July 23rd Changelog
Added the ability to sit on the ground by normally trying to sit on something
Added "Add Party to Door" when using F2 menu with keys
Made it so doors now show who can potentially own the door
Made it so gangs can now have up to 13 characters in their name, up from 12
Made it so the Supplier can spawn gun shelves
Lowered double xp price from 4 mil -> 3 mil
Lowered kidnap cooldown from 3m -> 2m
Lowered kidnap cooldown for CC's from 5m -> 3m
Lowered speed knockout perk from 2m -> 1m
Increased suicide timer when being kidnapped by a CC. Previously 40 seconds, now 90 seconds
Fixed a spelling error in the Meth Addict text
Fixed an issue in the Prestige Shop if the playermodel does not have a head bone
Fixed an issue where certain Mafia demands broke the system