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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mori

  1. Mori

    Force Drop bug

    Bug Description: If you force drop tailsments or like any item can if you have a stack of and drag it out it only drops one (Tailsments, Harvested woods, chemical, metal, pick up boxes, armor packs, cereal,loot boxes, blood, electronic components, spirit jars, super clockers (printers), potions?, and tokens Also on top of it only dropping one the person loses the whole stack until he picks up that same item. How to reproduce: Forcedrop one of the things above (Sugar if I were you do tailsments I've done it most on that) Priority: L0w
  2. Oh shit walter did some math and thinks it is op shit rip bitminers walter has the nerfing tool at his finger tips
  3. Mori

    Batman Improvements

    Also, Batman should not be able to use spiderman swep while stunned by non-lethal.
  4. Mori

    Leaderboard Bug

    This is already noted by sugar and it will be fixed 6 am Today.
  5. I am glad you lost your vip OMEGALUL
  7. Mori


    uh oh papi suga is on dis one so that is where the rdm arena is damn sughar is el stupido
  8. Yeha having a keep effects tailsment not work on one of the tailsment is soooo on purpose.
  9. *Makes a complaint about two jump sweps* Has a gang cc with a model super small that they use for raiding. :thinking:
  10. Moist this was a glitch that has started from start of gang update. Was fixed. And came back again I call it the shotgun glitch because it shoots many bullets as a shotgun with the same damage this has been causing a lot of crossfire and one hit kills with shitty guns
  11. Bug Description: People can hear you like across the map How to reproduce: I guess be in the tunnel and someone like hecka above you Priority: (Medium)
  12. Mori

    Event Glitch

    Can someone fix this ffs annoying as fuck
  13. Sugar fix pls we want to make op cc ecks xd
  14. Yeah you fixxed it someone close dis pls or i will bow you
  15. Bug Desc: You hear random people across map How To reproduce: Just play the god damn server ( https://gyazo.com/fd4d0a7b9d15701c637aeb44a41e19ac) Proitory: Low
  16. Mori

    Alchemy Table Bug

    Lol I hate when like stuff gets cut out like it is so ann...........................................................................
  17. Mori

    Losing inv

    I lost mine also r.i.p.
  18. Can confirm me and b0ne were having a wtf moment
  19. I can't change my cc model at all for a long time I thought it like server stopping me I don't know but this is a real annoying bug
  20. Msg sugar about dis this is what everyone is going to say
  21. Exploit Description: Able to hit people with the sword from longer than normal range (This is really similar to the drildo bug How to reproduce: Go next to a fence and attack with the sword. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoJ3jwQjRlQ Priority: Medium It hurts to nerf my own item D:
  22. Why do not have a command to access the cc editor or like the general buyer? We have commands for the stock npc and the clothing npc why not the editor and buyer?
  23. Mi cara I think you may have the same weird weapon glitch I have if you do not remember getting a nyan cat gun from santa or anything else you may have a changing weapon I have that and it turned into a nyan cat gun before that many other stuff also.
  24. Bug Description: While sitting down or driving a car the crash screen pops up over and over again Example:https://clips.twitch.tv/BitterDrabPandaBuddhaBar How to reproduce: Sit down or drive a car Priority: Medium
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