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System 32


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by System 32

  1. System 32

    New Map

    Maybe we could just make more events that don't require ample space such as admin area, and more events that take place within the map itself.
  2. I don't know if it would count as the preacher damaging them or world damage, could you please check that?
  3. Possibly make logs in someway correspondent with ULX menu
  4. Actually I agree, I will edit the post
  5. Exploit Description: Wabbajack has the potential to delete world props, NPCs, etcetera. How to reproduce: Get Wabbajack, use it on NPC or world prop until you delete it or turn it into a different prop Priority: High
  6. I think the grim reaper class should have the exact health of a user be displayed similar to the Micheal Myers class. Since the grim reaper has no weapon specific to it's class, know this could be possibly difficult.
  7. Could we possibly update job descriptions? A few rules have been changed on the no category jobs and from what I have seen, many users are confused by it. Ex: No longer being able to kill as a Hazmat. This change is not in the F4 menu and many RDM reports have been coming up because of this issue. -System 32 Sure but the afk system would only happen if the server was filled. It's not usually 100% filled all the time and 99% of users won't make a script to avoid it Even if this was the case, some rule could be implemented against this and we could check if someone is spinning to one direction drastically, but still inactive just sitting in spawn and manually kick them.
  8. I think this is a great idea. +1 For AFK Managing System
  9. Bug Description: When a user is arrested, they are teleported to an area near fountain rather than jail. How to reproduce: Do bad things, get arrested. Priority: Low/Med
  10. hecko everyone! I'm fairly new to the fourms and I am excited to be able to get to know you all!
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