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System 32


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by System 32

  1. Is this supposed to be in Bugs / Exploits? It's in Videos / Screenshots
  2. hecko, glad to know you are on the server, I think I have seen you around a little bit, from what I have seen of you, you seem like a cool guy and I hope we can hang out a bit more!
  3. Well, Quarel, hopefully you stop having those sits rolling in like
  4. I wouldn't call this a bug, it's a really shitty thing to do to someone if they do not wish to have their base duped though.
  5. If it was the Doge model, it could be possible, I saw someone complain about this in OOC, I didn't look into it because they didn't make it seem like to big of a deal.
  6. Generally, when we are not answering sits, we are... In another persons sit, (if this is ever the case and you are complaining in OOC about how unfair it is your sits not claimed, that's my response.) Busy doing something for the server, for example, making a post on the forums or dealing with something going on out of game. AFK, that one seems self explanatory. Also, if the sit is not detailed, or does not follow the MOTD rules on @ chat, it may not be claimed. One quick thing to add: The staff are people too, we also enjoy role playing, or having fun, we don't only join the server to moderate it. We are not automatons created by the God-King Sugar Tits so we can fulfill his greatest conquest to feed the Great Lord Of Fire the enthusiastic child energy once they were done wrong. All in all, this blue text is just a Nice Meme! Reminding us the staff are only human. The times you might think we're lacking, we're most likely doing something for a different person other than you!
  7. Another one that I forgot to mention was the smell of the Ferguson riots
  8. I was thinking earlier today about the Sniffer tag on discord, and Sugar's apparent real name according to steam, and I was also thinking at that time, " Paint smells really fucking good" So I decided to make this thread because I was curious what you all like to sniff / what your favorite smell was. -System 32
  9. Sorry Diddles, but you can't be the same as all of us, your just not gud enough to type !clothing, but I don't think we need to remove all of the material options from clothing, just the options to use materials that are transparent.
  10. It's possible that Quad0 made an error, for this has happened in the past, but Sugar will need to check if the ban was legitimate or not.
  11. I used the sell window, but you sell it in the window, it takes your item, and you don't get money for the item it took.
  12. When selling your modified weapon to the buyer, you get no money.
  13. Bug Description: When modifying weapons, you do not earn profit from them at the General Buyer. How to reproduce: Modify a weapon, either Common, Uncommon, Rare, Or Legendary. Then sell it at the General Buyer. Priority: High
  14. I believe this is happening for everything. But should be march 26th: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=13&pid=26399#pid26399
  15. Or, if Sugar finds the time somewhere, expanded on with some other element of the job.
  16. Quality of Life Description: When attempting to pocket any SWEP, it will not stack with the others like it How to reproduce: Get a SWEP you already had in your inventory, pick it up, have it sadly shoved into a new inventory space Priority: Low
  17. I agree, it's hardly a "war" if the leader walks out into the streets alone, does something stupid, and loses the "war" for the whole team. Sacrifice an element of RP for something unique to a Dark RP server. +1
  18. If it's apparently broken, no it doesn't seem like a wise action to make.
  19. Really? I was thinking somewhere around the status of super admin.
  20. Did you mean to post this in the exploit section?
  21. The problem with evilmelon is it gets really low fps in some areas, and I believe Sugar is shooting for maps with high frame-rates.
  22. System 32

    New Map

    I think if anyone with the skill to make a fairly decent map, should do so if they feel like it, every single RP map that is on WS and isn't 99% percent crap is overused on many servers. +1 For Possibly Hiring Mapper.
  23. I've seen this happen a lot, and people seem pretty annoyed when they have to rob the bank full time after they spent five points on it.
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