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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ƭ� Ƭ��αη�

  1. Had a user actually hop in the server once and use a client cheat to force items to pop out, so it is completely realistic for it to be put on the server over the client. Nobody can sit there and open 27 boxes and get 24m and 3 AWP Asiimovs when it's based on the server
  2. Am I the only one who realizes that thread after thread after thread about map changes that the final product is the same? It's a solid "No" to sum it up in one word. The longer bit is that it would remove the playerbase who look for this specific map, it would change what we're listed under and when a majority of players on gmod are way more interested in something they are familiar with, they're more likely to join. I personally love rp_downtown_v3 and rp_bangclaw, but those maps are never used because nobody else is interested, if you all have such a massive hard on for a new map, you can play on another server for the map. This server has things to offer that no other can and there's things other servers can offer that this one can not, if a map is such a major importance to you, than we can't offer that.
  3. Even better, make it so every 30 minutes someone is randomly teleported to the white room with the npc and they have to speak with it to get out lol That sounds like a Runescape random event
  4. What're the other parameters for an event triggering? Like does it trigger every 3 hours regardless of how many players are online? Such as if Jim-Bob-Johnson decided to stay up all night with nobody else in the server and kept donating his infinite money to force events every 2 minutes and get tons of credits (Because numbers say so) while simultaneously refreshing his infinite money with other drops
  5. We had Gang Zones but they were removed within the first few hours. The issue with them is that it encouraged RDM at every possible point. There were 3 points. One was in PD for the cops, one in the middle of the map for both factions and one inside a house for the raiders. Issue was the people would legit blow into PD even if there was 0 cops and just sit there. Killing everyone that came by it. Gang Zones can be placed in houses, that's not an issue but I did want to appeal to the cop faction too. Having all zones inside houses would encourage PD to base which is obviously not allowed. I guess I could just double the XP you get as a cop every 10 minutes and then add in 2 - 3 zones in houses. Potentially put them in sections of the map but can not kill people unless they willingly try to take them. Not like "you're in my turf, you ded now boi" but if they touch it the defending gang can step in and stop them.
  6. On another note, we're not on RP_Downtown_v2. I visited that map a few days ago and it was pure nostalgia, we're on RP_Downtown_v4c_v2. That map was old school af and I enjoy it quite a bit tbh. Seriously though, that map was great and I personally enjoy old school maps.
  7. Have the gangs compete over something, currently there is no form of competitive scene for gangs and would give an end goal for players. I think NERD mentioned it, but having gangs fight or something of the sort would change things up and keep attention away from new players and give them something to look forward to
  8. It's a mixture of things for new players seem like it's too difficult to get into and old players not having any real "end goal" The new guys have a large amount of everything to look at, like make meth or build a great base that can't be touched. Well, the meth system seems complex enough that a player with a decent thought process can figure it out and make money easy, but that requires a thought process and this is gmod we're talking about here. While I think the meth system currently is more for the old people on here because we all know how to cook decently, new guys can be interested in it. But the other issue I mentioned about players not having an end goal. Think of it like this, you want an end goal or you have no reason to keep playing. My end goal is pretty easy to see, I want to make money. It's all I ever want to do, but it has it's limits, you can't really hit 100m and just spend all of it. It's special to you and you keep it until you deem it necessary to spend it. Asking to be the most powerful raider isn't an end goal, it takes a decent wallet and the power to out-think and out-shoot your opponent. You're not going to find something like that as something to do. There is no element of "You can train this" or "you can make this" to get something special that makes you actually different from anyone else. If I hopped on an alt and built a base, you guys would raid it no questions asked. You don't raid me as much as you raid anyone else, but if I built a base on another account, you guys would assume someone can build like me. My bases aren't special, my bases can be done by anyone who knows what I know. There is nothing that separates me a random user in that regard. If I per-say actually had a unique weapon that nobody else could have, that would make me more unique. I don't wear armor that makes me a god, I don't have a gun that melts your flesh, I'm just some dude with a huge wallet ingame. It almost feels like none of us actually /EARN/ anything. I didn't build anything ingame that should make me as strong any X or Y. Our guns aren't special, we have gmod's armor and we all know how well that protects us. Not to the new players can't even get their feet in the ground. We raid them and don't give them a chance at anything before we steal their cheap printer and they disconnect. I literally find meth cooks, who want to learn how to cook meth and lock them in a room in my base so they can cook in peace with help if needed. He can make money and I solidify a player by giving him a memory that is good about the server. Now how often do some of you guys talk to new players asking if they want to join your base or toss them some cash to set up prints?
