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Lord Cursed


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lord Cursed

  1. Isn't spamming pictures in general all that's ever done? The real conversations are done in the meme channel.
  2. I love the sound of the train. its so peaceful Ahh yes the earslapvia of a train is the most calming sound of all, to help drown out the people you are about to murder.
  3. So when is the new map coming out?
  4. I agree, but I usually just drop a couple nades and they're deaded
  5. A necropost is a post on an "old, abandoned thread that has been considered 'dead' for a while...that no longer serves any purpose but is bumped back up to the top of the forums by someone posting in it. So basically you are a necroposter.
  6. It's best to stay out of this mate, just sit and watch.
  7. Just gonna stay out of this shit fest.
  8. Hey you minus repped me once for nothing too you big meany Meh that was for shits and giggles
  9. Has only negative rep. him twice, both times for shit posting. Then calls me out to try and start something pff pls if I wanted to rep. bomb you I'd do it the a lot more efficiently. But thanks for the negative rep that literally has no value on the forums what so ever, only rep that matters is on the server for them sweet sweet positive rep rewards.
  10. Ok between you and alpha the amount of shit posting is getting pretty old now and needs to just be nipped honestly. And even if this isnt a shitpost all this is for drama starting.
  11. Just use the word autist or autistic
  12. This is why we can'tnt have nice things
  13. i was on the server a long while back that is all some people remmber some don't Just as long as you dont spread cancer and spread the word of our lord and savior Papa Tits welcome back to heck I mean Titsrp
  14. I mean the warning system gives you 50 seconds chances
  15. I mean you wouldnt know the difference since you are one of those perma banned users. r u disabled im not banned did we get the wrong ID? again? It would have been funnier if you said one sec let me change that
  16. I mean you wouldnt know the difference since you are one of those perma banned users. Damn, shots were fired
  17. As someone who added this to his friends darkrp server, it was pure cancer to deal with an breaks alot of the time due to certain models, not to mention can cause massive amount of lag for the server if mass rdm is happening or for example pd raid or revolt. My friends was a purge dark rp so there was some issues in lua with certain models. I mean it isnt not fixable but just is better for TTT since you're not dealing with 100 dying either in large amounts or all at once which would put a massive amount of stress on the server, which would cause crashes.
  18. We all give Sugar $100 in return he will go back to sleep and not destroy our villages and eat our children.
  19. Why would you want these many ranks all its going to be is an ego power stroke
  20. Better question wtf did I just watch?
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