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xAdept's Achievements



  1. That's kind of dumb considering the fact that only some recipes work :/
  2. The reason why the shit blows up is because of the pressure. Each step you pass, you need to lower the pressure. I did all the steps and when I completed it, it always shows up as 0% with $0.
  3. xAdept


    Quality of Life Description: When you download the addon for the M16, you hold it on the left side instead of the right and it annoys me because its hard to aim without looking through the sight. How to reproduce: Hold an M16. Aim down the sights. Priority: Low. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/94979895585952373/E386FF5629C45F2B6B3B685B019487BB0846E409/
  4. Bug Description: When you make a batch of amphetamine, it turns out to be 0% and $0 in profit. How to reproduce: Make a batch of amphetamine. Priority: High. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/94979895585952144/F116BE58A4866C65A35813BAF387CF76D1D9243E/ Note: I did everything you're supposed to when making a batch. If I did it wrong, the chemical tank would have exploded. Also, when it says "Bring it to a buyer", the buyer just tells you to go away.
  5. being a prostitute how i made 7 mil in 1 day*
  6. I mean, that's not always true. I played on GarnetGaming and they have over 100 slots and the FPS is 60+ where ever you look. That server is kinda bad though, it gets boring because there's barely any jobs.
  7. Ok cool because I'm constantly refreshing my favorites list to join the server but no one ever seems to leave.
  8. This server is too popular to have 70 people only. Is there any way to change the limit to maybe 80-100?
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