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System 32


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by System 32

  1. This is the face you see before the walls close in, and your ceiling falls upon you. This is the face you see when you get splashed by a fast moving car whilst walking along the sidewalk. This face is known to all, but challenged by next to none.
  2. Props get un-nocolided when you physgun them
  3. System 32


    You = Uwu No. 2 Feel better soon.
  4. The answer is simple, until Sugar fixes this issue, just remove the added weapons from the CC, and probably enforce some form of punishment.
  5. I, I really don't know why this is caused or how this is solved, but, is it the same for area copy?
  6. Cost more what, and how much more? Cost more than the average price for a custom model, maybe 45 mill - 50 mill in the CC maker and 25$ - 30$ in the store
  7. Here's an idea, allow small player-models to have the same advantages of normal playermodels, 100 HP and simmilar height, but make them cost more.
  8. So, did we decide if we're making an entirely new map or just expanding on the current one?
  9. No, Cuddly will still be given 9999.99999999999 sits, just as a special screw you.
  10. Like bone said, follow the correct format, but I'll still reply here because I'm nice. It might be possible that you or the person you cuffed in a previous life died, while the other didn't therefore, you would still be cuffed to said person.
  11. Lot of great ideas, I'm +1 for all, also, thanks for reminding me that yeah, it would need to be by ID instead of name.
  12. I only ask that this is in order because of the amount of people who don't know who banned them in their appeal, but I was thinking it might be good to have a ban format. I was thinking something like this: [ban Reason: (Reason Here)] [ban Time: (Time Here)] [banning Staff: (Staff Name Here)] [Appeal at: https://titsrp.com]
  13. Looks like Quarrel's steam avatar.
  14. I assume you didn't get VIP because you know, well, got demoted. That's normally the case with these situations.
  15. I mean, look through every past moderator application, 90% of them will have something along these lines written somewhere in them.
  16. I... I honestly don't know why everyone is asking other people their opinion if they should resign or not. I mean, its YOUR resignation. If you feel you need a break from the server, no ones going to stop you. No ones going to force you to reapply. My thought is, if its to much for you, decide that on your own and don't ask others for their opinion on the subject. You've done some pretty good work for someone of your age. I honestly didn't even know you were that young. If you feel you wish to leave the team. Good ahead, don't base it off of anybody else's choice. -System 32
  17. Sorry my friend! Rulz is rulz! Maybe some charitable soul will refund you. But you can't really expect to be compensated by staff, there's a chance it could happen though.
  18. A female player on titsRP? [/url]Click For Funny Overused Meme
  19. Just gonna add this, there is no reason for this thread. It serves no purpose, and is just the opening of the great lord of fires drama portal, and needs to end. If you have anything to add that isn't just bickering in a pointless post, might be a better idea to post it on the appeal. Link To The Appeal Requesting staff close this thread.
  20. Actually vip can also manipulate the colors/materials of other players including staff. Take account of what Walter said, we did this in his Bar. Users can as well, also deleting my thread on this issue. Edit: Just found out this session, people can also change the entites material, I'm sure I don't need to explain how this could be a problem?
  21. Ah, good old Friday evenings, people spreading their thoughts, ideas, and Communism.
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