  9. That wording implies him refunding $105, not paying which is what a bunch of people think. But you can't chargeback a donation
  10. He does them in waves, so it'll happen in a bit
  11. The issue with TV Broadcasting Addons is that they load up everything in the cameras view, now they have to record audio, after all that they have to direct the information to multiple outputs (The TV's) which causes lag. Used stuff like that on servers in the past and it tended to cause problems. If anything a Radio Broadcaster would probably be more accepted as it only records audio and doesn't need to render an image to a TV.
  12. @ Sugar Tits You mentioned you're not going to be adding more guns to CCs, but what about utility items like my Riot Shield, Spider Man Guns, (potentially your climb swep version), ect?
  13. Do you have problems with the trees itself or just their hitboxes? While we're here, what would you say as a potential solution?
  14. Doesn't the server already turn to night? For a very short time and it's only the sky. Nothing about the map gets darker and doesn't really give a "Night" feeling
  15. This map version is tiny and offers no real reason for cars to be re-added. They just are luxury items and CC are already as much luxury as a high end player needs
  16. Add more locations for the chemical pipes and increasing the max barrels to be spawned to be 2 barrels at a time. As of now there's 1 barrel at a time and 3 pipes. It's horribly inefficient to farm chems since there's so little places to farm it and atleast with the other resources players can share the same spot.
  17. Well, my class didn't use the phone since the phone basically only is a keypadcracker at a distance. My class required thought-process, like the meth cook
  18. The weapon itself breaks RP and should be removed in the same sense that Lightsabers were removed for also breaking the RP feel. The weapon making NPCs aren't really there to do anything else other than annoy players, as it was like that from the Elder Scrolls games. Only problem with removing it is that it's one of the few "fun" weapons left. It does something different, it can be used in combat and has a comical attachment to it. Nothing is as entertaining as a pedo trying to kidnap you when you wabbajack them into a pigeon. If we are to remove the wabbajack, I'd much rather prefer something fun over something cool by now.
  19. Add Clarification Rules (Some of these statements are gonna sound dumb af to staff because it's like "Duh, you do this.") 1) What dictates a building being owned. (Time of ownership / Who owns the front door / Who owns a majority of doors / Who has a majority of props / ect) 2) What can and can not be covered by a hobo potentially (If it's an NPC or anything of the sort it can not be / It's whatever / if hobos can have multiple huts all around) 3) What dictates a "Minge" (I consider a minge a person who willfully causes problems such as someone who "baits" an RDM or something of the sort) 4) If a group is being distruptive, do staff punish the entire group? (e.g. users "NLR, RDM, Propblock, and FDA" all join the server together and conspire to walk around mass rdming for their youtube channel and then FDA self supplies weapons for himself and the group. The group goes on to count down ingame then attempt to kill everyone in spawn except for Propblock who went go get some pizza rolls) 5) Purposely baiting players to break rules or something of the same caliber. 6) Running into spawn to avoid death (e.g. Someone has a hit on them, the hitman does damage to them but then target runs into spawn to have damage immunity) That or a timer before spawn immunity kicks in. 7) How close to Keypads have to be to their respective fading doors? 8) I know Homeland Security update is coming, but what calls for someone to need to call !raid? Is it: something blocking their way / lockpicking or keypads / any form of deterrant such as players / ect. 9) Does CP hearing printers make more sense to warrant now that upgrading printers to be more quiet? 10) If raiders are allowed to be rude and raid people soley for the purpose of getting a kill when it is KNOWN they have literally nothing 11) Are CP the only class not allowed to print or does this apply to hobos as well? 12) Are CP allowed bitminers as they are legal? 13) Clarity on bounties such as how they work as the system is never taken use of On to other stuff that I suggest: Permaprops to the top of the tunnels by fountain so a sit can not be interrupted and random users can not just wander their way into a sit. (Large Oneway 8x8 PHX props) A reminder that the clothing merchant is still in spawn A very strong reminder that sits for staff aren't "optional" as they signed up to take sits, so being distracted due to screwing around is not a valid reason to ignore sits. An in inventory trade system so you can trade materials with party members or even other players without dropping anything on the ground. Also to trade items from a distance if needed (e.g. If someone is in a raiding mood, but his friend can not make it to the raid so he trades him lockpicks from his base and after a delay, he receives his lockpicks)
