too fun + theres no way to abuse this
  18. so true and as far as i know nothing was hard coded on the server ever because i didnt personally inspect it. if you somehow are able to get -100 rep you shouldnt be staff and the reputation system is supposed to demote at -100 which it clearly isnt doing. Simple as. End of. Fix it k-dog and rubik.
  19. This is not intended. The reason is because the food tries to make your max hp higher than 135 which is a hard limit, but then removes the attempted amount of max hp when the effects end. Example: +88max hp 1 minute will give you 135 max hp for 1 minute then put you back to 47 max hp until you either die or do something else that would alter your max hp
  20. made some basic dupes that are pretty similar to popular ones used for basing for new players to use. feel free to make any alterations for your own wants or needs all dupes have these things included: 3 fading doors (numpad 1,2,3 in order from first door) all keypads place with dupe (code is 335) 1 camera outside (numpad 9) recommended to use door alarms with the dupe lower sewer basic refers to the most popular base in sewers that has 2 rooms, lower sewer basic 2 refers to the base neighboring the first one might add more bases if wanted https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CyyhC5rNHlId31YVBpPX_0yTXcYmyJXC?usp=drive_link
  21. Hey man im said loser who sniped your 5 mil. I want to make it clear that im not a co owner that was a bit of a troll on your expense my gullible little chungus. You weren't planning on mentioning how you were trying to snipe someone betting 100k with 5 mil on that jackpot? This guys join message is also something like "infamous jackpot sniper joined" or something like that so hes definitely ok with sniping if he is the one doing it. It is not theoretically impossible to win, the ratio of money to "tickets" in the jackpot is 1:1 im pretty sure (someone said it was skewed towards lower bets). Apparently you already beat the "theoretically impossible" thing with a 300 mil win? You should only bet money that you are willing to lose and I would suggest that you shouldnt be buying gmod money to bet with especially if you arent having fun, but you seem to have already came to that conclusion on your own. There is also an option to completely hide gambling if you are feeling addicted. I dont think jackpot should be limited because of moments where people win a jackpot amount with a small bet but I am obviously biased. When someone wins 1 bil from me with like 0.83% chance I will be ok with that, I just hope it wont be someone who pays for gmod money to gamble with and cries when they lose The suggestion about different jackpots isnt horrible but it also doesnt solve the non-problem of people joining with more money than others. It conveniently does make it easy to snipe a new player betting 100k with 5 mil (or whatever the limit would be) without having the risk of someone else doing the same to you but with a bigger number, not to mention workarounds like having a party of many people joining with max limit. If you really want to discourage sniping you would want odds to be more heavily skewed towards lower bets no matter the size but I suspect that would interfere with your low roller sniping I hope this serious reply finds you well and you can now understand the reasons why you are being clowned on by people ❤
  22. Wrong thanx for the 30 mil
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