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Ƭ� Ƭ��αη�


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ƭ� Ƭ��αη�

  1. Some of you know me as that annoying base guy, TK, or Tyrant. If anything most of you don't know me. I've been on here for a month as of tomorrow, I've earned enough ingame to buy VIP and am currently a VIP. TK is the group my friends and I use that originated from us playing Rainbow Six Siege. TK as in Team Killer. We had a rough time trying to not shoot each other. I tend to build a base, people call it unfair but staff call it smart. I'll play with lack of certain rules to make things difficult to make my life easy. I do a lot of bases that involve other players to actually make it fit my liking. In the past, I've owned servers and have been admins on so many other servers. Likes: Building, printer farming, processors. Dislikes: Having to ban as VIP because no staff are online and people need a hero ;-; most of the time I ask for people to send help during those situations.
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