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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ƭ� Ƭ��αη�

  1. I still agree with this 100% even though I'm one of the more offenders of this
  2. BUG: Desc: Jail positions are fucked and need to be reset immediately. Reproduction: Arrest someone. It'll teleport them to an odd spot, such as one of the grow houses in Suburbs. Priority Level: ASAP ferg
  3. Potential New Job (Based on a Scriptfodder addon): Hacker Salary = 85 Desc: Use your terminal to solve problems for your clients that will pay you based on difficulty Features from addon Video of addon being mentioned in action: [video=youtube] Sugar, if you like this idea I already own the addon and wouldn't mind send it to you as I feel like it adds options when it comes to money. My only complaint is that the missions don't pay particularly "great" so you could change the numbers if you feel like it's necessary. If you wanna test it as well for yourself before a final choice I'll still toss it to you. To players who are curious the tutorial is able to be viewed ingame with the "help" command, or the URL http://manolis.io/hacking/tutorial if you want to view it before it's potentially added to the server. Be warned, this does actually take a thought process much like the Amphetamine Cook. They are similar in the sense of being paid makes you wanted, requires patience, and when you get the hang of things it becomes more/less fun.
  4. The Vector would be nice, we don't have too many used SMGs, mostly all snipers for more used weapons. (I have no idea if this makes sense, I'm very tired.)
  5. I see where you're coming from, but people don't use Flight SWEPs and Spiderman guns all that often for a reason. The main reason why people use it is for either looking cool, healing, breaking down doors, or travel. I'm not sure what would work as a good alternative but it would need to be an efficient and versatile replacement. As far as I could guess, deactivating the lightsaber (Hit R) it could help, but lets be honest nobody wants to do that. Making people happy is hard and this won't make anyone happy but it's needed to do something about this for server related needs.
  6. MOTD does state basic laws. Stealing in the sense that if someone turns in drugs, you swipe their money, get shot once, kill them. Saying to make the theft nonviolent doesn't mean players won't get killed, they'll still die just in a different order. The fining process is fine, the players who misuse the tools they are given are the ones to be punished. Sugar said it himself, the massive fine followed up with a 20 minute jail time is motivation to not commit crimes. Also I agree with your last bit on the warns. I only knew of the one revolving around 50 warnings since I'm surprised I've seen players make it that far. If any player makes it to any amount of that you just listed, they deserve a harsher punishment since they're clearly not grasping the concept of rules
  7. Shadoe, we're both from there. Not to mention I was staff there lol. We had to build like that or die basically. Build like we do in GW, only downfall is the lack of the materials tho.
  8. Thanks Kabo for making this thread actually. I entirely believe blackout bases are complete nonsense, it's just when they aren't against the rules it's all people will use. Black Out Base Opinion: Crouch-related Base Opinion: These designs lack creativity because players say that not using them is vastly inferior. I can build base after base WITHOUT blackout and WITHOUT using crouch spots to just use as a "kill funnel" I built a base lastnight that used neither (But being the dumb I am, I deleted the base as some people can remember seeing me kick myself for it.) If all of you feel your bases are good, I challenge you to make bases without making use of forcing players to crouch over long period, not using blackout, and not using a 1-way fence. Storefront gate is fine. This challenge was proposed to me by the user "Officer Bucky" a while back and I completed it with ease since I build as much as I do. It's doable and if you think otherwise, you're doing something wrong. I can adjust all of my bases to fit these terms, but there's no reason to when it puts me at such a disadvantage. On top of that, these statements should say it all Also I'd like to mention that bases aren't meant to be unraidable for your reasons of protection, they should be challenging for the raider so they atleast stand a chance to a degree. While that chance isn't above 50% in my case, it's still above 5% Also, Kabo, my bases are still rather "impossible" to raid even with a blowtorch :D But it also has nothing to do with the base being blackout.
