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More Craftables

Umbak Klak

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With the addition of Strange Gems and Rare Oak we can finally start to see some new, more expensive craftables added. Here's some ideas, feel free to leave yours below. These are just ideas so numbers are placeholders. If an item seems expensive that's because I like the idea of expensive craftables that can be lost in roleplay.


[align=center]Master Sword

Recipe: 75 Metal, 50 Wood[/align]


Printer Booster

Desc: Adds 200 XP to the Printer (Maybe doesn't work past level 10?)

Recipe: 5 Chem Barrels, 1 Electronic Component


Iron Pickaxe

Desc: Is 50% faster than a regular pickaxe (Increased Strange Gem rate?)

Recipe: 3 Strange Gems, 2 Rare Oak, 400 Metal Ore, 350 Wood


Iron Fireaxe

Desc: Is 50% faster than a regular axe (Increase Rare Oak rate? Can cut down doors like sledgehammer?)

Recipe: 2 Strange Gem, 3 Rare Oak, 350 Metal Ore, 400 Wood


Note on these two^: If advanced versions of tools aren't extremely expensive and able to be lost on death, it'll have a large impact on the economy. With them being faster, people can hear someone swinging it and attempt to mug them since they're rich enough to make them.


Shiny Fishing Rod

Desc: Catches fish faster than a regular Fishing Rod

Recipe: 1 Strange Gem, 1 Rare Oak, 150 Wood, 150 Metal


I have lots of ideas for fishing rods, if there's any interest in them I'll make a larger post explaining my ideas for recipes and benefits of new, craftable rods/baits.



And something stupid because why not:


Egg Radar

Desc: Makes a noise when the Egg is nearby (large radius, or its global) but everyone nearby can hear it, too. Is a held item that can be inventory'd (and lost)

Recipe: 10 Chem Barrels, 25 Metal, 20 Wood

edit: Piklas had the idea of making it cheap so its fair to new players who dont have an egg or rare materials, I think thats fair


I have plenty of other ideas, just thought I'd do something small for now. Feedback is appreciated, as well as your own ideas.

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I would like to see more rare craftables. It could help diversify the economy and let players have a new way to make money thats not AFKing in a base mindlessly restocking printers with failsafes/batteries. Need more stuff like that

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I am unsure if the superior versions of the farming tools are a good idea unless they are as expensive (or more) as you listed because it can be dangerous for the conomy. I like the idea for an egg radar tho since it takes away a bit of rng from getting an egg. Maybe make the egg radar kinda weak but cheap so anyone who is target farming eggs can do it without being at a disadvantage to rich people trying to get dragon eggs?

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I am unsure if the superior versions of the farming tools are a good idea unless they are as expensive (or more) as you listed because it can be dangerous for the conomy. I like the idea for an egg radar tho since it takes away a bit of rng from getting an egg. Maybe make the egg radar kinda weak but cheap so anyone who is target farming eggs can do it without being at a disadvantage to rich people trying to get dragon eggs?



good idea, idk how it could be made weak, maybe it only works in a large radius around the person using it


and yeah thats why I listed them as being so expensive, I had them even more originally but wasn't sure how people would feel about them being that expensive, I'll edit them to be higher


This, this I like a lot. But, craftable master sword? That means anyone fresh off the bus can get one, meaning the price of them will drop g r e a t l y.



They could certainly be more expensive to keep the price relatively the same (15k-20k?)


I would like to see more rare craftables. It could help diversify the economy and let players have a new way to make money thats not AFKing in a base mindlessly restocking printers with failsafes/batteries. Need more stuff like that



I wouldn't want there to be too many tools for mining/chopping, and I have plenty of ideas for expensive fishing rods.


Im pretty sure someone made a thread already about this idea I think it was sewer but a grinder where u could like grind up weapons and maybe u could get like Materials or XP idk but it's a cool idea. +1 for everything except craftable master swords.



That's not a bad idea, though it likely wouldn't work for CC items and only guns that you can sell

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