  20. On the same note as the mentions above, a holster option wouldn't be that bad Like hitting E+R or R+RightClick. Left click or the same combo to redeploy the weapon. Make it an arrestable offense to not have weapon holstered if out in public
  21. Why do I need friends to raid you? Do you want me to design bases that require 3 people to butterfly jump because everyone needs to raid with friends?
  22. Why are you worrying about shooting back when you already agreed that they would be dead regardless in either base in <5 seconds? You're not going to shoot back, you're going to be walking out of spawn with either. If you think that it is so much easier and more fair to use blackout I'd love you to evaluate the following pictures and tell me what's so different. That's your blackout base That's your headshot base. You're pretending like there's a chance for either. You you're not about to get headshot 13 times and die before you can panic.
  23. I'll provide some info that I wasted some time to get together showing how blackout bases might as well be headshot bases. Blackout (These are examples.) Headshot (Once again, examples) Now I'm going to assume you looked at both examples and before you disagree with my statements, provide your own examples with effort not just "No you're being dumb and this is an exaggeration because you're trying to prove a point". Similarities: Both involve User dying quickly because you're able to shoot him and kill him in <5 seconds. Both involve User trying to raid this base they've never seen before. Both involve User having a blowtorch. Differences: Blackout can shoot you from any direction in most cases. Headshot is going to be headshot more than likely Black out has User's full body as a target Headshot has a smaller target (The head) unless shooting through the tunnel Blackout is allowed Headshot is considered exploting props Conclusion: Headshot bases you really can't miss, while blackout you actually have to aim slightly. NEITHER are creative, NEITHER should be allowed, NEITHER are fair by any means. If you think Blackout is good because you can figure it out eventually, just know there's a message in this response and it's as easy to find as the exit in a blackout. If you find that message, I'd appreciate you posting my thoughts that I wrote.
  24. You might as well make headshot bases then. You have the same chance of living with either base. As the rules stated before the change, you must be able to make it through a base with basic raiding supplies, C4 and Blow torches shouldn't be "Required". If you'd like, I could make bases that require battering rams and search warrants as those are raiding tools that people could get. If you're curious about how headshot bases and black out bases are similar, you are shot without any idea of where the bullets came from. You can't fight back when you don't know where you got shot from, and most of the time you have no chance to fight back since you're already dead. Claiming that because someone is too poor to raid you is bullshit. You shouldn't need to have all the top tier supplies raid someone. Keypad cracker, lockpicks, and guns are all you should ever need. Not C4 as it's a tool that costs you roughly 150k per and you know that you're going to need more than one. Blow torches are running roughly 500k per and why does it make sense for everyone to use black out bases that require you to spend anywhere that close just to raid ONE person. Here's the kicker, all those supplies require other people to help. No way in heck are you going to get all those supplies used by one person while the base defender is watching. What you need is the base defender afk doing God knows what in order for you to stand a chance. If the raider is there, C4 means nothing to him, it does nothing since he's just going to repaste the base after he inevitably kills you and then what? The base defender has such an advantage it's pointless to raid anyone.
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