  9. I'm mostly asking as people could refer to this list when trying to get a CC weapon that is already on the server, like if Shadoe wants to use my shield but doesn't know that I own it so he has to talk to me or find a new item
  10. The difference is that the user was using it to their advantage. If you go into the walls to cook method, that's exploiting and you're more likely than not going to get perm for it NOWADAYS. I explained the situation to an admin as well, he understood what I meant by exploiting and delivered the punishment. The user said and I quote "This started happening a while ago when I joined a server with really bad admits, they downloaded all sorts of viruses to my computer so now I can see through walls." In his situation he claims that his game was modified in such a way that he could see through walls on a regular or constant basis. He did not yell "help admin, I can see through walls" he yelled to players "I can see you (through props that were pure black AMD he navigated the base flawlessly for that reason) and I know that player has out, and that you have # of bit coin miners and # of money printers." He also went on to say "It's not my fault" when he took his situation and abused it. Just as if a user could see the admin calls, he would be in trouble for taking them.
  11. Sugar, do you have a spreadsheet on who ones what? Or staff, you wanna list what you bought for your CC?
  12. Computer Security and Database Administration: I have schools on the mind who are interesting in taking me as I'm apparently smart AF. Chemist: I sit around and watch science all day. Chemistry is so interesting that I'd much rather work in a field of "Hey, this shit lits on fire in water, yo" than any store in mind Therapist: I talk to a lot of people. I listen to problems.
  13. I see where you're coming from, but you understand where I'm coming from also, correct?
  14. Quality of Life Description: The non-lethal rifle has the issue of the CP can just shoot someone who is unknowing (Let's call him X) Let's take a break from the description and describe a situation. To mend this, have the rifle only affect wanted person(s) that should limit CP from just shooting. That or make it against the rules to just shoot randomly as CP How to reproduce: Be CP, use the Non-Lethal M4 on someone. Priority: Low
  15. Sugar, could you tell us what all is in the loot tables for the processor? I heard of the nerf and am now even more interested what is possible to plop out of it. If the upgraded processor that you're working on containes a modified table other than without the knives, I'm sure we'd love to see it. The nerf that removed Sniper A, Defabricators (?), and Skull smashers might of removed more than that from what I'm aware of, especially if they're going to be in the tier 2 processor, so I'm curious. While I'm here, how's the progress looking on it? Not to rush you, just wondering.
  16. Wood, people just like seeing words to show effort, I literally expanded my application by 17 sentences in one instance for one answer just because I was salty that someone said I needed more to it.
  17. This is a problem for staff, I get it, it's fun to do. Don't do it though as it can be abused. Exploit Description: Staff can materialize and color users. This can lead to horrid outcomes and abuse so I don't recommend using this, especially because I'm now putting this in the spotlight. How to reproduce: Be atleast moderator(haven't tested users or trials) and use either materializer or color tools on a player. Priority: (High, Medium, Low) HIGH AF
  18. If we could edit the list, it would be fine, but there's more than a couple that don't work. A majority of the mats that did work were nice and added flavor to shops.
  19. You shouldn't need to have 50 warns if you followed rules properly. Warnings also serve as a reminder that rules are still in play and you shouldn't be breaking every single rule over time nor repeating an offense. If you consistently have infractions you're not learning and you deserve the punishment. No way in heck have I ever seen a player get even two warning without either stopping their actions or they continue without regard. 50 is such a significant number that you almost have to TRY to get that far due to how many rules we don't have anymore.
  20. Certain weapons have shipments but don't work. "Minigun shipment of 2" Most reoccurring one
  21. (My post from lastnight) Just asking for the More Materials workshop addons. All bases on the server use the same material for everything and the more materials can lead to different base designs. I say this because I do have certain designs built around materials. This seems a bit barebones for a recommendation, but it's rather straightforward. Are people going to use the black on bases even with this? Maybe Are players going to use the addon? Definitely, through multiple ways as well. Does this bring about any issues? Not that I know of as of right now. Is there a specific addon I have in mind? Not in particular, but Mr. Vane or Dr. Spicket are the more used ones.
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