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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. This is also true. big facts my guy. Nah its cause they are spending their time trying to get rid of their "beauty mark".
  2. Listen man. I don’t understand what you have against me. I respect you and you should do the same. If you feel I have wronged you in anyway or I am breaking some sort of rule feel free to report me. I respect you no matter what but i do not appreciate you making harassing me on thing i enjoy doing It pretty obvious, he has a crush on you.
  3. Simple sugar brings back paid mods and makes a new rank for non staff "assistant to the mods". Have admins required to have at least 1 sit a week otherwise they are demoted to voidrp respected.
  4. Whats a sugar npc? Also why would it be in a basing spot? D: Yeah what would the sugar npc be for? The sugar NPC is an idea bill came up with to help people learn the rules. Basically you would talk to the npc, and it would read you the motd iirc That’s really neat. I think that should be by the other npcs though not by the church Nah since sugar is a deity he should be there.
  5. Head Mod has always been a rank on the server since sugar gave it to his gf alyssa.
  6. Have staff meetings in discord open to the public to listen in so there is more transparency between the users and the staff.
  7. No I was just trying to be nice "I am ok with him being a tmod, but he is gonna stay a tmod"
  8. Add a slavery system so we can enslave people that owe us money.
  9. You could add drones that you can control fron inside a base and make them able to raid and pickup printers.Or just add casino.
  10. Suggestions Make the strip club spawn Buff thee jugs amour Make hobo swep give players ebola Add the sugar npc Add the zek/exstreme gambler npc Double theives movement speed. Buff hacker phone. Change the ban message in chat to "sent *player* to voidrp" Increase stalker's speed when there is no one looking at them Change sugar dollars to k cubes Make the king able to spawn a tank Give all cp classes the kiss swep Add a work system for prisoners so they can reduce their time by producing stuff for the pd. Add a new rank for people that have served over 14 days bring banned called "voidrp respected" Add a stripper class called "Cynthia's Mother" Add a job called "Father,Father" where it randomly designates a player as father and you get Kevinvin cubes when you find him.
  11. My reaction when TitsRP is full. Yea sugar should make a star wars rp server.
  12. Yea i do agree we need to buff the jug and make spawn the strip club.
  13. Add a voting system for people that can vote for things that affects server like making cps only able to carry non lethal sweps and they would spawn with only non lethal swep until its voted to be repelled.
  14. Tell k dawg on discord aka sugar tits or ask the head mod alyssa to do it
  15. Easy solution have everyone on the server base together.
  16. She doesn'tent like men, she is into women. Thats probly why.
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